“result in”例句

单词 result in
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPEAR〕The increase in tourism may result in the disappearance of the islanders’ traditional way of life. 旅游业的增长可能会导致岛上居民的传统生活方式消失。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Further research has resulted in a more profound appreciation of the problem. 进一步的研究加深了对该问题的理解。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Drinking too much often results in a loss of libido. 饮酒过度经常会导致性欲丧失。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕His meteorological observations resulted in a theory of how tropical storms arise in the Gulf of Mexico. 他对气象的观察得出了墨西哥湾热带风暴如何形成的理论。朗文写作活用〔acquittal〕The case resulted in an acquittal.此案件最终作出无罪判决。牛津高阶〔agreement〕Would their discussion result in his agreement to visit his stepmother? 他们商量后,他会不会同意去看望继母?朗文当代〔anagenesis〕A pattern of evolution that results in linear descent with no branching or splitting of the population.前进演化,进化:只有直系后代而无旁系后代的演化模式美国传统〔automation〕Automation will result in the loss of 450,000 jobs.自动化将导致减少45万个工作岗位。麦克米伦高阶〔avidin〕A protein found in uncooked egg white that binds to and inactivates biotin. An abundance of avidin in the duct can result in a deficiency of biotin.抗生物素蛋白:卵清中发现的一种蛋白质,它可与生物素结合并使生物素活性减低。导管中抗生物素蛋白过量可导至生物素的缺乏美国传统〔blight〕The condition or causative agent, such as a bacterium, fungus, or virus, that results in blight.如细菌、真菌或病毒等导致枯萎病的条件或起因美国传统〔coloboma〕An anomaly of the eye, usually a developmental defect, that often results in some loss of vision.缺损:眼睛的异常现象,通常是一种发育缺陷,一般会导致部分失明美国传统〔conviction〕Keeping this information from the jury could result in a wrongful conviction.对陪审团隐瞒这一信息会导致错误的判决。牛津搭配〔cultivation〕Better cultivation of soil will result in better crops.土地耕作得法,收成将会增加。英汉大词典〔death〕The brutal attack resulted in the man's death.粗暴的殴打导致这个人死亡。牛津搭配〔decimation〕Government policies have resulted in a decimation of essential services used by the poor.政府施行的政策大大减少了可供穷人享受的基本公共服务。外研社新世纪〔evaporate〕High temperatures also result in high evaporation from the plants.高温也导致了植物水分的大量蒸发。柯林斯高阶〔failure〕Failure to comply with the rules can result in expulsion.不遵守规章会被开除。麦克米伦高阶〔fractional〕The fall in the value of the yen might result in a fractional increase in interest rates of perhaps a quarter of one percent.日元贬值可能会引起0.25%的小幅加息。剑桥高阶〔furrow〕Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow.疲劳和压力会很快导致肤色暗淡无光、额头出现皱纹。柯林斯高阶〔graph〕I decided to show the results in a bar graph.我决定用条形图把结果表示出来。牛津搭配〔imbibition〕Chemistry Absorption of fluid by a solid or colloid that results in swelling.【化学】 吸液:固体或胶体吸收液体并导致膨胀美国传统〔inconsistency〕The lack of clear rules resulted in inconsistency in the awarding of prizes.因为缺乏明确的规则,颁奖时出现了前后矛盾的情况。牛津搭配〔inevitable〕The changes inevitably resulted in criticism.这些改变无可避免地引起了批评。韦氏高阶〔infection〕Heavy lung infections may result in pneumonia.严重的肺部感染可能会引起肺炎。牛津搭配〔lethal gene〕A gene whose expression results in the death of the organism.致死基因:一种表现会导致有机组织死亡的基因美国传统〔macro〕A single instruction in programming language that results in a series of instructions in machine language.宏,宏指令:计算机编程语言中的单一指令,可以在机器语言中形成一系列指令美国传统〔maturation division〕Either of the two successive cell divisions of meiosis, with only one duplication of the chromosomes, that results in the formation of haploid gametes.成熟分裂:细胞成熟分裂中的连续两次分裂,因单倍体配子的形成,只有一次分裂能复制出铬酸美国传统〔meltdown〕Severe overheating of a nuclear reactor core, resulting in melting of the core and escape of radiation.熔炉:由熔解原子核及辐射的释放引起的原子核反应之极度过程美国传统〔no-till〕A system for planting crops without plowing, using herbicides to control weeds and resulting in reduced soil erosion and the preservation of soil nutrients.不整地种植:不犁地而以除草剂控制杂草,以减少土壤侵蚀并保持地力的耕耘谷物系统美国传统〔penalty〕Withdrawing the money early will result in a 10% penalty.提前支取这笔钱将被处以 10% 的罚金。朗文当代〔purpura〕A condition characterized by hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes that result in the appearance of purplish spots or patches.紫斑症:由于皮肤及粘膜出血而导致紫点或紫块的情况美国传统〔rash〕Their rash actions resulted in a serious accident that could have killed someone.他们鲁莽的行动造成了一起关系人命的严重事故。韦氏高阶〔result in sth〕Icy conditions resulted in two roads being closed.路面结冰,导致两条公路被封闭。剑桥高阶〔result〕Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm.经常返回她移居的国家让她写出了她的第一本书《万金油》。柯林斯高阶〔result〕The charges could have potentially resulted in a death sentence.这些指控本来可能会导致判处死刑。牛津搭配〔result〕The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths.飓风已经造成了成千上万的人死亡。牛津高阶〔result〕These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship.这些政策使得许多老人饱受困苦。牛津高阶〔rinderpest〕An acute, often fatal, contagious viral disease, chiefly of cattle, characterized by ulceration of the alimentary tract and resulting in diarrhea.牛瘟,牛疫:一种急性的、常是致命的传染性病毒疾病,主要是牛患此病,症状为消化道的溃烂并导致腹泻美国传统〔scab〕Any of various plant diseases caused by fungi or bacteria and resulting in crustlike spots on fruit, leaves, or roots.疮痂病:真菌或细菌导致的植物病,常在果实、叶片或根上生有痂状斑点美国传统〔shakeout〕A decline in the values of certain securities that usually results in a depressed stock market.股价暴跌:股市上通常会导致经济萧条的某些股票价值的下滑美国传统〔sure〕It now seems sure (that) the election will result in another victory for the government.现在看来,这次选举无疑又会以政府的胜利而告终。剑桥高阶〔waterspout〕A tornado or lesser whirlwind occurring over water and resulting in a funnel-shaped whirling column of air and spray.海龙卷:水上生成的飓风或稍弱之旋风,形成漏斗状旋转的空气柱和水柱美国传统In order to gain university places, British students are required to get certain grades (= results in an examination) at A level.为了要进大学,英国学生需要在高级考试中取得一定等级的成绩。剑桥国际The airline collapsed, resulting in the grounding of its fleet for lack of cash.这家航空公司倒闭导致飞机缺乏资金而停飞。牛津商务The closure of the factory brought poverty to the town (= resulted in it becoming poor).工厂的关闭导致了该镇的贫困。剑桥国际The disease can result in retinal damage and the loss of vision.该疾病会导致视网膜损伤及失明。剑桥国际The fans'bad behaviour has resulted in the disqualification of their football team from the championship.球迷们的恶劣行径导致他们的球队被取消冠军资格。剑桥国际The merger resulted in a 13% accretion in the value of shares.合并导致股票价值增长 13%。牛津商务The planned management shake-up is likely to result in the loss of several jobs.计划中的经理部门的改组将有可能导致一些岗位的撤销。剑桥国际The show trials demonstrated the government's resistance to political reform and resulted in the imprisonment of 19 people.装模作样的公审证明了政府阻挠政治改革,并致使19人入狱。剑桥国际

