
音标: 英 [bɪ'hedɪŋ] 美 [bɪ'hedɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[法] 斩首

n execution by cutting off the victim's head
n killing by cutting off the head
v cut the head of


1. He's punishing them before he beheads them.


2. If this were the 18th century, I'd have you beheaded.

如果是在十八世纪 我就把你的头砍了

3. The one that loves a good beheading.


4. We're trying to get him deported, not beheaded.

我們是想讓他被驅逐 而不是被砍頭

5. Well, I only intended that she be ticked off, not beheaded.

我只想让她受受教训 没想害她被砍头

6. They've already beheaded one of his colleagues.


7. If you hurt me, my father will have you beheaded.

你要是敢伤害我 父亲会砍了你的头

8. The same apartment that he was beheaded in hours later.

而几小时后就在那间公寓里 他就被人砍头

9. He was beheaded at the tower, where you sleep tonight.

他是在塔樓被砍頭的 就是你今晚睡覺的地方

10. So that's why you went crazy and beheaded that alpaca.

所以你才发了疯 砍了那只羊驼的头
