
词组 matter
释义 matter /ˈmætə(r)/ SEE ALL
as a matter of ˈcourseas a regular habit, or as a normal way of behaving 当作常规;作为理所当然的事;必然Before making any important decision, I discuss it with my wife as a matter of course.
As a matter of course, you should go to the dentist at least once a year.
as a matter of ˈfact (spoken) used when you are telling sb sth interesting, new or important 事实上;其实;说真的I’m going home early today. As a matter of fact, it’s my birthday.
I don’t agree, as a matter of fact.
(do sth) as a matter of ˈform(do sth) because it is polite, or because it is the usual way of doing sth (做某事)为表示礼貌;例行公事We knew everyone agreed, but we had a vote as a matter of form.
I need your signature, just as a matter of form.
be another/a different ˈmatterbe very different 是另外一回事;另当别论I know which area they live in, but whether I can find their house is a different matter altogether.
be the ˈmatter (with sb/sth)be the reason for unhappiness, pain, problems, etc. 是不愉快(或痛苦、问题等)的原因What’s the matter, Gail? You look ill.
John’s been very quiet recently. I wonder if there’s anything the matter with him.
Don’t worry, there’s nothing the matter.
There’s something the matter with this radio. It’s stopped working.
be (all) a matter of sth/doing sthdepend on sth/doing sth 关键在于…;是…的问题Success in business is all a matter of experience.
Doing anything well is a matter of practice.
be a matter of oˈpinionbe sth which people disagree about 看法因人而异;见仁见智‘She’s a great singer.’ ‘That’s a matter of opinion’ (= I do not agree).
the ˈfact/ˈtruth of the matterused when you want to show you are being honest, or when you are telling sb sth unusual or surprising (表示所言为真,或讲述不同寻常或令人惊奇之事)事实真相I didn’t take anything, and that’s the truth of the matter.
The fact of the matter is that they only got married so she could stay in the country.
for ˈthat matter (spoken) used to say that the second thing mentioned is just as important or true as the first thing 关于这件事,就此而论,在这方面(表示补充部分同样重要或真实)Don’t shout at your mother like that — or at anyone else, for that matter.
She thought that TV — and staying indoors, for that matter — was bad for children.
a matter of ˈdays, ˈmiles, ˈpounds, etc.a particular number of days, miles, etc., especially when this number is small 只有几天(或几英里、几镑等)Don’t worry, it’ll only be a matter of hours before he gets back.
It will only cost us a matter of a few pounds.
Travelling by boat could take us a matter of weeks.
no matter who, what, where, when, etc.used to say that sth is always true, whatever the situation is, or that sb should certainly do sth 无论谁(或什么、哪里、何时等);不管…Don’t open the door, no matter who comes.
No matter what he says, don’t trust him.
I’ll find her, no matter where she’s hiding.
ˈgrey matter (informal) intelligence or mental powers 头脑;智力Mark hasn’t got much grey matter, but he tries hard.马克不是很聪明,但是很用功。the ˈheart of the matterthe most central and important part of a situation, problem, etc. 问题(或事情)的实质;核心And now we come to the heart of the matter. Who is going to pay for all this?现在我们说到实质问题,所有这些费用由谁来支付?no laughing ˈmattersomething which is too serious to joke about 绝不是开玩笑的事;严肃的事Trying to find a place to live at the moment is no laughing matter.要马上找个地方住可不是闹着玩儿的事。ˌmind over ˈmatterthe influence of the mind on the body; the power to change things by thinking 精神胜过物质;思想改变事物的能力‘How does he manage to work when he’s so ill?’ ‘Mind over matter.’“为什么他病得那么厉害仍能坚持工作?”“他靠的是精神力量。”it’s only, just, etc. a matter/a question of ˈtime (before…)used to say that a thing will definitely happen in the future, although it may not happen immediately 只不过是时间问题;迟早;早晚的事Don’t worry, you’ll get a job if you keep looking. It’s just a matter of time.别担心,只要继续找下去,你会找到工作的,这只是时间问题。It’s only a question of time before the fighting spreads to the city.战火迟早会蔓延到这座城市。

