HIPHome Information Pack (UK Homes Bill)
HIPHost Identity Protocol
HIPHealth Insurance Plan
HIPHealthy Indiana Plan
HIPHealth in Pregnancy (UK)
HIPHistory in Perspective (education)
HIPHealth Information Professional
HIPHot Isostatic Pressing
HIPHluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (South Africa)
HIPHome Improvement Program (various organizations)
HIPHispanics in Philanthropy (San Francisco, CA)
HIPHighly Integrated Photonics
HIPHelsinki Institute of Physics (Helsinki, FI)
HIPHealth Improvement Program (various organizations)
HIPHinge Inquirer Publications (Philippines)
HIPHost Based Intruder Prevention
HIPHssi Interface Processor
HIPHigh Performance
HIPHigh Intensity Pilates (exercise)
HIPHigh Intensity Proton
HIPHistorically Informed Performance (classical music)
HIPHome Inspection Program (various locations)
HIPHuman Information Processing
HIPHacking In Progress
HIPHospital Infections Program (US CDC)
HIPHuman Interactive Proof
HIPHarlem Irving Plaza
HIPHoover Institution Press
HIPHearing Impaired Person
HIPHarvard Institute of Proteomics
HIPHigh-Impedance Probe
HIPHistoric Inman Park (Atlanta, GA)
HIPHelp for Incontinent People (now NAFC: National Association For Continence)
HIPHiroshima International Plaza (Japan)
HIPHousing Initiatives Program (various organizations)
HIPHealth in Practice (various locations)
HIPHSSI Interface Processor (Cisco)
HIPHighway Improvement Program (various locations)
HIPHospital Indemnity Plan
HIPHost-Based Intrusion Prevention System
HIPHrvatski Istinski Preporod (Croatian True Revival Party)
HIPHardware Interface Program
HIPHigh Injection Pressure
HIPHowitzer Improvement Program
HIPHistory In your Pocket (US Mint children's coin collecting)
HIPHardware Instrumentation Package
HIPHost Interface Processor
HIPHome Inspector Pro (inspection software)
HIPHomes in Partnership, Inc.
HIPHoldeen India Program
HIPHome Investment Package (Anaheim, CA Public Utilities Department)
HIPHyperspectral Image Projector
HIPHip Inflatable Protection (bag)
HIPHazard Insurance Premium
HIPHealth Information Place
HIPHomeless Initiative Partnership (Florida)
HIPHighly Important Person
HIPHunger Intervention Program (Seattle, WA)
HIPHazard Identification Process
HIPHome Installation Professionals
HIPHormone and Information Processing (study)
HIPHuman Interface Parser
HIPHigher Intermediate Fare Check (airfare construction)
HIPHardware Interface Processor
HIPHRU Interface Processor
HIPHealthcare Incentive Plan