
单词 泄露机密
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENEMY〕They accused him of giving secret information to the enemy. 他们指控他向敌军泄露机密情报。朗文写作活用〔disclose〕She was accused of disclosing confidential material to a competitor.她被指控向竞争对手泄露机密牛津搭配〔leak〕Jackson said he did not believe the leaks came from his office.杰克逊说他不相信他办公室的人会泄露机密麦克米伦高阶〔prohibition〕Companies are under strict prohibitions about divulging confidential information.严格禁止各公司泄露机密信息。牛津搭配〔secret service〕The press reported that he was paid more than $700,000 by the British Secret Service for sharing classified information.报刊报道说英国情报机构付给他70万美元作为泄露机密文件的回报。剑桥高阶He would suffer death rather than betray the secret. 他宁死也不肯泄露机密译典通

