
音标: 英 ['sæbəθ] 美 [ˈsæbəθ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 安息日

n. a day of rest and worship: Sunday for most Christians; Saturday for the Jews and a few Christians; Friday for Muslims


1. I danced with my top off in a witches sabbath show, and I was so alone.

我在女巫安息日聚会上*上衣跳舞 我非常孤独

2. Esty took nothing because it was the sabbath and the eruv was broken.

艾丝蒂什么都没带是因为 那天是安息日 而且开戒线破了

3. To tell your truth, you violated the sabbath, you disrespected your elders and betters.

告诉你吧 你扰乱了安息日集会 又对长辈无礼

4. It burns like the sabbath candles, for an hourish, and then you always leave again for the big city.

着起来倒是干柴烈火 不过只持续一个小时 你就又回到大城市去了

5. He always used to pull the old "can't work on the sabbath" card whenever we had to bury a body.

每次我们一起埋尸体 他总是用老套的 "不能在安息日工作"搪塞我
