
音标: 英 [kɪn] 美 [kɪn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 亲戚, 同族, 血缘关系, 家族
a. 有亲属关系的, 性质类似的, 同类的

n. a person having kinship with another or others
n. group of people related by blood or marriage


1. I have been tried. I've lost kin at the hand of kin.

我经受了考验 我的亲人痛失于亲人之手

2. He's not my kin but I am responsible for him.

虽然他不是我家人 但我一样要负责任

3. He had to betray and sacrifice his only kin.

他不得不背叛 牺牲 他唯一的亲人

4. he's the only kin we have left. I understand.

他是我们家唯一的亲人了 我明白

5. She's not kin to me and she will not inherit.

她不是我的骨肉 我不会让她继承

6. As a next of kin, you have that right.

作为近亲 你有这个权利

7. My kin? I don't know what you're talking about.

我亲属 我不知道你在说什么

8. I'll not have my kin die for nothing.


9. I would judge you to be kin or crazy.


10. Kentucky ain't been too kind to you and your kin.

