
单词 沿边
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apteral〕Having no columns along the sides. Used especially of a classical temple.无侧柱的:沿边缘无柱子的。尤用于古典庙宇美国传统〔cede〕Much of the territory along the border was ceded to the United States.沿边境的大片领土被割让给了美国。朗文当代〔deploy〕At least 5 000 missiles were deployed along the border.沿边境至少部署了 5 000 枚导弹。牛津高阶〔rebel〕The rebels were based in camps along the border.叛军沿边境安营扎寨。牛津搭配〔seam〕A line of junction formed by sewing together two pieces of material along their margins.缝线:通过将两块材料沿边缘缝合而形成的结合处的线美国传统〔skirt〕To lie along, move along, or be an edge or a border.位于边缘,沿边走:位于…的边缘,沿着…的边缘走或是…的边缘或边界美国传统〔take up〕UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border.预计联合国维和部队将沿边境就位。外研社新世纪

