
单词 俄语
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Great Russian〕A member of the Russian-speaking people inhabiting the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic and constituting the largest ethnic group in the U.S.S.R.大俄罗斯人:居住在俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义联邦共和国,讲俄语的人。其构成苏联最大的族群美国传统〔RUN〕His aides scurried about, murmuring to each other in Russian. 他的助手们急匆匆地跑来跑去,低声地用俄语相互交谈着。朗文写作活用〔Russian〕The Slavic language of the Russians that is the official language of the Soviet Union.俄语:苏联的官方语言,属斯拉夫语系美国传统〔Slavonic〕The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian.乌克兰人所说的那种斯拉夫语系的语言类似于俄语柯林斯高阶〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Joe felt sure the others were speaking Russian simply to exclude him. 乔觉得其他人在讲俄语是要排斥他。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕I'm thinking of specializing in Russian and Chinese. 我在考虑专攻俄语和汉语。朗文写作活用〔Ukrainian〕The Slavic language of the Ukrainians, which is closely related to Russian.乌克兰语:乌克兰人的斯拉夫语,和俄语有着紧密的联系美国传统〔acquainted〕She is (well) acquainted with Russian.她精通俄语文馨英汉〔alphabet〕The modern Russian alphabet has 31 letters.现代俄语字母表有31个字母。柯林斯高阶〔between〕Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language.学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。柯林斯高阶〔colloquially〕His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her.他结结巴巴地学说俄语,把她逗乐了。柯林斯高阶〔colloquial〕His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her.他磕磕巴巴地想说俄语, 把她给逗乐了。外研社新世纪〔command〕She has an excellent command of Russian.她精通俄语麦克米伦高阶〔compulsorily〕In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory.在东德,俄语是必修课。柯林斯高阶〔compulsory〕In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory.在东德, 学习俄语是强制的。外研社新世纪〔conversant〕Kim was conversant in Russian.金会说一点点俄语朗文当代〔cousin〕The Polish and Russian languages are cousins.波兰语和俄语属同一语系。英汉大词典〔curriculum〕Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.俄语在学校课程设置中是一门必修的外语课。外研社新世纪〔curriculum〕Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.俄语在学校课程设置中是一门必修的外语课。柯林斯高阶〔fluency〕He speaks fluent Russian.他说一口流利的俄语柯林斯高阶〔fluent〕He speaks fluent Russian.他说一口流利的俄语外研社新世纪〔fluent〕He's a fluent Russian speaker.他的俄语讲得很流利。剑桥高阶〔get on〕Livy's getting on very well in Russian. She learns very quickly.莉薇的俄语很有起色,她学得非常快。柯林斯高阶〔halting〕I tried to answer in my halting Russian.我试图用结结巴巴的俄语作答。英汉大词典〔in〕They spoke in Russian the whole time.他们一直用俄语交谈。剑桥高阶〔learn〕They learn Russian at school.他们在学校学俄语剑桥高阶〔lesson〕She was taking lessons in Russian.她正在上俄语课。外研社新世纪〔make〕Can you make yourself understood in Russian? 你能用俄语表达你的意思吗?牛津高阶〔nuanced〕His London accent is very slightly nuanced by an occasional Russian pronunciation.他的伦敦口音因而时而夹杂的俄语发音而略显不同。剑桥高阶〔o level〕He's got an O level in Russian.他通过了俄语普通证书考试。牛津高阶〔orient〕My Russian course is heavily oriented towards grammar.我的俄语课程非常注重语法。麦克米伦高阶〔passable〕Mary can speak passable Russian.玛丽的俄语说得还算可以。剑桥高阶〔possibly〕Possibly she can speak Russian.说不定她会讲俄语文馨英汉〔purge〕Local languages were purged of Russian words.当地语言中的俄语词汇被清除了。朗文当代〔reading〕She has a good reading knowledge of Russian.她能较好地阅读俄语牛津搭配〔speak〕Does anyone here speak Russian? 这里有人会说俄语吗?文馨英汉〔such〕Some of the dialogue is in Russian or some such language.对话中有一些用的是俄语或某种类似的语言。麦克米伦高阶〔synthetic〕Linguistics Relating to or being a language, such as Latin or Russian, that uses inflectional affixes to express syntactic relationships.【语言学】 综合型的:关于或属于用屈折变化的词缀来表达句法关系的语言的,如拉丁或俄语美国传统〔translate〕I don't speak Russian, so someone will have to translate.我不会说俄语,所以必须有人帮我翻译。麦克米伦高阶〔transliterate〕The Russian letter Я is usually transliterated in English as ya or ia.俄语字母Я在英语中通常音译为ya或ia。韦氏高阶〔transliterate〕The Russian “x” is transliterated into English as “kh”.俄语字母“x”音译成英语为“kh”。英汉大词典〔twiddle〕Twiddle a dial/knob on a radio in the city and you may hear voices speaking Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, or Russian.在这座城市里,如果旋弄收音机的旋钮,你可能会收听到西班牙语、汉语、葡萄牙语或俄语剑桥高阶〔wanderings〕On his wanderings he's picked up Spanish, Italian, French and a smattering of Russian.他在流浪时顺便学会了西班牙语、意大利语、法语和一点点儿俄语外研社新世纪〔wanderings〕On his wanderings he's picked up Spanish, Italian, French and a smattering of Russian.在流浪途中,他学会了西班牙语、意大利语、法语和一丁点儿俄语柯林斯高阶〔word〕I can't understand a word of Russian.我一句俄语也不懂。朗文当代A high-ranking party functionary, he speaks fluent Russian and is said to have many associates in Moscow.他是一位政党高级官员,说着一口流利的俄语,据说在莫斯科有着许多同事。剑桥国际He has been mugging up Russian. 他一直在学俄语译典通He's finding it difficult to learn Russian grammar.他发现俄语语法难学。剑桥国际Russian and Bulgarian are written in the Cyrillic alphabet.俄语和保加利亚语用西里尔字母来书写。剑桥国际Russian is a difficult language to master. 俄语是门难以精通的语言。译典通She had spent three months studying politics in the Soviet Union and could speak passable Russian.她花了3个月的时间在苏联学习政治,说的俄语还对付得过去。剑桥国际They spoke in Russian the whole time.他们一直用俄语交谈。剑桥国际We had picked up (= learned informally) enough Russian to be able to read the instructions.我们学的俄语足以看懂说明书。剑桥国际

