
单词 找出问题
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕We need to get to the root of the problem. 我们需要找出问题的根源。朗文写作活用〔a while〕It took them a while to find out what was causing the problem.他们花了一些时间才找出问题的原因。韦氏高阶〔appropriate〕Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.现在既已找出问题的症结,即可采取适当行动。牛津高阶〔diagnose〕The mechanic was unable to diagnose the problem.机械师未能找出问题原因。韦氏高阶〔down〕It's down to the prime minister to find out what went wrong.首相有责任找出问题的症结所在。麦克米伦高阶〔exhausted〕Trying to find a solution to the problem had left the sisters mentally exhausted.姐妹几个想方设法要找出问题的解决方法,结果弄得个个伤透脑筋。麦克米伦高阶〔identify〕First of all we must identify the problem areas.首先我们必须找出问题所在。牛津高阶〔isolate〕They tried to isolate (= find) the cause of the problem.他们试图找出问题的原因。剑桥高阶〔pinpoint〕We've been unable to pinpoint the source of the problem.我们终究还是没有办法准确地找出问题的根源。麦克米伦高阶〔postmortem〕Party leaders are conducting a postmortem of the election to try to find out what went wrong.政党领导们正在进行选举后的讨论分析,试图找出问题所在。韦氏高阶〔source〕This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem.这件事给我提供了找出问题根源的线索。柯林斯高阶〔time〕It took them a long time to find out what was causing the problem.他们花了很长时间才找出问题的原因。韦氏高阶〔wrong〕The doctors are still trying to find out what's wrong.医生们仍在试图找出问题的症结。剑桥高阶Members had a brainstorming session to identify the causes of the problem.成员召开头脑风暴,目的是找出问题的根源。牛津商务

