
单词 引进
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOWN〕The team has been slipping down the league table and really needs some new players if it is to improve. 该队在联赛榜上已经落后了,如果要提高排名,实在需要引进一些新球员。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕We have streamlined the whole business by introducing a new computer system. 我们引进了一个新的计算机系统,从而提高了整个公司的效率。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Virtual Listening Systems have introduced one of the year's most unusual and clever new products. 虚拟听力系统引进了一款今年最不同凡响的、最巧妙的新产品。朗文写作活用〔Mulligan〕American jazz saxophonist and arranger known for his improvisational style and for introducing a jazz quartet without a piano as a standard group arrangement.杰瑞·穆利根:美国爵士乐萨克斯管演奏家与策划者,因其即兴的风格和引进不带钢琴作为一标准合奏安排的爵士乐四重奏而著名美国传统〔TRY〕We had a go at trying to coax the cat indoors using scraps of food. 我们试了试用一点食物把猫引进屋内。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕I'm not sure that bringing in computers has made our job easier. It's a moot point. 我不能确定引进电脑是否使我们的工作更加便利。这个问题尚有争议。朗文写作活用〔USE〕New techniques for recycling plastics are being introduced. 正在引进回收塑料的新技术。朗文写作活用〔blind alley〕False information has led the police up a series of blind alleys.假情报把警察引进了一个个死胡同。朗文当代〔blindly〕It would be a mistake to import experience blindly from other countries.盲目引进别国经验将是错误的。外研社新世纪〔blood〕The England selectors must start introducing fresh blood.英格兰队的选拔委员们必须开始引进新生力量了。外研社新世纪〔blood〕There's been a major reshuffle of the cabinet to bring in new blood.内阁进行了一次大重组以引进新生力量。外研社新世纪〔bound〕There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.引进新系统后一定会发生变化。牛津高阶〔bring〕An independent investigator will be brought in to look at the allegations.将引进一个独立调查人来调查这些指控。麦克米伦高阶〔bring〕The change of management is an opportunity to bring in new talent.管理层的变化是一个引进新人才的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔bring〕To introduce into discussion; mention.把…引进讨论;提到美国传统〔certain〕There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.新系统引进后肯定会有变化。牛津高阶〔complexion〕The influx of foreign players has changed the whole complexion of British football.外籍球员的引进改变了英国足球的整个面貌。麦克米伦高阶〔diversifiability〕The university diversified the educational program by introducing new subjects.该大学引进新学科使教育计划多样化。21世纪英汉〔domesticate〕To introduce and accustom (an animal or a plant) into another region; naturalize.引进:把植物或动物引进一个地区并使之适应;自然化美国传统〔exotica〕Not so long ago, imported television programmes, like foreign fruit, were exciting exotica in Britain.不久之前, 引进的电视节目还像进口水果一样, 是令英国人激动的新鲜事物。外研社新世纪〔firm〕She reintroduced the knee-length, now a firm favourite.她重新引进了这款齐膝服装, 现在成了人们的最爱。外研社新世纪〔foam〕I let the water run into it and we watched as it foamed and bubbled.我把水引进去,然后我们看着它起沫、冒泡。柯林斯高阶〔genetic engineering〕Genetic engineers have introduced a new disease-resistant soybean.遗传工程学家引进了一种新的抗病大豆。韦氏高阶〔import〕British programme-makers are again importing styles from the United States.英国节目制作人又在引进美国的风格。麦克米伦高阶〔import〕Jazz is an American modification of musical conventions imported from Europe.爵士乐是一种从欧洲引进在美国进行了改造的音乐形式。剑桥高阶〔import〕The country is importing a broad range of skilled personnel.这个国家正在引进各行各业的技术人员。英汉大词典〔improvement〕The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great improvement.我们 1980 年引进的系统有了很大改进。柯林斯高阶〔improvement〕The system we introduced last year has been a great improvement.我们去年引进的系统是极大的改进。外研社新世纪〔induct〕She was inducted into the ways of the legal profession.她被引进法律这一行美国传统〔inflow〕The government wanted an inflow of foreign investment.政府希望引进外资。剑桥高阶〔initiate〕He initiated her into the study of other cultures.他把她引进了研究其他文化的大门。外研社新世纪〔interest〕New work practices were introduced in the interests of efficiency.为了提高效率引进了新的工作方法。牛津搭配〔interpolate〕He interpolated a very critical comment in/into the discussion.他把具有尖锐批评性的评论引进了这场讨论。韦氏高阶〔introduce〕Be careful what other fish you introduce into the aquarium.小心你引进水族馆的其他鱼类。麦克米伦高阶〔introduce〕They have been slow to introduce changes in procedure.他们在引进程序变革方面一直进展缓慢。韦氏高阶〔introduce〕Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island.自从引进山羊之后,这个岛上的植被模式改变了。牛津高阶〔introduction〕More liberal policies have facilitated the introduction of new technologies.更加宽松的政策促进了新技术的引进牛津搭配〔introduction〕The plant is a recent introduction from Asia.这种植物是新近从亚洲引进的。韦氏高阶〔introduction〕There are two among their recent introductions that have greatly impressed me.在他们最近引进的东西里面有两样给我留下了非常深刻的印象。外研社新世纪〔introduction〕There are two among their recent introductions that have greatly impressed me.在他们最近引进的东西里面有两样给我留下了非常深刻的印象。柯林斯高阶〔intromission〕The act or process of intromitting; introduction or admission.进入:进入的动作或过程;引进或接受美国传统〔intromit〕To cause or permit to enter; introduce or admit.让…进入:使或允许进入;引进或接受美国传统〔lead〕He kindly led me in [out, back].他亲切地把我引进里面[到外面、回原位]。文馨英汉〔momentum〕The company has had a successful year and hopes to maintain its momentum by introducing new products.这家公司今年业绩很好,希望通过引进新产品保持这一势头。韦氏高阶〔naturalization〕A couple of pandas have naturalized in America.美国已成功引进饲养了一对中国的大熊猫。21世纪英汉〔naturalization〕This is the stud naturalized from Britain.这是从不列颠引进的种马。21世纪英汉〔new blood〕There should be major changes in the government to bring in new blood.政府机构应该进行重大改革,引进新生力量。柯林斯高阶〔new/fresh blood〕The company has brought in some new blood in an effort to revive its fortunes.为了重铸辉煌,公司引进了一些新人。剑桥高阶〔nod〕The chairperson nodded us into the room.那位主席点头示意将我们引进屋子美国传统〔parachute payments〕Parachute payments were introduced to help relegated clubs absorb the huge losses in revenue that accompany dropping out of the Premier League. 引进降级付费的原因是为了帮助那些因为降级而在财政收入上遭到巨大损失的俱乐部。剑桥高阶〔plant〕To introduce (an animal) into an area.引进动物:将(动物)引入一个地区美国传统〔point of sale〕Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency.引进销售点电子系统提高了效率。柯林斯高阶〔presentation〕A formal introduction.正式的介绍,引进美国传统〔progress〕Fluky weather conditions will set back the progress of a newly introduced strain of wheat.变化多端的天气情况会有碍新引进品种小麦的生长。英汉大词典〔quality〕He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities.他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。柯林斯高阶〔recruit〕It's difficult to attract recruits when working conditions are so poor.工作条件如此恶劣,引进新人极为困难。牛津搭配〔reimport〕To bring back into a country (goods made from its exported raw materials).再进口:把(由它出口的原材料制成的产品)再引进一个国家美国传统〔rejuvenate〕He has decided to rejuvenate the team by bringing in a lot of new, young players.他决定大批引进年轻的新队员,使球队恢复活力。剑桥高阶〔shake sth up〕Several new players have been brought in to shake up the team.引进了几位新队员以重组队伍。剑桥高阶〔show〕She showed them into the sitting room.她把他们引进起居室。英汉大词典〔sign〕The team needs to sign several replacement players.该球队需要签约引进几位替补球员。麦克米伦高阶〔strengthen〕The new manager has strengthened the side by bringing in several younger players.新经理通过引进几名年轻队员加强了队伍的实力。牛津高阶〔system〕They are introducing a very sophisticated system for delivering information.他们在引进一套非常尖端的信息传输系统。麦克米伦高阶〔transplant〕Japanese production methods have been transplanted into some British factories.日本的生产方法已被引进到一些英国的工厂。牛津高阶〔trial〕The system was introduced on a trial basis for one month.这个制度已引进试行一个月。牛津高阶〔unfit〕They introduced styles of education which unfitted people for a constructive role in society.他们引进了使人不能在社会上发挥创造作用的教育模式。英汉大词典〔upset the apple cart〕Let's not upset the apple cart by introducing new rules.我们不要引进新规则扰乱局面。韦氏高阶〔well〕Used to introduce a remark, resume a narrative, or fill a pause during conversation.喔,噢,唔,这个:用来引进一句话,继续讲述或填补对话间的间歇美国传统〔word〕When a new fruit is first imported, its name is usually also imported as a loan word.引进一种新水果时,它的名字通常也会作为外来词同时引进牛津搭配〔work〕To insert or introduce into.插进或引进美国传统Any introduction of a new product into the marketplace has to be carefully planned.向市场引进任何新产品都需要仔细计划。剑桥国际Company profits have doubled since the introduction of new technology.自从引进了新的技术,公司的利润翻一番。剑桥国际Delays in introducing their new product line have bogged the company down.没有及时引进新的生产线已使公司的发展停滞不前。剑桥国际From the time she was introduced to the drug ring her fate was sealed.从她被引进吸毒圈时起已经注定了她的命运。剑桥国际He has decided to rejuvenate the team by bringing in a lot of new, young players.他决定引进许多年轻的新运动员来更新这个队。剑桥国际He has experience in bringing high-tech equipment from concept to market.他有将高技术设备从构思到引进市场的经验。牛津商务He introduced better methods of management in this company. 他为本公司引进了更好的管理方法。译典通He shepherded the old people towards the dining room.他把老人们引进餐厅。剑桥国际His secretary ushered me into his office. 他的秘书把我引进他的办公室。译典通Many scholars were annoyed by his injection of politics into academic discussions. 他把政治引进学术讨论中,使很多学者感到恼火。译典通Rather than lay off staff, the company introduced a job-sharing scheme.这公司引进了工作分担制计划,而不是解雇员工。牛津商务Some Taiwanese TV stations aired historical drama series made in China to ratchet up their viewership ratings. 有些台湾的电视台为了冲高收视率引进大陆拍的历史剧。译典通The government aims to increase recycling by introducing tougher industry standards.政府的目标是通过引进更为严格的工业标准,提高回收再利用。牛津商务The government is pressing airports to introduce new security systems.政府正在催促机场引进新的安全系统。牛津商务The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital. 政府认为引进新技术至关重要。译典通The horse is not native to America--it was introduced by the Spanish.马不是美洲原产的动物,它是由西班牙人引进的。剑桥国际The introduction of new technology requires a change management strategy.引进新技术需要变革管理策略。牛津商务The introduction of pasteurization, which kills micro-organisms by heat, has been a major factor in making milk safer to drink.低热灭菌法的引进,能通过加热杀死微生物体,成为使牛奶喝起来更安全的主要因素。剑桥国际The management adopted a big bang approach to introducing the new computer system (= made the changes suddenly and all at the same time).管理层采取“大爆炸”改革方式,引进了新的计算机系统(进行一次性突然变动)。牛津商务The system was introduced on a trial basis for six months.引进这套系统有六个月试用期。牛津商务There are serious logistical problems involved in introducing the new computer system.在引进新的电脑系统的过程中存在着严重的后勤问题。牛津商务There are too many inane quiz shows and imported detective series on television these days.现在电视中毫无意义的智力测验和引进的侦探系列片太多。剑桥国际These words were borrowed from French. 这几个字是从法语引进的。译典通They had managed to pipe the water in from the river nearby. 他们已经设法用管道把附近的河水引进来。译典通They have introduced e-ticketing for all local flights.他们为本地航班引进了电子售票系统。牛津商务This machine was introduced experimentally in 1960. 这台机器是在1960年被试验性地引进的。译典通We have introduced a new system of organization for processing orders.我们引进了一套新的处理定单的编排系统。剑桥国际We introduced new methods with varying degrees of success.我们引进了几种新方法,都在不同程度上取得了成功。牛津商务We want to attract a big-name CEO.我们想引进一位有名的首席执行官。牛津商务When we introduced this system, no one believed it would work.我们刚引进这套系统时无人认为它会有用。剑桥国际

