
音标: 英 [ˈbeɪlfl] 美 [ˈbelfəl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 有害的, 恶意的

s. deadly or sinister
s. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments


1. He used to say his nature was baleful, but it wasn't.

他曾说他本性* 但并非如此

2. Don't balefully look at me. I'm really sorry.

别这么瞪着我 我真的很抱歉

3. That was found in a bale of marijuana that is tied to our victim.

被发现在一包绑在我们死者身上的 大麻之中

4. Anyhow, after he carried me into the barn, we did it on a bale of hay.

总之 他把我抱进马厩后 我们在干草堆上做了

5. I did these acts alone, spurred only by my baleful nature.

所有这些皆为我一人所为 一切皆因我的*本质而为

6. Ah, great, because someone is tracking this bale of pot.

太好了 因为有人 在追踪这些大麻

7. At medium revs, it sounds baleful, like a... lonely dog.

在转速区间中部 它听上去很* 感觉就像...一条孤独的狗

8. Well, a giant bale of pot flew right out.


9. you come to my spot, and then you can feel all the bales you want, carnal.

你就来我的地方 你可以慢慢感受那些货 哥们

10. I mean, maybe you're baling hay somewhere later, I don't know.

也许你之后要去捆草垛 谁知道呢
