
单词 固态
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point. 固态和液态可以平衡共存的温度称为冰点。朗文写作活用〔allotropy〕The existence, especially in the solid state, of two or more crystalline or molecular structural forms of an element.同素异形现象:一种元素中有两种或更多的晶体或分子结构形式,特别是以固态存在的现象美国传统〔anus〕The opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is eliminated from the body.肛门:消化道下端的开口,固态废物由此排出体外美国传统〔blood clot〕A semisolid, gelatinous mass of coagulated blood that consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets entrapped in a fibrin network.血栓:一种半固态凝结的胶块,由血纤维蛋白网状结构中的红血球、白血球以及血小板组成美国传统〔butter〕A vegetable fat having a nearly solid consistency at ordinary temperatures.植物脂:在常温下几乎能保持接近固态的植物脂肪美国传统〔candle〕A solid, usually cylindrical mass of tallow, wax, or other fatty substance with an axially embedded wick that is burned to provide light.蜡烛:通常是由动物油脂、蜡或其它脂肪物质构成的固态柱状物体,轴心中有烛绳,被点燃以照明美国传统〔crust〕The outermost solid layer of a planet or moon.外壳:行星或月亮最外面的固态美国传统〔cyst〕Pathology An abnormal membranous sac containing a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance.【病理学】 囊肿:一种含有气态、液态或者半固态物质的异常膜性囊美国传统〔decompose〕The bacteria decomposed the milk into its solid and liquid elements.细菌把牛奶分解成固态和液态成分。21世纪英汉〔dissolve〕To reduce (solid matter) to liquid form; melt.使(固态物)溶解为液体;使液化美国传统〔door〕This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics.这本书介绍了固态物理中一些最激动人心的发现。柯林斯高阶〔entrenched〕So how did she cope with the entrenched attitudes?那么她是如何应对那些顽固态度的?外研社新世纪〔fat〕Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups.脂肪,油脂:柔软的、固态的或半固态的有机成分,包括甘油酯、脂肪酸以及它们的衍生有机成分美国传统〔form〕Ice is water in solid form.冰是固态的水。英汉大词典〔freezing point〕The temperature at which the liquid and solid phases of a substance of specified composition are in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure.凝固温度:特定合成物的液态和固态在大气压力下处于平衡时的温度美国传统〔hard-boil〕To boil (an egg) in the shell to a solid consistency.煮鸡蛋:把带壳的鸡蛋煮到固态美国传统〔heat of fusion〕The amount of heat required to convert a unit mass of a solid at its melting point into a liquid without an increase in temperature.熔解热:将每单位固态物质在熔点变成液态而不升高温度所需的热量美国传统〔intermediate〕Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid.液晶被认为介于液态和固态之间。牛津高阶〔juice〕The liquid contained in something that is chiefly solid.液体:基本上为固态的东西所含的液体美国传统〔liquid〕Fats are solid at room temperature, and oil is liquid at room temperature.脂肪在室温下为固态, 油在室温下为液态。外研社新世纪〔liquid〕Fats are solid at room temperature, and oil is liquid at room temperature.脂肪在室温下为固态,油在室温下为液态。柯林斯高阶〔matter〕Physics Something that has mass and exists as a solid, liquid, or gas.【物理学】 物体:有质量并以固态、液态或气态形式存在的东西美国传统〔melt〕To be changed from a solid to a liquid state by application of heat or pressure or both.熔化:用热、压力或两者的共同作用使固态转化为液态美国传统〔melt〕To change (a solid) to a liquid state by the application of heat or pressure or both.熔化:用热力或压力,或者两者的共同作用使固态变为液态美国传统〔ointment〕A highly viscous or semisolid substance used on the skin as a cosmetic, an emollient, or a medicament; a salve.油膏,软膏:一种作为化装品、润肤用品或药剂的涂抹在皮肤上的一种高粘度或半固态物质;药膏美国传统〔pass〕The chemical passes from a liquid to a solid state during the cooling process.这种化学物质在冷却过程中由液态转化为固态朗文当代〔pellet〕A small, solid or densely packed ball or mass, as of food, wax, or medicine.颗粒状物,小丸:如食物、蜡或药等固态的或被紧包成一团的小球或小丸美国传统〔precipitate〕Chemistry To cause (a solid substance) to be separated from a solution.【化学】 使沉淀:使(固态物质)从溶液中分离出来美国传统〔precipitation〕The weather forecast calls for some sort of frozen precipitation tomorrow—either snow or sleet.天气预报说明天有某种形式的固态降水——不是雪就是雨夹雪。韦氏高阶〔second-generation〕Computer Science Of, relating to, or being the period of computer technology distinguished by the use of solid-state circuitry.【计算机科学】 第二代的:以使用固态电路系统为特点的计算机技术时期的,或与之有关的美国传统〔sludge〕An agglutination or aggregation of blood cells forming a semisolid mass that often impedes circulation.淤血:血液细胞的凝结或聚集,形成一个半固态的血块,经常阻塞血液循环美国传统〔sludge〕Semisolid material such as the type precipitated by sewage treatment.烂泥,淤泥:半固态的物质,如污水处理后沉淀下来的那种物质美国传统〔sludge〕To agglutinate or aggregate into a semisolid mass; form a sludge. Used of blood cells.使凝集成淤血:凝结或聚集成半固态;形成一团淤血。用于血液细胞美国传统〔smoke〕A suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium.烟尘:悬浮在气态媒介中的固态或液态小颗粒美国传统〔solid-state〕Based on or consisting chiefly or exclusively of semiconducting materials, components, and related devices.固态的:主要或仅仅建立在半导体物质、组件或相关装置之上的或由它们组成的美国传统〔solidify〕The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory.能源部计划在造价几十亿美元的高科技工厂里将那些致命的废料固态化。柯林斯高阶〔solid〕It remains solid at room temperature.室温下它会保持固态麦克米伦高阶〔state〕Ice is the solid state of water.冰是水的固态美国传统〔state〕Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.水有三种状态: 液态、气态和固态朗文当代〔state〕Water may exist in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state.水可呈固态、液态或气态。英汉大词典〔statolith〕A small, movable concretion of calcium carbonate found in statocysts; an otolith.平衡器内的含钙体:平衡器内小而能运动的碳钙固态物;耳石美国传统〔sublimate〕To transform directly from the solid to the gaseous state or from the gaseous to the solid state without becoming a liquid.升华:不经液态而由固态直接转变为气态或由气态直接转变为固态美国传统Coal is abundant, but its solidity makes it inconvenient to use--gas is less trouble.煤的数量很多,但它的固态使用起来很不方便----煤气的麻烦就少多了。剑桥国际

