
单词 不法行为
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPOIL〕Outbreaks of fighting and lawlessness marred the New Year celebrations. 斗殴和一些不法行为的发生破坏了新年的节庆气氛。朗文写作活用〔accusation〕The police are investigating serious accusations of wrongdoing.警方正在对不法行为的严重指控进行调查。韦氏高阶〔ample〕The police found ample evidence of wrongdoing.警方找到了不法行为的大量证据。韦氏高阶〔black market〕A place where these illegal operations are carried on.黑市:这种不法行为实施的场所美国传统〔dishonesty〕A dishonest act or statement.不法行为,欺骗:不正直的行为或状态美国传统〔disorderly conduct〕An offense involving disturbance of the public peace and decency.妨害治安行为:涉及到扰乱公共治安和礼仪的不法行为美国传统〔in flagrante delicto〕Flagrante delicto.罪大恶极的不法行为美国传统〔lawlessness〕The government recognised there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour.政府承认市区存在问题,但决不可拿这些作为不法行为的借口。柯林斯高阶〔lawless〕The government recognized there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour.政府承认市区存在问题, 但绝不能以此作为不法行为的借口。外研社新世纪〔misdeed〕She threatened to expose to the public the misdeeds he had committed.她威胁要向公众揭发他的不法行为韦氏高阶〔outlawry〕Defiance of the law.不法行为:无视法律美国传统〔watchdog〕One who serves as a guardian or protector against waste, loss, or illegal practices.监察者:防止浪费、丢失或不法行为的监察或防护者美国传统〔wrongdoing〕The corporation's wrongdoings must be exposed.这家公司的不法行为必须被曝光。韦氏高阶〔wrong〕There are various kinds of civil wrongs, or torts.存在各种各样的民事不法行为或侵权行为。牛津搭配He wants to force lawyers who find corporate wrongdoing to breach (= break) the attorney-client privilege (= the right of a lawyer to say nothing about matters affecting their client).他想迫使发现公司有不法行为的律师违反律师与当事人之间的保密特权。牛津商务I never thought she would descend to illegal behaviour.我从未想到她会堕落到做出不法行为的程度。剑桥国际The investigation found no evidence of wrongdoing.调查发现没有不法行为的证据。牛津商务The law firm is being sued for malpractice by the hotel group.律师事务所因不法行为而被酒店集团起诉。牛津商务The managing director has been accused of wrongdoing.这位总经理已被指控有不法行为剑桥国际They have started an investigation into alleged police wrongdoing.他们已经就所谓的警方不法行为开始了一场调查。剑桥国际

