
音标: 英 [k'lɪəkʌt] 美 [k'lɪrkʌt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


小葱拌豆腐, 一清二白;小葱拌豆腐, 一清二白


1. Because to me, this is not a clearcut case.

因为对我来说 这并不明确

2. And in my book, that is a clearcut case of selfdefense.

在我的字典里 这清清楚楚就是个正当防卫的案例

3. Look, we've all been here before in medicine where there is no clearcut answer.

我们在医学上都经历过 没有明确答案的情况

4. Come on, this is a clearcut "dot gov" situation.

拜托 这个网站肯定是.gov的后缀

5. We wanted a clearcut good and bad guy.


6. How about you give me a clearcut manner of death, and I will forgive you.

要不你给我一份明确的死亡证明 我就原谅你

7. One is to your northeast, the other to your southeast in a big, clearcut area.

一个在你们的东北方向 另一个在东南方向 在一块很大的采伐地上

8. You want to suggest to my father that he clearcut his land, be my guest.

如果你想建议我父亲 把他的土地砍干净 请自便

9. Clearcut right and wrong, black and white, no shades of gray.

分清对与错 黑与白 没有中间地带

10. It is a longer trip by a third, but we'd get the scenic safety of clearcut dingles and glens.

这样会多走三分之一的路 但是周围一览无余 比较安全
