
词组 shot
释义 shot BrE /ʃɒt/
NAmE /ʃɑːt/
be (all) ˈshot (to ˈpieces) (informal) be destroyed or in very bad condition 被击成碎片;被彻底损坏;报废All my dreams were shot to pieces when I heard the news.
This engine’s totally shot. I’ll have to get a new one.
be/get ˈshot of sb/sth (BrE, informal) get rid of sb/sth that you do not want/like or which has given you trouble 除掉;摆脱;处理It’s time we got shot of this car — it’s falling apart.
have/take a ˈshot (at sth/at doing sth) ( give sth a ˈshot) (informal) try to do sth 试图,设法(做某事)We all had a shot at solving the riddle.
I don’t know if I’ll be any good at editing the newsletter, but I’ll give it a shot.
(do sth) like a ˈshot (informal) (do sth) immediately or quickly, without hesitating 飞快地,立刻,毫不犹豫地(做某事)I’d be off like a shot if he offered me a job abroad.
If she wanted him, he’d go back to her like a shot.
(fire) a (warning) shot across sb’s ˈbowsdo sth to warn an enemy, a competitor, etc. that you will take further action against them if necessary (发出)警告The President’s speech on Friday was a shot across the bows of the banks. If they don’t change their policies, he will change the law.
ORIGIN This expression refers to encounters between ships of hostile nations. One ship might fire a shot at another, not in order to hit it, but to warn it to move. 这个表达法原指敌对国船只在海上相遇时,一方可能向另一方鸣炮,不是为了击中目标,而是警告其离开。
a shot in the ˈarm (informal) a thing or an action that gives sb/sth new energy, help or encouragement or provides a quick solution to a problem 强心剂;刺激(物);鼓舞的力量The discovery of gas reserves was a much-needed shot in the arm for the economy.
ORIGIN This phrase refers to an injection of a drug. 这个短语原指注射药剂。
shot through with sthcontaining a lot of a particular colour, quality or feature 富有(某种色彩、品质或特征)的He spoke in a voice shot through with emotion.
give it your best ˈshottry as hard as you can to do or achieve sth 尽力而为;竭尽全力I probably won’t win the game, but I’ll give it my best shot.我很可能赢不了这场比赛,但我会竭尽全力的。a big ˈname/ˈnoisea ˈbig shot (informal) an important person 要人‘What does Ian’s dad do?’ ‘Oh, he’s a big shot in the City.’“伊恩的父亲是干什么的?”“噢,他可是伦敦商业区的大人物。” OPP small fry a shot/stab in the ˈdarka guess; sth you do without knowing what the result will be 瞎猜;盲动;盲干The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark.他得出的数字实际上只是瞎猜的。a ˈlong shot (informal) an attempt or a guess which you do not expect to be successful but which is worth trying 成功机会不大的尝试;把握不大的猜测Try ringing him at home. It’s a long shot, I know, but he might just be there.试试给他家打电话。我知道也许没用,但是也可能他就在家中。‘Are you going to apply for the manager’s job?’ ‘I don’t know. It’s a bit of a long shot, isn’t it?’“你打算应聘经理的职位吗?”“我不知道。成功的希望不大,不是吗?” ORIGIN A long shot is a shot fired from a long distance and so unlikely to hit its target. * long shot 指远距离射出的子弹,因而击中目标的可能性不大。not by a ˈlong chalk (BrE) ( not by a ˈlong shot NAmE , BrE) (informal) not nearly; not at all 差得远;绝不;一点也不‘Do you think she’s ready to take this exam?’ ‘No, not by a long chalk.’“你认为她准备好参加这次考试了吗?”“差得远呢。”This election isn’t over yet, not by a long shot.这次选举仍未结束,事实上,还差得远呢。a ˌparting ˈshot ( a ˌParthian ˈshot) a remark or action, often an unkind one, that somebody makes just as they are leaving 临别时不友好的话(或行为)As Jim walked out of the door, his parting shot was, ‘I never want to see any of you again.’吉姆走出门时甩下一句狠话:“我再也不想看到你们任何一个人。” ORIGIN Parthia was a kingdom in ancient times. The Parthians used to fire arrows at the enemy as they were retreating from battle. 帕提亚为一古王国。帕提亚人在撤出战斗时总是向敌人射箭。

