组词“the cards/odds are stacked in favour of sb/sth”的意思

词组 the cards/odds are stacked in favour of sb/sth
释义 the cards/odds are stacked in ˈfavour of sb/sth (BrE) (NAmE the cards/odds are stacked in ˈfavor of sb/sth) it is likely that sb/sth will succeed because the conditions are good or because sb/sth has an advantage 情况对…有利;…处于有利境地The odds are heavily stacked in favour of Manchester United, who are having a very successful season and who will be playing in front of the home crowd.曼彻斯特联队处于有利境地,该队这一赛季一直表现优秀,而且又是在主场踢球。

