
单词 参考资料
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INFORMATION〕I've been unable to find any reference material on the subject of interracial adoptions. 有关不同种族间收养孩子的题目,我未能找到任何参考资料朗文写作活用〔below〕See below(= at the bottom of the page)for references.见本页末参考资料牛津高阶〔click〕All reference materials are just a click away in the computer databases.所有的参考资料都在计算机数据库中,不过一键之遥。剑桥高阶〔documentation〕The documents or references so supplied.证明文件:提供的文件或参考资料美国传统〔document〕To support (statements in a book, for example) with written references or citations; annotate.评述:为(书中叙述等)引用参考资料或引文等以支持;为…作注解,评注美国传统〔library〕Some public libraries have good reference sections.有些对外开放的收藏可以提供很好的参考资料外研社新世纪〔reference〕Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.每一章后面都附有极为详尽的参考资料21世纪英汉〔reference〕Each volume is fully referenced.每卷卷末附有详尽的参考资料英汉大词典〔reference〕Please quote the appropriate reference in your letter.请在信中提供恰当的参考资料牛津搭配〔reference〕The passage or source so referred to.参考资料:供参考的篇章或资料美国传统〔request〕References are available on request.有参考资料备索美国传统〔resource〕There's a shortage of resource materials in many schools.许多学校都缺乏参考资料外研社新世纪〔therein〕See Thompson, 1983, and the references cited therein.见汤普森(1983)以及该书引用的参考资料朗文当代He's studying his family history, so he spends all his time in the library, hunting up references (= looking for them, although they are difficult to find).他正在研究家史,因此他把所有的时间都花在图书馆寻找参考资料剑桥国际

