
单词 停着
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕The truck swerved and hit a stationary vehicle. 卡车急转弯撞到了一辆停着的车。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕Atkinson failed to notice the car ahead of him was parked and drove straight into the back of it. 阿特金森没看到前面的那辆车是停着的,开车一头就撞上了它的后部。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕She noticed an unfamiliar truck parked across the street. 她注意到街对面停着一辆陌生的卡车。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕There was a metallic grey VW Golf parked outside cabin fifteen. 15号小屋的外面停着一辆金属灰色的大众高尔夫汽车。朗文写作活用〔amidship(s)〕The parked vehicle was struck amidship(s) by the skidding bus.那辆停着的汽车被滑行过来的公共汽车拦腰冲撞。英汉大词典〔avoid〕He braked hard and narrowly avoided a parked van.他使劲踩刹车,险些撞上一辆停着的面包车。牛津搭配〔catch〕Suddenly my attention was caught by a lorry parked a short distance ahead.我的注意力突然被前面不远处停着的一辆卡车所吸引。麦克米伦高阶〔clip〕A truck swerved and clipped a parked car.一辆卡车急转弯,猛地撞上了一辆停着的汽车。朗文当代〔collide〕The truck collided with a row of parked cars.卡车撞到了一排停着的汽车上。麦克米伦高阶〔drive〕There was a car parked on the drive.车道上停着一辆车。牛津搭配〔finally〕She drove off at great speed, hit several parked cars, and finally crashed into a lamp-post.她驾车飞速离去,连撞了几辆停着的汽车,最后撞到了一根路灯柱上。朗文当代〔hover〕A police helicopter hovered overhead.一架警方直升机在头顶上悬停着外研社新世纪〔nose〕Sixteen cars were drawn up nose to tail, forming a circle.16辆小汽车头尾相连停着,形成一个圆圈。英汉大词典〔off〕The motor is off.发动机停着英汉大词典〔pavement〕There was a car parked on the pavement and we couldn't get by.人行道上停着一辆汽车,我们过不去。牛津搭配〔pet〕Young couples pet in the back of parked cars.在停着的汽车的后座上, 年轻男女相互抚摸调情。外研社新世纪〔rest〕The sails of the windmill are now at rest.风车的翼板现在停着英汉大词典〔riot〕Rioters set fire to parked cars.暴徒放火焚烧停着的汽车。牛津高阶〔rip〕A blast ripped apart a parked police car.一声爆炸把停着的警车炸裂了。英汉大词典〔score〕Several cabs and a score of cars were parked outside.外边停着二十几辆汽车和几辆出租车。牛津高阶〔sideswipe〕She was going too fast and sideswiped a parked car.她车开得太快,刮蹭到了一辆停着的汽车。朗文当代〔sideswipe〕The taxi sideswiped a parked car.出租车剐蹭了一辆停着的小汽车。韦氏高阶〔side〕A van was parked at the side of the road.路边停着一辆载客面包车。牛津高阶〔signal〕Flashing lights on a parked car usually signal a warning (to other drivers).停着的车辆上闪烁的车灯通常是警告(其他驾车者)的信号。剑桥高阶〔sit〕A large bus was sitting outside.外面停着一辆大巴士。牛津高阶〔slap〕We rounded the corner and drove slap into a parked car.我们拐过街角, 猛地撞上了一辆停着的车。外研社新世纪〔slap〕We rounded the corner and drove slap into a parked car.我们驾车拐弯时蓦地撞上了一辆停着的车。英汉大词典〔stationary〕How did you manage to drive into a stationary vehicle? 你是怎么开车的,竟会撞上一辆停着的车子?朗文当代〔stationary〕She rammed into a stationary vehicle at the side of the road.她撞到路边一辆停着的车上。麦克米伦高阶〔stationary〕The bus remained stationary.大客车停着不开。英汉大词典〔stationary〕The car collided with a stationary vehicle.小汽车撞到一辆停着的车上。牛津高阶〔strange〕There was a strange car in the driveway.车道上停着一辆陌生的汽车。外研社新世纪〔suspicious〕There's a suspicious-looking van parked at the end of the street.路的尽头停着一辆看起来很可疑的送货车。剑桥高阶〔tarmac〕Standing on the tarmac were two American planes.停机坪上停着两架美国飞机。柯林斯高阶〔tarmac〕Standing on the tarmac were two American planes.跑道上停着两架美国飞机。外研社新世纪〔vehicle〕The bus crashed into a stationary vehicle.公共汽车撞上了一辆停着的车。牛津搭配A plumber's/builder's/electrician's van was parked outside the house opposite when I got home.我到家时,对门房子外停着一辆管道工/建筑工/电工的篷车。剑桥国际Cars emblazoned with the company logo were parked in rows.汽车排成几行停着,上面都有醒目的公司标识。剑桥国际Flashing lights on a parked car usually signal a warning (to other motorists).停着的车辆上闪烁的车灯通常是警告的信号。剑桥国际He's furious because someone drove into his car while it was parked.他因有人撞了他那辆停着的车而勃然大怒。剑桥国际It is the marina with the glossiest gin palaces and sleekest racing yachts.这是停着最光彩照人的私人豪华大船和造型最优美的比赛用帆船的码头。剑桥国际There were several trains in the railway sidings.铁路岔线上停着几列火车。剑桥国际

