
单词 子夜
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CARELESS〕Police blame higher crime rates on irresponsible parents who allow their teenage children to stay out all night. 警方将高犯罪率归咎于父母不负责任,允许自己十来岁的孩子夜不归宿。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕Many children will cling to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute for their mother at night. 许多小孩子夜里会抱着软软的毛毯或玩具代替他们的母亲。朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕We could be home before midnight if the traffic isn't too bad. 如果交通情况不太糟,我们在子夜前可以到家了。朗文写作活用〔alert〕The bomb alert was raised soon after midnight.刚过子夜,防空警报就拉响了。朗文当代〔at〕We go to Midnight Mass at Christmas.圣诞节我们要参加子夜弥撒。朗文当代〔chime〕The ceremony started as the chimes of midnight struck.子夜钟声响起的时候,仪式开始了。柯林斯高阶〔close〕It was close to one-fifteen a.m.时间已近子夜一点十五分。朗文当代〔congregant〕A small number of congregants had assembled for Midnight Mass.少数会众聚在一起,等待子夜弥撒。韦氏高阶〔evening star〕A planet, especially Venus or Mercury, that crosses the local meridian before midnight and is prominent in the west shortly after sunset.晚星:子夜前跨越当地子午线、日落后即出现在西方的一颗明亮的行星,尤指金星或水星美国传统〔ghostly〕A ghostly figure appears in the house at night.房子夜里有幽灵似的身影出现。韦氏高阶〔midnight sun〕The sun as seen at midnight during the summer within the Arctic and Antarctic regions.子夜太阳:南极和北极地区在夏季午夜可以看见的太阳美国传统〔midnight〕At the stroke of midnight, Prince Charming turned back into a rat.子夜钟声敲响时,白马王子又变回了老鼠的样子。牛津搭配〔midnight〕It was nearly midnight.时间快近子夜了。文馨英汉〔midnight〕She heard the clock strike m idnight.她听见钟敲子夜 12 点。牛津高阶〔morning〕The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon.早晨:一天之中第一个或早些时段,从子夜持续至中午或从太阳升起时持续到中午美国传统〔place〕These streets are no place for a child to be out alone at night.这些街道可不是小孩子夜间单独去的地方。牛津高阶〔smoking jacket〕A man's evening jacket, often made of a fine fabric, elaborately trimmed, and usually worn at home.吸烟衫:男子夜晚穿的夹克,通常由上等布料制成,装饰鲜艳,通常在家里穿美国传统〔sun〕They call Norway the land of the midnight sun.挪威被称为子夜太阳之国。牛津搭配〔wet〕Our youngest child still sometimes wets the bed at night.我们最小的孩子夜里有时候还尿床。麦克米伦高阶At around midnight we waved the happy couple off to their bridal suite.大约在子夜时分我们将沉浸在幸福之中的新婚夫妇送入新房并向他们挥手告别。剑桥国际The 24-hour society may let people shop at midnight and buy shares on the Internet at dawn, but it could damage our health. 24 小时社会可让人们在子夜购物或在黎明时分在网上购买股票,但会危害健康。牛津商务The crowd in the square counted down to midnight.广场上的人群以倒计时迎接子夜的来临。剑桥国际The new President assumes office at midnight tonight.新任总统将在今晚子夜就职。剑桥国际

