ORIOperational Readiness Inspection
ORIOffice of Research Integrity (HHS)
ORIOld Republic International Corporation (stock symbol)
ORIOrigin of Replication
ORIOficina de Relaciones Internacionales
ORIOriental Research Institute (India)
ORIOpen Source Research Institute
ORIor Immediate
ORIOperational Risk Index
ORIOregon Research Institute
ORIOrthopaedic Research Institute (Wichita, KS)
ORIOcean Research Institute
ORIOncology Research Institute (various locations)
ORIOriginating Agency Identifier (nine-digit code used by agencies on the law enforcement network)
ORIOrthorectified Radar Image
ORIOctane Requirement Increase
ORIOmnichannel Readiness Index
ORIOpen Rivers Initiative (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
ORIOnline Retrieval Interface
ORIOxford Research International
ORIOffice of Research and Inventions (US Navy)
ORIOfficial Records Index (Florida)
ORIOpen Ranks Inspection
ORIOrbital Replacement Instrument
ORIOpen on Rise of Inlet (pressure valve)
ORIOperator-Robot Interaction
ORIObesity Research Institute, LLC
ORIOutdoor Restrooms Incorporated (Missouri)
ORIOverhaul/Repair Instruction