
单词 提包
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOTTOM〕Susan found the keys at the bottom of her handbag. 苏珊在手提包底部找到钥匙。朗文写作活用〔FASTEN/UNFASTEN〕Emily realised that her handbag was open and her money gone. 埃米莉发现手提包开着,钱不见了。朗文写作活用〔FOLD〕My umbrella folds up and fits into my handbag. 我的雨伞折起来能放进手提包朗文写作活用〔Get out of my sight〕She left her purse out in plain sight. = Her purse was in plain sight of anyone passing by.她把手提包落在了一个人人都能看见的地方。韦氏高阶〔HOLD〕Sheila fished in her handbag until she got hold of her keys. 希拉在手提包里摸索着,直到她抓到了钥匙。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Can you keep an eye on my bags while I go to the toilet? 我去一下洗手间,你帮我看一下手提包好吗?朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕Where's my umbrella? I'm sure I left it right there, next to my bag. 我的伞在哪里?我肯定就把它放在那儿了,在我提包的旁边。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕I've put our passports in your handbag with the travellers cheques. 我把我们的护照和旅行支票一起放在你的提包里了。朗文写作活用〔accessorize〕Do accessorize simply, pick plain colours for bag and shoes.衣饰务必朴素,手提包和鞋子要挑素净的颜色。英汉大词典〔assistant〕She got a job as a sales assistant selling handbags.她得到了一份手提包售货员的工作。柯林斯高阶〔baggage〕The trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one's belongings while traveling; luggage.行李:某人旅行时携带物品的大皮箱、手提包、小包裹和衣箱等;行李美国传统〔bag〕Don't leave your bag in the car.不要把手提包留在汽车里。朗文当代〔bag〕Her crocodile skin shoulder bag matched her shoes.她的鳄鱼皮背带式手提包与鞋子正好相配。牛津搭配〔bag〕She opened her bag(= her handbag)and took out her comb.她打开手提包,取出梳子。牛津高阶〔bag〕She put the pencil in her bag.她把铅笔放进了手提包韦氏高阶〔bag〕She took her purse from her bag.她从手提包里拿出了钱包。外研社新世纪〔beat off〕She used her handbag to beat the attacker off.她用手提包将袭击者打跑。外研社新世纪〔be〕The handbag is crocodile.这个手提包是鳄鱼皮制的。英汉大词典〔black bag〕A bag in which physicians traditionally carry instruments and a stock of drugs, as on a house call.黑手提包:传统上医生携带的装有医疗器具和常备药剂的袋子,如医生出诊时携带的袋子美国传统〔bottom〕I found the keys – they were at the bottom of my handbag.我找到钥匙了 — 在我手提包的底部。朗文当代〔carpetbag〕Of or relating to carpetbaggers.拎毯制手提包的投机家的,与拎毯制手提包的投机家有关的美国传统〔carryall〕These light and compact items fit comfortably into most carryalls.这些小巧轻便的物品可以轻松地放入大多数大手提包里。外研社新世纪〔carry〕I don't carry a handbag.I just carry money in my pocket.我不带手提包,我把钱就放在口袋里。朗文当代〔catch〕She fastened the catch on her purse.她摁上了手提包上的搭扣。韦氏高阶〔clobber〕I've got far too much clobber in my handbag.我提包里的东西太多了。剑桥高阶〔delve〕She delved in her handbag for a pen.她在手提包里翻找钢笔。牛津高阶〔delve〕She delved into her handbag in search of a pen.她在手提包中翻找钢笔。韦氏高阶〔deposit on〕She deposited the bag on the table.她把手提包放在桌子上。21世纪英汉〔deposit〕She deposited her bag in the cloakroom.她把提包寄存在衣帽间。英汉大词典〔dig out〕She dug out some change from her purse.她从手提包里翻出一些零钱。韦氏高阶〔dig〕She dug around in her handbag for a pen.她在手提包里翻找钢笔。麦克米伦高阶〔ditch〕The thief ditched the purse in an alley.小偷把手提包扔到了小巷里。韦氏高阶〔dive into〕The thief dived his hand into my handbag and made off with my purse.那小偷神不知鬼不觉地把手伸入我的提包,抢了钱包逃走了。21世纪英汉〔empty〕He made her empty the contents of her handbag.他让她拿出了手提包里的所有东西。外研社新世纪〔empty〕She emptied the contents of her purse onto the table.她把手提包里所有的东西都倒在桌子上。韦氏高阶〔freeze onto〕Freeze onto that bag or someone in the crowd may snatch it.把手提包抓紧,否则在人群中可能有人把它抢去。21世纪英汉〔from〕Her handbag was snatched from her in the street.她走在街上手提包被人抢了。剑桥高阶〔go back〕I forgot my purse and had to go back for it.我忘拿手提包了,只好回去取。韦氏高阶〔grab〕He made a grab for her bag.他突然去抢她的手提包牛津高阶〔grab〕Somebody tried to grab her handbag from her.有个人想抢她的手提包牛津搭配〔grab〕The thief grabbed at the handbag.小偷抢手提包英汉大词典〔grope〕She groped around in her purse, looking for her comb.她在手提包里摸索着找她的梳子。韦氏高阶〔hand〕I felt the bag to see what was in it.我摸了摸提包,看里面有什么东西。牛津高阶〔hang on〕Hang on to your purse.抓紧你的手提包韦氏高阶〔hold〕Can you hold my bag for a moment? 你能帮我拿一会儿手提包吗?麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕Hold onto your bag, won't you? 抓牢手提包,好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔hug〕Whenever I travel in the city I make sure I hug my handbag tightly to me.每次我乘车穿过城区时,一定会把手提包紧紧抱着。剑桥高阶〔innermost〕She put the receipt into the innermost pocket of her bag.她把收据放在提包最里面的口袋里。柯林斯高阶〔in〕She looked in her handbag, but her keys were not there.她朝她的手提包里看了看,但钥匙不在里面。朗文当代〔lay into〕A mob of women laid into him with handbags and pointed shoes.一帮女人用手提包砸他,用鞋尖踢他。柯林斯高阶〔left〕In her left hand she clutched a handbag.她的左手抓著一个手提包文馨英汉〔life〕She can't for the life of her remember where she left her bag.她怎么也想不起把手提包丢在哪儿了。英汉大词典〔lipstick〕She opened her handbag, lipsticked her mouth, and went home.她打开手提包,往嘴上搽点口红,然后回家了。英汉大词典〔nothing〕She looked for her handbag all afternoon, but nothing doing.她找手提包找了一个下午,可是连影子都没找着。英汉大词典〔one〕I have a few one-dollar bills in my purse.我的手提包里有几张一美元的钞票。韦氏高阶〔paw〕She pawed through her purse for a comb.她在手提包里乱翻一气找梳子。21世纪英汉〔paw〕She pawed through her purse for matches.她在手提包里乱翻一气寻找火柴。英汉大词典〔pocketbook〕I need a new pocketbook to go with these shoes.我需要一个新手提包来配这双鞋。剑桥高阶〔purse〕A woman's bag for carrying keys, a wallet, and other personal items; a handbag.女用小包:女子用来携带钥匙、皮夹或其他私人用品的小包;手提包美国传统〔purse〕She had her purse snatched.她的手提包被抢。牛津搭配〔pursue〕She pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag.她追赶那个偷了一个妇女提包的男人。柯林斯高阶〔reach〕Judy reached into her handbag.朱迪把手伸进手提包外研社新世纪〔reach〕She reached her hand into her purse to get her wallet.她将手伸进手提包去掏钱包。韦氏高阶〔reticule〕A woman's drawstring handbag or purse.网格包:女人的拉带手提包或钱包美国传统〔rifle〕She started to rifle through the contents of her bag.她开始把手提包里的东西匆匆翻寻一遍。英汉大词典〔root〕Leila rooted through her handbag for a pen.莉拉在手提包里翻找钢笔。朗文当代〔rush〕She was rushing around madly looking for her bag.她疯狂地到处寻找自己的手提包牛津搭配〔scrap〕A crumpled scrap of paper was found in her handbag.在她的手提包里发现了一张皱巴巴的小纸片。柯林斯高阶〔scrip〕A wallet, small satchel, or bag.小袋,小提包,小背包美国传统〔shadow〕Someone jumped out of the shadows and grabbed my handbag.有个人从阴暗处窜出,抢走了我的手提包剑桥高阶〔snap〕She quickly snapped her handbag shut.她喀哒一声把手提包合上了。麦克米伦高阶〔spray〕Mary took a perfume spray from her handbag.玛丽从手提包里拿出一瓶喷雾香水。朗文当代〔thief〕A thief snatched her handbag containing her wages.一个小偷抢走了她的手提包,里面装着她的工资。牛津搭配〔thief〕A thief took my purse.小偷偷走了我的手提包韦氏高阶〔tote〕We arrived, toting our bags and suitcases.我们背着提包拎着衣箱到了那里。牛津高阶〔transfer〕She transferred her gun from its shoulder holster to her handbag.她把枪从挂肩枪套里转移到手提包里。剑桥高阶〔twiddle with〕She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag.她坐在那里, 紧张地摆弄着手提包的扣钩。外研社新世纪〔twiddle〕She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag.她坐在那里紧张地摆弄着手提包的扣钩。柯林斯高阶〔twist〕A man twisted the handbag out of the lady's hand.一个男子从小姐手中抢走了手提包21世纪英汉〔twitch〕A man twitched the handbag from her hand.一个人从她手中抢走了手提包21世纪英汉〔waylay〕A man on his way to deposit $12,000 in a bank was waylaid by two men who snatched his bag.一名男子去银行存1.2万美元的现金,路遇两名男子拦截,并被抢走了提包剑桥高阶〔way〕She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out.她出门时一把抓起照相机和提包牛津高阶〔while〕While she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag.她睡着的时候,小偷闯进来偷走了她的手提包朗文当代〔whop〕She whopped him with her handbag.她用手提包打他。剑桥高阶〔work〕He washed, shaved and made short work of packing his light bag.他洗了脸, 刮了胡子, 又快速把轻便提包打包完毕。外研社新世纪〔zippered〕The purse has several zippered compartments.这个手提包有几个带拉链的隔层。韦氏高阶A mugger grabbed her handbag as she was walking across the park.一名抢劫犯在她穿过公园时抢走了她的手提包剑桥国际A mugger knocked her to the ground and stole her handbag.一个强盗把她撞倒在地,抢了她的手提包剑桥国际A woman on her way to deposit $120,000 in a bank was waylaid by two men who punched her and snatched her handbag yesterday.昨天一位妇女去银行存120, 000美金,在路上遭到了两名男子的拦截,他们殴打了她,并抢走了她的手提包剑桥国际Her deadpan face really fooled me when she said she'd lost my bag--I didn't realize she was joking.当她说弄丢了我的提包时,她那不动声色的表情真骗过了我,我没意识到她在开玩笑。剑桥国际Her fingers tensely twisted the handle of her bag. 她的手指紧张地扭动著手提包的把手。译典通I ran back to my room and retrieved my bag. 我奔回房间取回自己的提包译典通I want to get a new pocketbook to go with these shoes.我想买一个新手提包来配这些鞋。剑桥国际I've got far too much clobber in my handbag.我手提包里的东西太多了。剑桥国际Lisa took her hairbrush from her handbag and began to brush her hair.莉萨从手提包里拿出梳子梳头。剑桥国际She beat off her attacker (= made him go away) by hitting him with her handbag.她用手提包打退攻击者。剑桥国际She had several articles of clothing in her bag. 她手提包内有几件衣物。译典通She whopped him with her handbag.她用手提包打他。剑桥国际The lady put her wallet in her purse. 那位女士将皮夹子放在手提包内。译典通You will be given a seat number when you check (in) your bags at the desk.当你在登机报到处托运提包时,会给你一个座位号码。剑桥国际

