
单词 一座山
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIT〕An airplane had crashed into a mountain, killing all two hundred passengers. 飞机撞上了一座山,200名乘客全部遇难。朗文写作活用〔bridge〕A hill bridges the town from east to west.一座山从东向西横贯全镇。21世纪英汉〔climb〕Climbing the first hill took half an hour.爬第一座山用了半个小时。外研社新世纪〔first〕The first and last mountain I climbed was Mount Rundle (=it was the only mountain I ever climbed) .我爬过的第一座也是最后一座山是伦多山。朗文当代〔immediately〕There is a mountain immediately south of the city.紧靠城的南面有一座山英汉大词典〔location〕A mountain in the Rockies became the location for a film about Everest.落基山脉中的一座山成了一部有关珠穆朗玛峰的电影的外景拍摄地。牛津高阶〔roll〕When I was a little kid I rolled down a hill and broke my leg.我小时候从一座山坡上滚了下来,把腿摔断了。柯林斯高阶〔significance〕A sacred site might be a mountain that is of some significance to a tribe.对一个部落有重大意义的一座山峰可能就是一处圣地。柯林斯高阶〔versant〕The slope of a side of a mountain or mountain range.山坡;山侧:一座山或山脉的侧坡美国传统〔volcano〕A mountain formed by the materials ejected from a volcano.火山:从山中喷出的物体形成的一座山美国传统Many tourists go to see the white horse cut into the side of a hill in southern England.许多游客去看英格兰南部的一座山的侧面所雕刻的白马。剑桥国际The village is just over the next hill.这个村子就在下一座山后面。剑桥国际

