
单词 weights
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACH〕Divers fasten weights around their waists to help them stay under water. 潜水员把重物系在腰上使自己沉在水下。朗文写作活用〔EXERCISE〕I go jogging every morning and work out with weights twice a week. 我每天早晨去慢跑,一周还进行两次举重的锻练。朗文写作活用〔WEIGH〕Twins and triplets are expected to have lower birth weights than single infants. 双胞胎和三胞胎的出生体重应该比单胎轻。朗文写作活用〔assize〕An ordinance regulating weights and measures and the weights and prices of articles of consumption.商品法定价格:调节重量与尺寸和重量及消费品的价格的法规美国传统〔barbell〕A bar with adjustable weights at each end, lifted for sport or exercise.杠铃:两端重量可调节的棒,运动或锻炼时用来举重美国传统〔bola〕A rope with weights attached, used especially in South America to catch cattle or game by entangling their legs.流星锤:一头系重物的绳子,尤用于南美洲捕牛或套腿的狩猎美国传统〔brace〕He stood with his legs and shoulders braced, ready to lift the weights.他绷紧腿和肩膀站着,准备举起杠铃。牛津高阶〔build〕Lifting weights helps build muscle and increase strength.举重有助于强健肌肉,增加力量。韦氏高阶〔build〕Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles.举重能使手臂和肩部的肌肉发达。英汉大词典〔bulge〕His biceps bulged as he lifted the weights.他举起重物时二头肌鼓了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔bulk up〕Holyfield has bulked up to 210 pounds using weights.霍利菲尔德体重增到了210磅。柯林斯高阶〔bulk up〕Holyfield has bulked up to 210 pounds using weights.霍利菲尔德使用杠铃锻炼, 体重增加到210磅。外研社新世纪〔canvas〕Canvas comes in many colours and weights.帆布有很多种颜色和重量。外研社新世纪〔correct〕When lifting heavy weights, make sure that your back is in the correct positions.举重物时背部保持恰当的姿势。朗文当代〔crab〕A machine for handling or hoisting heavy weights.起重机:一种处理或升起重物的机器美国传统〔cross-refer〕The entry cross-refers to a table of weights.这个词条参见重量计量表。韦氏高阶〔cross-refer〕The entry for “gram” cross-refers you to a table of weights.词条gram可参见重量计量表。韦氏高阶〔deltoid〕Always stretch your deltoids after lifting weights.提举重物以后一定要舒展一下三角肌。剑桥高阶〔dependent〕The results you get from weight training are dependent upon how you use the weights.举重训练的效果取决于如何使用那些举重器械。外研社新世纪〔dependent〕The results you get from weight training are largely dependent upon how you use those weights and what type of exercise programme you follow.举重训练的效果在很大程度上取决于如何使用那些举重器械以及遵照何种锻炼方案。柯林斯高阶〔do yourself an injury〕If you keep on lifting those heavy weights, you'll do yourself an injury.如果你继续举那些重物,你会受伤的。韦氏高阶〔drill〕Durable cotton or linen twill of varying weights, generally used for work clothes.粗斜纹布:重量各异而且耐穿的棉或麻斜纹布,一般用于做工作用美国传统〔encumbered〕Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.潜水员向海岸走去时,铅坠和氧气罐使他们步履维艰。柯林斯高阶〔encumber〕Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.潜水员向海岸走去, 铅坠和氧气罐让他们步履维艰。外研社新世纪〔free weights〕He stays in good shape by lifting weights.他靠举重保持好身材。韦氏高阶〔gradation〕The children's birth weights show a gradation.婴儿的出生体重呈现梯度变化。外研社新世纪〔heavy〕You should soon be able to train with the heavier weights.你很快就能用更重的器械进行训练。麦克米伦高阶〔imperial〕Of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures.度量衡英制的:度量衡英制的或属于度量衡英制的美国传统〔let/blow off steam〕He lifts weights after work to let off steam.他下班后练举重来宣泄精力。剑桥高阶〔lift weights〕He has been lifting weights for exercise.他一直坚持举重锻炼。韦氏高阶〔measure〕The dictionary includes a table of weights and measures.这本词典附有度量衡表。韦氏高阶〔metrication〕Conversion to the metric system of weights and measures; metrification.公制化:测量重量和度量时采用公制;改为公制美国传统〔muscle〕Lifting weights sculpts muscle.举重能为肌肉塑形。牛津搭配〔muscle〕She started lifting weights to build muscle.她开始举重,锻炼肌肉。韦氏高阶〔normality〕Chemistry The concentration of a solution, expressed in gram equivalent weights of solute per liter of solution.【化学】 规定浓度:溶液的浓度,以一升溶解物中溶质的含量为多少克表示美国传统〔pulley〕The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system.重物通过缆绳和滑轮系统运送。外研社新世纪〔pulley〕The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system.重物通过缆绳和滑轮系统运送。柯林斯高阶〔pulley〕The physiotherapy involved moving weights attached to a pulley.物理疗法包括用滑轮移动重物。外研社新世纪〔pump〕To lift weights.举重美国传统〔quartern〕One fourth of something, especially of some weights and measures.四分之一:某物的四分之一,尤指某些重量单位及度量单位的美国传统〔record〕The weights must be recorded accurately.重量必须准确无误地记录下来。牛津搭配〔reference〕Tables of measures and weights are referenced at the end of the book.书末附有度量衡表以供参考。21世纪英汉〔religiously〕She swims and lifts weights religiously.她坚持游泳和举重。韦氏高阶〔sealer〕An officer who inspects, tests, and certifies weights and measures.检验员:视察、检查和证明重量和尺寸的官员美国传统〔seine〕A large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge and floats at the top.围网:一种垂直悬立在水中的,下缘装有沉子上缘装有浮子的大型鱼网美国传统〔spotter〕When you lift weights, you should always have a spotter.举重时一定要有监护人员在场。韦氏高阶〔susceptible〕Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury.负重行走时肩膀很容易受伤。柯林斯高阶〔tackle〕A system of ropes and blocks for raising and lowering weights of rigging and pulleys for applying tension.索具:由升降索上升降重物的绳索、铁块和用来施加压力的滑轮所组成的一套系统美国传统〔tone〕He began to use weights in order to tone up his body.他开始举杠铃来健身。朗文当代〔weight lifter〕One who lifts heavy weights for exercise or in an athletic competition.举重运动员,举重者:举起重物来锻炼身体或参加体育竞赛的人美国传统〔weightlifting〕The lifting of heavy weights in a prescribed manner as an exercise or in athletic competition.举重:在锻炼或体育比赛中按照规定的方式举起重物美国传统〔weight〕He tied weights to the sack and hurled it into the river.他在袋子上系了些重物,然后把它丢到河里。麦克米伦高阶〔weight〕Heavy weights should be lifted with a straight back.提重物时背要挺直。牛津搭配〔weight〕I can't lift heavy weights because of my bad back.我因背部有毛病,提不了重物。朗文当代〔weight〕I lift weights twice a week at the gym.我每周去健身房两次练习举重。剑桥高阶〔weight〕I use pie weights to keep the pie crust from bubbling when I bake it.我烤馅饼时在上面压上重物,以免馅饼的外皮起泡。韦氏高阶〔weight〕I was in the gym lifting weights.我在体育馆举哑铃。外研社新世纪〔weight〕I was in the gym lifting weights.我在健身房举哑铃。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕I've been lifting weights since I was 18.我从 18 岁起就开始练举重了。朗文当代〔weight〕Mathematics Statistics To assign weights or a weight to.【数学】 【统计学】 使加权美国传统〔weight〕She did circuit training and lifted weights to build her fitness.她通过循环训练和举哑铃来健身。牛津搭配〔weight〕She lifts weights as part of her training.举杠铃是她锻炼的一部份。牛津高阶〔weight〕Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕Straining to lift heavy weights can raise your blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。外研社新世纪〔weight〕The doctor said he should not lift heavy weights.医生说他不应举重物。牛津高阶〔weight〕Try not to lift heavy weights.不要试图举起重物。剑桥高阶〔weight〕Turkeys can reach enormous weights of up to 50 pounds.火鸡能重达50磅。柯林斯高阶〔window box〕One of the vertical grooves on the inner sides of a window frame for the weights that counterbalance the sash.窗锤箱:在窗框内侧的垂直沟槽,用于放置平衡窗框的吊索和吊窗锤美国传统〔workout〕Her workout includes running on the treadmill and lifting weights.她的训练包括在跑步机上跑步以及举重。韦氏高阶〔work〕He works out with weights twice a week.他每星期练两次举重。朗文当代〔wrist〕He wears weights on his wrists when he goes running.他双腕戴着负重带跑步。牛津搭配He lifts weights after work to blow off steam (= to become free from worry or anger) .下班后他练举重以松弛一下神经。剑桥国际He made pendulums of string and small weights and established the relationship between length of string and time of swing.他用细绳和小重物制成了摆,建立线长和摆时之间的关系。剑桥国际He went purple in the face trying to lift the heavy weights.他试着举起那些重物时,脸涨得通红。剑桥国际Lifting heavy weights can damage your back.搬动重物会伤到背部。牛津商务Robbie plays squash and lifts weights to keep his 6 ft 1in frame in good shape.洛比打壁球,练举重,使他那6英尺1英寸的躯体保持良好体型。剑桥国际The jib of a crane is made from a very strong thick piece of steel to stop it from bending under heavy weights.起重机悬臂是用一块很坚固的厚钢制成的,以防止它被重物拉弯。剑桥国际They've got a really good gym with weights at the local sports centre.他们当地的体育中心有一个很好的配有杠铃的健身房。剑桥国际

