
单词 sanctuary
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Lady Chapel〕A chapel, as in a cathedral or church, usually located behind the sanctuary and dedicated to the Virgin Mary.圣母堂:大教堂或教堂内的圣母堂,通常置于圣坛之后祭奉圣母玛丽亚所用美国传统〔Leeward Islands〕A chain of small islets of Hawaii in the central Pacific Ocean west-northwest of the main islands. The Leewards constitute a government bird sanctuary.利华德群岛:太平洋中部的夏威夷一带的小岛,位于主要岛屿的西北偏西方向。利华德群岛是一处政府规定的鸟类保护区美国传统〔SAFE〕I thought of my bedroom as a sanctuary. 我把我的卧室当成是避难的地方。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The Church should be a sanctuary for the oppressed. 教会应该是受压迫者的庇护所。朗文写作活用〔battered〕She set up a sanctuary for battered wives.她为遭受家庭暴力的妻子们创办了一个避难所。剑桥高阶〔bema〕Eastern Orthodox Church The area of a church in which the altar is located; the sanctuary.【东正教】 圣坛:教堂里圣坛所在的地方;圣殿美国传统〔cella〕The inner room or sanctuary of an ancient Greek or Roman temple.内殿:古希腊或古罗马庙宇的内部房间或殿房美国传统〔epistle side〕In some Christian churches, the side of a chancel or sanctuary on the congregation's right.书信边:在一些基督教堂里,位于信徒们右手的圣坛或祭坛的那侧美国传统〔epistle side〕In the traditional orientation of some Christian churches, the south side of a chancel or sanctuary when the altar or Eucharistic table faces east.书信边:在传统的基督教教堂里,当祭坛或圣餐台面向东时,指圣坛或祭坛的南侧美国传统〔found/sought sanctuary〕The refugees found/sought sanctuary when they crossed the border.难民们越境找到了/寻求庇护。韦氏高阶〔found〕She left a large sum of money in her will to found a wildlife sanctuary.她在遗嘱里留下了一大笔钱用来创建野生动物保护区。剑桥高阶〔grith〕Protection or sanctuary provided by Old English law to persons in certain circumstances, as when in a church or traveling on the king's highway.保护,庇护:古英国法律在特定情况下,如在教堂或在国王的大道上行走时, 向人们提供的保护或庇护所美国传统〔halidom〕A sanctuary.一个圣殿或圣所美国传统〔haven〕A place of refuge or rest; a sanctuary.避难所:避难或休息的地方;庇护所美国传统〔holy of holies〕Eastern Orthodox Church The bema or sanctuary in a church.【东正教】 教堂里的祭坛或庇护所美国传统〔holy of holies〕Judaism The sanctuary inside the tabernacle in the Temple of Jerusalem, in which the Ark of the Covenant was kept.【犹太教】 (犹太神殿的)至圣所:耶路撒冷神殿中圣幕后的至圣所,圣柜就保留在里面美国传统〔iconostasis〕The screen decorated with icons that divides the sanctuary from the nave of an Eastern Orthodox church.圣像屏帏:东正教教堂中把圣殿与广场隔开的饰有圣像的屏风美国传统〔oracle〕In the Old Testament, the sanctuary of the Temple.在《旧约》中,寺庙的神殿美国传统〔penetralia〕The innermost parts of a building, especially the sanctuary of a temple.庙宇内殿,建筑物的最内部:尤指庙宇内殿等建筑物最里面的部分美国传统〔realm〕Such a criminal was not allowed to take sanctuary and abjure the realm.这样的罪犯不得寻求庇护而具结去国出亡。英汉大词典〔sacrarium〕The sanctuary or sacristy of a church.教堂的圣殿和圣器室美国传统〔sanctuary〕All she wanted now was the sanctuary of her own room.现在她想要的只是躲回到自己的房间里。麦克米伦高阶〔sanctuary〕Fleeing refugees found sanctuary in Geneva.出逃的难民在日内瓦找到了避难所。朗文当代〔sanctuary〕He was reluctant to leave the sanctuary of his bedroom.他不愿离开带给他安全感的卧室。牛津搭配〔sanctuary〕His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war.他的教堂成为成千上万逃离内战的人们的避难所。柯林斯高阶〔sanctuary〕If I want some peace and quiet, I take sanctuary in my study.如果想清静一会儿,我就躲进自己的书房。剑桥高阶〔sanctuary〕Illegal immigrants found/sought/took sanctuary in a local church.非法移民把当地的一座教堂当作避难所。剑桥高阶〔sanctuary〕Immunity to arrest afforded by a sanctuary.庇护权:避难所提供的豁免不受逮捕的权利美国传统〔sanctuary〕In former times, criminals could take sanctuary inside a church.旧时岁月里,罪犯可以躲进教堂避难。牛津搭配〔sanctuary〕It had been built as a sanctuary from World War II bombs.这是二战时为躲避轰炸而建的。牛津搭配〔sanctuary〕Refugees sought sanctuary in Thailand.难民们在泰国寻求庇护。麦克米伦高阶〔sanctuary〕She longed for the sanctuary of her own home.她渴望回到自己家中,不再担惊受怕。牛津高阶〔sanctuary〕She retreated swiftly to the sanctuary of her room.她迅速躲进了房间。牛津搭配〔sanctuary〕Some of them have sought sanctuary in the church.他们中的一些人在教堂避难。柯林斯高阶〔sanctuary〕The sanctuary contains the altar of sacrifice.圣所有祭坛。韦氏高阶〔sanctuary〕The cabin provided sanctuary from the rain.这间小屋可躲雨。英汉大词典〔sanctuary〕The chapel became a sanctuary for the refugees.这座小教堂成为难民的庇护所。剑桥高阶〔sanctuary〕The church became a sanctuary for the refugees.教堂成为这些难民的庇护所。牛津高阶〔sanctuary〕The government offered sanctuary to 4 000 refugees.政府为 4 000 名难民提供了保护。牛津高阶〔sanctuary〕The house was a sanctuary for runaway teens.这所房子是离家出走少年的庇护所。韦氏高阶〔sanctuary〕The hunted fox found sanctuary in a wood.受追捕的狐狸在树林里找到了藏身的地方。牛津同义词〔sanctuary〕The park is the largest wildlife sanctuary in the US.这座公园是美国最大的野生生物保护区。朗文当代〔sanctuary〕Thousands of refugees have sought sanctuary over the border.数千名难民越境寻求庇护。牛津搭配〔tabernacle〕The portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant through the desert.帐幕,圣幕:古代犹太人穿过沙漠时装有圣约柜用的活动圣堂美国传统〔tatters〕His career and personal life in tatters, John had retreated to the sanctuary of his mother's house.约翰的事业和个人生活全毁了, 他躲进了他妈妈的房子里寻求庇护。外研社新世纪〔vest〕The celebrant vested himself in the sanctuary.主持弥撒的神甫在祭坛上穿上祭袍。21世纪英汉She left a large sum of money in her will to found a wildlife sanctuary.她在遗嘱中留下了一大笔钱,用来建立一个野生动植物保护区。剑桥国际She works at a small bird sanctuary on the east coast.她在东海岸一个规模不大的鸟类保护区工作。剑桥国际The escaped prisoner found sanctuary in the temple. 逃跑的囚犯在寺院里获得了庇护。译典通The group set up a sanctuary for battered wives.这一组织为遭丈夫殴打的妻子提供庇护所。剑桥国际The illegal immigrants found/sought/took sanctuary in a local church.非法移民把当地一座教堂作为避难所。剑桥国际There will be no sanctuary for criminals this side of the border.边界的这一边不会有罪犯的避难所。剑桥国际

