
音标: 英 ['sæŋktɪfaɪd] 美 ['sæŋktəˌfaɪd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 神圣化的, 认可的, 批准的

v render holy by means of religious rites
v make pure or free from sin or guilt
s made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use


1. I've been waiting for this, you sanctified bitch.

我一直在等這一刻 你個圣潔婊

2. For you to truly be his, we need to sanctify your bond.

为了让你真正属于他 我们需要让你们的结合神圣化

3. These bones have been blessed and sanctified by the church.


4. And I have worked all night, to sanctify that gift.

而我努力了一整夜 來收獲這份大禮

5. She was sanctified by the ritual sacrament, submerged in the spirit.

她因为仪式 与圣灵结为一体

6. Therefore, it sanctified the use of the pen at the outset of Islam.

因此 笔的使用在伊斯兰教开端就被神圣化了

7. Then hurled himself into the machine, sanctifying his dark wishes in his own blood.

然后他跳进了这座机器 用自己的鲜血为诅咒献祭

8. I have this lovely tin box and it's filled with sanctified grave dirt.

我有个可爱的锡盒 里面装满了神圣的坟土

9. Father, we ask you to send your blessings on this water and sanctify it for our use this day.

圣父啊 请你赐福这圣水 以供吾等今日使用

10. Hannah does not need to be sanctified by a bunch of holier‐than‐thou child molesters.

汉娜不需要接受 那些道貌岸然的恋童*的洗礼
