
单词 开了门
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕He glanced around, satisfied that nobody was taking any notice of his suspicious behaviour, then opened the door. 他往四周看看,知道没有人在注意他那可疑举止,便开了门朗文写作活用〔FULL〕They opened the doors and the hall quickly filled. 他们开了门,大厅内很快就人满了。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕A tiny old lady answered the door. 一位个子非常矮小的老太太开了门朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕I rang the bell, and a neatly dressed maid answered the door. 我按了门铃,一个衣着整洁的女仆来开了门朗文写作活用〔TURN〕Tim turned the handle slowly and pushed open the door. 蒂姆慢慢地转动把手,然后推开了门朗文写作活用〔answer〕A middle-aged woman answered the door.一个中年妇女应声开了门柯林斯高阶〔batter〕The fireman finally battered the door down.消防队员最后砸开了门21世纪英汉〔blow〕Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out.有人打开了门,蜡烛就被吹灭了。牛津高阶〔born〕With a strength born of desperation, he forced open the door.绝望带来的力量使他强行打开了门麦克米伦高阶〔bow〕The usher opened the door with a bow.迎宾员躬身打开了门外研社新世纪〔brute〕They used brute force to open the door.他们用蛮力打开了门韦氏高阶〔buzzer〕I pressed the buzzer and after a while someone came to the door.我按了蜂鸣器,一会儿就有人来开了门剑桥高阶〔flick〕He flicked a light-switch on the wall beside the door.他啪的一声打开了门边墙上的电灯开关。外研社新世纪〔flick〕He flicked a light-switch on the wall beside the door.他啪的一声打开了门边墙上的电灯开关。柯林斯高阶〔flourish〕He opened the door for her with a flourish.他做了一个夸张动作为她开了门牛津高阶〔flourish〕She opened the door with a flourish.她动作麻利地打开了门韦氏高阶〔furtive〕She opened the door and looked furtively down the hall.她开了门,鬼头鬼脑地朝门厅里张望。朗文当代〔greet〕Bill opened the door to Harold and greeted him with cries of welcome.比尔给哈罗德开了门,欢呼着迎接他。朗文当代〔hammering〕We had to hammer and shout before they would open up.我们不停地拍门、叫喊,他们才开了门柯林斯高阶〔handle〕She turned the handle and opened the door.她转动把手,打开了门牛津高阶〔help〕With the help of a screwdriver, he managed to open the door.他借助螺丝刀打开了门外研社新世纪〔hesitantly〕Hesitantly, she pushed open the door.她犹豫不决地推开了门外研社新世纪〔jerk〕He jerked the door open.他猛然推开了门牛津搭配〔key〕She turned the key and opened the door.她转动钥匙,打开了门韦氏高阶〔kick〕He kicked the door open.他踢开了门外研社新世纪〔kick〕Southgate kicked the door open.索思盖特踢开了门麦克米伦高阶〔lady〕A little old lady opened the door.一位矮小的老太太开了门牛津搭配〔latch〕Given lifted the latch and opened the gate.吉文拉起门闩开了门朗文当代〔latch〕He lifted the latch and opened the door.他拉起门闩开了门牛津高阶〔lever〕She levered open the door with a crowbar.她用一根撬棍撬开了门外研社新世纪〔lever〕They managed to lever the door open.他们设法撬开了门牛津高阶〔lip〕Matt opened the door with a smile on his lips .马特开了门,嘴角挂着微笑。朗文当代〔lo and behold〕We opened the door, and lo and behold, the delivery man had arrived.我们开了门,天哪,送货员已经到了。韦氏高阶〔lock〕He turned the lock and pushed the door open.他转动门锁,推开了门牛津搭配〔look〕He opened the door with a scornful look on his face.他面带轻蔑地开了门牛津搭配〔name〕A man named Dennis answered the door.一个名叫丹尼斯的男子来开了门剑桥高阶〔nose〕The dog nosed the door open.狗用鼻子顶开了门韦氏高阶〔obligingly〕He strode towards the door. Benedict obligingly held it open.他大步走向门口。本尼迪克特主动上前帮他开了门外研社新世纪〔open〕She opened the door with her key.她用钥匙开了门外研社新世纪〔pause〕Without pausing to knock, she opened the door.她没有停下来敲门就打开了门牛津搭配〔porter〕The porter opened the door for me and then called a taxi.门厅服务员为我开了门,并帮我叫了一辆出租车。剑桥高阶〔powerful〕He forced the door open with a powerful kick.他使劲一脚踹开了门外研社新世纪〔pull〕He pulled the door open.他拉开了门剑桥高阶〔push〕I pushed open the door with my foot.我用脚踹开了门麦克米伦高阶〔push〕I pushed the door open.我推开了门牛津高阶〔quake〕Quaking with fear, Polly slowly opened the door.波利吓得直发抖,慢慢地打开了门牛津高阶〔ram〕They used a ram to break down the door.他们用攻城槌撞开了门剑桥高阶〔roller〕She answered the door with her rollers in.她开了门,头上还戴着发卷。剑桥高阶〔run〕I ran to the door and opened it.我跑到门前,打开了门麦克米伦高阶〔shoulder〕He shouldered past Harlech and opened the door.他从哈莱克身边挤过去,打开了门柯林斯高阶〔slide〕She slid the door open.她滑开了门柯林斯高阶〔sound〕He opened the door without a sound.他毫无声息地开了门英汉大词典〔straight〕He opened the door and walked straight in.他开了门,径直往里走。英汉大词典〔strength〕He got the door open with brute strength.他用蛮力打开了门牛津搭配〔sure〕To make doubly sure they would not be disturbed she turned the key in the lock.为加倍确保他们不受干扰,她用钥匙开了门牛津搭配〔trepidation〕With some trepidation , I opened the door.我有些惴惴不安地打开了门朗文当代〔tug〕He tugged the door open.他用力拉开了门牛津高阶〔turn〕He turned the key and opened the door.他转动钥匙打开了门韦氏高阶〔turn〕She turned the doorknob and quietly opened the door.她转动门把手,悄悄地开了门剑桥高阶〔twist〕She twisted the handle and opened the door.她转动门把手, 打开了门外研社新世纪〔twist〕She twisted the handle and opened the door… 她转动门把手打开了门柯林斯高阶〔unfasten〕He unfastened the latch on the gate.他拉开了门闩。外研社新世纪〔unfasten〕Reaching down, he unfastened the latch on the gate.他伸手打开了门闩。柯林斯高阶〔violence〕He flung open the door with unnecessary violence.他猛力推开了门, 其实根本没必要使那么大劲儿。外研社新世纪〔while〕Someone opened the door while he was making his speech.他正在做演讲的时候, 有人打开了门外研社新世纪〔with〕She opened the door with her key.她用钥匙开了门韦氏高阶〔wrench〕I wrenched the door open.我一把拉开了门外研社新世纪A maid in a white apron opened the door. 一个身著白围裙的女佣开了门译典通An elderly gentleman with finely chiselled (=clear and sharp) features opened the door.一个脸部轮廓清晰的老年绅士开了门剑桥国际He answered the door half naked! 他半裸着开了门!剑桥国际He fumbled the door open. 他笨手笨脚地打开了门译典通He opened the door in response to a knock. 他应敲门声而开了门译典通He opened the door with a duplicate key. 他用一把复制的钥匙打开了门译典通She answered the door in her dressing gown and rollers.她穿着晨衣,戴着发卷开了门剑桥国际She turned the door knob and opened the door quietly.她拧动门把手, 悄悄地打开了门剑桥国际She unlocked the door and turned the handle to open it. 她打开门锁,转动把手开了门译典通The hotel porter opened the door for me and then called a taxi for me.旅馆门厅服务员为我开了门,并为我叫了一辆出租车。剑桥国际They used a ram (also battering ram) to break down the door.他们用夯锤撞开了门剑桥国际

