
单词 圣油
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ampulla〕Ecclesiastical A vessel for consecrated wine or holy oil.【基督教会】 圣酒瓶,圣油瓶:基督教用的装圣酒或圣油的容器美国传统〔anointing of the sick〕The sacrament of anointing a critically ill or weak person, with prayers for recovery and an act of penance or confession.终敷,病人膏油式:给病危或极为虚弱的人做的敷擦圣油仪式,祈祷其康复并表示忏悔的行为美国传统〔anoint〕He anointed the new high priest.他在授予圣职仪式上给新的高级牧师涂圣油使他神圣化。21世纪英汉〔anoint〕He was anointed with sacred oil.他被涂了圣油朗文当代〔anoint〕In 751 Pepin was anointed king.在751年,丕平被涂圣油,立为国王。剑桥高阶〔anoint〕The Pope has anointed him as Archbishop.教皇已经为他举行涂圣油仪式封其为大主教。外研社新世纪〔anoint〕The priest anointed Alan with oil.牧师为艾伦涂了圣油外研社新世纪〔blessed〕Blessed oil is often used in the ministry of healing.圣油常为牧师给人治病用。外研社新世纪〔chrism〕A sacramental anointing, especially upon confirmation into the Eastern Orthodox Church.抹圣油礼:在圣礼上涂油,尤其是东正教的坚信礼上美国传统〔holy oil〕Olive oil blessed by a bishop and used to anoint the sick and in sacramentals.圣油:基督教主教所赐予的橄榄油,用于涂在病人身上或圣礼中美国传统

