
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE



v take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom


1. I didn't kidnap I didn't kidnap her.


2. Only I would get kidnapped in the middle of a kidnapping.


3. I forced him to make it look like he kidnapped me, but the honest truth is that I kinda kidnapped him.

我*他把现场布置成他绑架我的假象 但说实话 其实是我绑架了他

4. It's, like, kidnapping adjacent, if you can even call it that, which you can't, by the way, because the kidnapped party ultimately agreed to the arrangement.

非要说的话 也就勉强跟绑架搭上边儿 但其实不能那么说 因为被绑架的一方最终和我们 达成了协议

5. What you are about to see is a kidnapping.


6. He kidnapped you once, and he could try to do it again.

他绑架了你一次 还可能有第二次

7. Kim, if you have him, that's kidnapping.

金 如果他在你手上 那就是绑架

8. When I was kidnapped, there was this bathroom.

我被绑架监禁的地方 有一间卫生间

9. She could be drugged or... or kidnapped.

她可能被下药了或者 或者被绑架了

10. You're about to kidnap your own son.

你如果这么做 就是对自己儿子的绑架
