
单词 厚实
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HARD〕During winter the lake became a solid block of ice. 冬天里,湖面上结了一层厚实的冰。朗文写作活用〔Talbot〕A large white or light-colored hound of an English variety, having long hanging ears and heavy jaws, formerly used for tracking and hunting.垂耳猎犬:一种产于英国的大型的白色或浅色猎犬,长有长而低垂的耳朵和厚实的爪子,过去被用来跟踪和捕获猎物美国传统〔V-neck〕He was wearing a chunky black V-neck over a white T-shirt.他身着一件厚实的黑色鸡心领上衣, 里面穿着一件白色T恤衫。外研社新世纪〔absorb〕Deep carpets can absorb some of the noise.厚实的地毯能部分消音。英汉大词典〔back〕The material is backed with a heavy lining.这种料子的里衬很厚实剑桥高阶〔bank〕The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter.炉火被封得很厚实,好像就是隆冬。牛津高阶〔bay〕A thick wall keeps the noise at bay.一道厚实的墙挡住了声音。朗文当代〔beefsteak tomato〕Any of several varieties of tomato having large fruit with thick flesh.牛排西红柿:西红柿多个变种之一,果肉大而厚实美国传统〔bolster〕The large and heavily bolstered leather driver's seat gives fabulous comfort and support.填充厚实的宽大皮驾驶座给人非凡的舒适和支撑。外研社新世纪〔camelhair〕A soft, heavy, usually light tan cloth, made chiefly of the hair of camel.驼毛布料:一种柔软厚实的淡棕色布料,主要由骆驼的毛制成美国传统〔cut〕Only a specially equipped ship could cut a way through such tightly-packed ice.只有特别装备的船只才能够从这样厚实的积冰中开辟出一条通路来。英汉大词典〔deltoid〕A thick, triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint, used to raise the arm from the side.三角肌:覆盖于肩关节处的厚实的、三角形的肌肉,用于从体侧举起手臂美国传统〔dirt〕These carpets are tough and don't show the dirt.这些地毯厚实又耐脏。外研社新世纪〔fortification〕The fortifications of the castle were massive and impenetrable.城堡的防御工事巨大厚实,坚不可摧。剑桥高阶〔garment〕She wore a heavy knitted garment.她穿着一件很厚实的针织衫。牛津搭配〔heat〕The thick walls retain the heat.厚实的墙体能够保温。牛津搭配〔hemelytron〕One of the forewings of a hemipterous insect, having a thick membranous apex.半鞘翅:半翅目昆虫的前翅的一支,带有厚实细胞腊尖端美国传统〔luxuriant〕We've bought a wonderfully luxuriant carpet for our bedroom.我们买了一块漂亮厚实的地毯铺在卧室里。剑桥高阶〔massive〕The fort had massive walls.这个要塞的墙体厚实坚固。韦氏高阶〔pack〕The snow has packed down tightly, making the streets dangerous to walk on.雪积得很厚实,走在街上很容易出危险。剑桥高阶〔quilt〕A thick protective cover similar to or suggestive of a quilt.被状物:与被子相似的或使人能联想到被子的一种厚实的保护性遮盖物美国传统〔self-sow〕Grasses self-sow and build a firm turf.野草天然播种,形成一片厚实的草皮。英汉大词典〔shaggy〕The dog's shaggy coat was thick and soft.那条狗乱蓬蓬的皮毛厚实柔软。外研社新世纪〔slub〕A soft, thick nub in yarn that is either an imperfection or purposely set for a desired effect.纱节,大肚纱:纱线上柔软而厚实的小块,可能是瑕疵也可能是为达到预期效果而故意织出的美国传统〔stout〕I bought myself a pair of good stout hiking boots.我给自己买了双厚实耐穿的靴子远足时穿。剑桥高阶〔thin〕The piano had a thin sound.这架钢琴的声音不够厚实美国传统〔tricotine〕A sturdy, worsted fabric with a double twill, used for dresses and suits.急斜纹精纹细毛哔叽:一种有双面斜纹的、质地厚实的精纹织物美国传统〔wrap up〕Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having to wrap up warm.孩子们非常喜欢不用裹着厚实的衣服在空气新鲜的户外嬉闹。柯林斯高阶Lamb casserole makes an excellent family dish, toothsome in flavour and robust in texture.羊羔砂锅是一道极好的家常菜,气味诱人,肉质厚实剑桥国际The fortifications of the castle were massive and impenetrable.那座城堡的防御工事厚实牢固,坚不可摧。剑桥国际The reason he looks a bit fat is because he wears chunky clothes. 他看起来有点胖是因为他穿了厚实的衣服。译典通You'll need heavy shoes--the paths are wet and muddy.你需要厚实皮鞋----道路泥泞。剑桥国际

