
单词 忧愁
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRUNK〕You can't just sit around day after day drowning your sorrows in whiskey. 你可不能日复一日地坐着靠威士忌来消除忧愁朗文写作活用〔age〕Worry ages a man.忧愁催人老。英汉大词典〔banish〕Banish gloom from your thoughts.你要驱除心中的忧愁21世纪英汉〔black bile〕One of the four humors of medieval physiology, supposed to cause melancholy.黑胆汁:中世纪生理学的四种体液之一,被认为能引起忧愁美国传统〔comfort〕To ease physically; relieve.放松:身体轻松;解除(忧愁美国传统〔conjure away〕Nothing could conjure away his melancholy.什么也驱散不了他的忧愁21世纪英汉〔depression〕The condition of feeling sad or despondent.忧愁,沮丧:感到伤心,失望的样子美国传统〔drown〕Depressed, Peter tried to drown himself.彼得忧愁抑郁,想投河自尽。朗文当代〔fabric〕Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives.苦恼忧愁原是人们日常生活的一部分。剑桥高阶〔free〕She freed herself of worry.她摆脱忧愁英汉大词典〔frown〕She wore a worried frown.她忧愁地皱着眉头。牛津搭配〔furrow〕Her face was furrowed with worry.由于忧愁,她的脸上出现了皱纹。英汉大词典〔ghost〕The ghost of a smile flitted across her sad features.她忧愁的面容上掠过隐隐的一丝微笑。朗文当代〔hangdog〕He came home with a hangdog expression/look on his face.他面带忧愁地回到家。韦氏高阶〔heartbreaking〕Causing overwhelming grief or distress.令人心碎的:导致极度悲伤或忧愁美国传统〔pensively〕She stared pensively out the window.她忧愁地凝视着窗外。韦氏高阶〔pour〕She poured out her worries to the doctor.她向医生倾吐出自己的忧愁21世纪英汉〔remedy〕Travel is the sure remedy for grief.旅行是排遣忧愁的万无一失的办法。英汉大词典〔seamed〕His brown face was seamed with sorrow [old age].他那褐色的脸因忧愁[年老]而满是皱纹。文馨英汉〔share〕She shared in my sorrows as well as in my joys.她分享我的快乐,也分担我的忧愁文馨英汉〔sooth〕In sooth, I know not why I am so sad.说真的,我不知道自己为什么这样忧愁英汉大词典〔triste〕Sad; wistful.悲伤的,忧愁的,沉闷的美国传统〔worried〕She had a worried look on her face.她当时一脸忧愁韦氏高阶〔yearn〕To have a strong, often melancholy desire.渴望:怀有强烈、经常是忧愁的愿望美国传统He tried to banish gloom from his thought. 他试图驱除心中的忧愁译典通He was weighed down with grief. 他因忧愁而颓丧。译典通Her worry showed in her eyes. 她的眼神显露忧愁译典通She had a haunted look, as if she were constantly anxious or afraid. 她显得忧愁不堪,仿佛一直在担心害怕似的。译典通

