
单词 上海滩
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOME/SEVERAL〕Several of the islands have beautiful beaches. 有几个岛上海滩很美。朗文写作活用〔broadside〕I brought the boat in broadside to the beach.我把船侧着拉上海滩朗文当代〔impel〕They impelled the little craft through the waves to the beach.他们顶着海浪把小船推上海滩英汉大词典〔lay〕Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand.成千上万只海龟爬上海滩在沙子里产卵。剑桥高阶〔roll in〕High waves rolled in on the beach.波涛滚滚涌上海滩21世纪英汉〔roll〕The wind rolled the waves high on the beach.风刮得浪涛高高翻滚着涌上海滩英汉大词典〔roll〕We watched the waves rolling onto the beach.我们看着波浪涌上海滩朗文当代〔throw〕The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach.大海把各种残骸碎片都冲上海滩牛津高阶〔tide〕The sea tided the debris ashore.潮水将碎片冲上海滩21世纪英汉〔tide〕The sea tided the debris ashore.潮水将碎片冲上海滩英汉大词典〔wash〕A large piece of driftwood washed onto the beach.一大块浮木被冲上海滩英汉大词典Marines were the first to land on the beach.海军陆战队队员首批登上海滩剑桥国际

