
单词 抚摸
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAD〕Bill stroked her hair gently, trying to comfort her. 比尔轻轻地抚摸她的头发,试图安慰她。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕He began stroking her hair and gently murmuring her name. 他开始抚摸她的头发,喃喃地呼唤着她的名字。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕She stroked the horse's long glossy neck. 她抚摸着那匹马光滑发亮的长脖子。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕The cat purred as Ben stroked its sleek fur. 本抚摸着猫咪光滑发亮的毛,猫咪发出呼噜呼噜的声音。朗文写作活用〔SOFT〕He stroked the satin softness of her hair. 他抚摸着她那绸缎一般柔软的头发。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕Barbara held the tiny baby close and caressed his cheek. 芭芭拉把小宝宝抱近了并抚摸他的脸颊。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕I put out my hand to stroke the cat but it spat at me viciously. 我伸手去抚摸那只猫,它却冲着我呼噜呼噜地叫了起来。朗文写作活用〔affectionately〕She stroked him affectionately.她充满深情地抚摸他。文馨英汉〔be all over sb〕She was all over him, kissing him and running her hands through his hair.她把他整个压在身下,亲吻并抚摸他的头发。剑桥高阶〔canoodle〕To engage in caressing, petting, or lovemaking.爱抚:进行爱抚、抚摸或调情美国传统〔caress〕He was gently caressing her golden hair.他深情抚摸着她的金发。柯林斯高阶〔caress〕He was gently caressing her golden hair.他轻轻地抚摸着她的金发。外研社新世纪〔caress〕His fingers gently caressed her cheek.他的手指轻轻抚摸着她的脸。牛津搭配〔caress〕His hands gently caressed her body.他用双手温柔地抚摸着她的身体。朗文当代〔caress〕Margaret took me to one side, holding my arm in a gentle caress.玛格丽特将我拉到一边,轻轻地抚摸着我的胳膊。柯林斯高阶〔caress〕Margaret took me to one side, holding my arm in a gentle caress.玛格丽特把我拉到一边, 轻轻地抚摸我的手臂。外研社新世纪〔caress〕She caressed the baby's cheek.她抚摸着宝宝的脸。韦氏高阶〔caress〕The mother caressed the child with her hand.母亲用手轻轻抚摸着孩子。21世纪英汉〔caress〕To touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving manner.抚爱:充满爱意地轻触或抚摸美国传统〔chin〕He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.他若有所思地抚摸着下巴。朗文当代〔chuck〕He affectionately chucked her under the chin.他深情地抚摸着她的下巴。韦氏高阶〔erogenous〕Your body contains many erogenous zones, areas that lead to a feeling of sexual excitement when they are caressed.人的身体有很多性敏感带,对这些敏感带进行抚摸会引发性欲。柯林斯高阶〔feel〕He gently felt the softness of the baby's cheek.他轻轻抚摸着婴儿柔软的脸颊。剑桥高阶〔feel〕To touch or fondle (someone) sexually.挑逗,调情:带有性欲地触摸或抚摸(某人)美国传统〔fondle〕He tried to kiss her and fondle her.他想要亲吻、抚摸她。外研社新世纪〔fondle〕He tried to kiss her and fondle her.他想要亲吻她,抚摸她。柯林斯高阶〔fondle〕She fondled his neck.她抚摸着他的脖子。朗文当代〔fondle〕She fondled the puppies.她抚摸着小狗。剑桥高阶〔fondle〕To show fondness or affection by caressing.爱抚:通过抚摸表示喜爱或慈爱美国传统〔form〕I ran my finger along the soft, curving contour of the child's cheek.我抚摸着孩子柔和、轮廓深刻的面颊。美国传统〔fuzzy〕I stroked the kitten's fuzzy back.我抚摸着小猫毛茸茸的背。朗文当代〔grope〕He claimed she tried to kiss and grope him.他声称她企图亲吻并抚摸他。外研社新世纪〔grope〕He tried to grope her and put his hand up her skirt.他试图抚摸她的身体, 手顺着她的短裙向上摸去。外研社新世纪〔grope〕Slang To handle or fondle for sexual pleasure.【俚语】 抚摸身体:为性快感而抚摸或爱抚美国传统〔hair〕Kyle reached out to stroke her hair.凯尔伸出手抚摸她的头发。牛津搭配〔hand〕He put out a hand as if to touch her.他伸出一只手,好像要去抚摸她。牛津搭配〔hunger after/for sth〕I hunger for your touch.我渴望你的抚摸剑桥高阶〔kiss〕A caress or touch with the lips.吻:用嘴唇的抚摸或接触美国传统〔kiss〕He kissed her gently and stroked her hair.他温柔地吻她并抚摸她的头发。朗文当代〔kiss〕She kept feeling the bump; David must kiss it better for her.她不断抚摸肿块;戴维得吻它一下以示安慰。英汉大词典〔kiss〕To engage in mutual touching or caressing with the lips.接吻:共同用嘴唇接触或抚摸美国传统〔kiss〕To touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness.接吻:用嘴唇接触或抚摸,以表达慈爱、欢迎、尊敬或情爱美国传统〔languid〕Ed leant against the wall, languidly stroking the dog.埃德靠在墙上,懒洋洋地抚摸着狗。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕He traced the line of her jaw with his finger.他用手指顺着她的下巴外缘抚摸牛津高阶〔mat〕She touched the thick mat of sandy hair on his chest.她抚摸着他浓密的淡棕色胸毛。外研社新世纪〔palm〕Jake palmed her shoulder lightly.杰克轻轻地抚摸她的肩膀。外研社新世纪〔pat〕The sound made by a light stroke or tap or by light footsteps.拍打声,轻轻的脚步声:轻轻的抚摸、拍打或轻轻的脚步所发出的声音美国传统〔pat〕To stroke lightly as a gesture of affection.爱抚:轻轻抚摸以示爱意美国传统〔petting〕The act or practice of amorously embracing, kissing, and caressing one's partner.异性间的抚摸,爱抚:满怀爱意地拥抱、接吻或爱抚情侣的行为或体验美国传统〔pet〕My dog loves to be petted.我的狗喜欢被抚摸韦氏高阶〔pet〕Our dog loves to be petted and tickled behind the ears.我们的狗喜欢人在它耳后抚摸、挠痒。剑桥高阶〔pet〕The old woman is petting the purring cat.老妇人正在抚摸那只呜呜叫的猫。英汉大词典〔pet〕The policeman reached down and petted the wolfhound.警察伸手抚摸那只猎狼犬。柯林斯高阶〔pet〕There were several couples petting at the back of the cinema.有几对男女坐在电影院后排抚摸调情。英汉大词典〔pet〕Young couples pet in the back of parked cars.在停着的汽车的后座上, 年轻男女相互抚摸调情。外研社新世纪〔play〕Her hand was playing on the edge of the bed.她的手在床边抚摸着。21世纪英汉〔purr〕The cat purred as I stroked its fur.我抚摸猫的软毛时,它呜呜地叫着。剑桥高阶〔ran〕His fingers ran slowly over my arm.他的手指慢慢地抚摸着我的胳臂。21世纪英汉〔ran〕She ran her fingers lightly over the child's face.她用手指轻轻地抚摸着孩子的脸。21世纪英汉〔reach〕Luisa reached out her hand to stroke the cat.路易莎伸手去抚摸猫。朗文当代〔rich〕She stroked the rich velvet of the dress enviously.她羡慕地抚摸着连衣裙华贵的天鹅绒。朗文当代〔ruffled〕She strokes its soft, ruffled fur.她抚摸着它柔软的、乱蓬蓬的毛皮。外研社新世纪〔spoon〕Informal To engage in amorous behavior, such as kissing or caressing.【非正式用语】 爱抚:作亲热动作,如接吻和抚摸美国传统〔stroke〕He reached out and stroked her cheek tenderly.他伸出手,温柔地抚摸她的脸颊。朗文当代〔stroke〕He stroked her face.他抚摸她的脸。外研社新世纪〔stroke〕I gave her hair a gentle stroke .我轻轻地抚摸她的头发。朗文当代〔stroke〕One of his hands stroked down the smooth wood on the chair arm.他一只手沿着座椅把手上的光滑木头向下抚摸外研社新世纪〔stroke〕She gave the cat a stroke.她抚摸了一下猫。外研社新世纪〔stroke〕She lovingly stroked Chris's face with the tips of her fingers.她深情地用指尖抚摸着克里斯的脸庞。剑桥高阶〔stroke〕She stroked his hair as he gradually fell asleep.她抚摸着他的头发让他慢慢入睡。麦克米伦高阶〔stroke〕She stroked my head as if I were her son.她温柔地抚摸着我的头,就像是在抚摸她亲生儿子一样。21世纪英汉〔stroke〕She was sitting on the sofa stroking her cat.她坐在沙发上抚摸着她的猫。外研社新世纪〔stroke〕The boy stroked his dog [hair].那个男孩抚摸他的狗[头发]。文馨英汉〔tactile〕He's a very tactile man(= he enjoys touching people).他这个人非常爱抚摸他人。牛津高阶〔thistledown〕He smiled and ran his hands with a thistledown touch over his son's face.他笑了,双手轻柔地抚摸了一下儿子的脸。英汉大词典〔tingle〕She stroked his head, sending tingles down his spine.她抚摸着他的头,令他感到无比激动。剑桥高阶〔touch〕Grace was comforted by his touch.他的抚摸使格蕾丝得到了安慰。外研社新世纪〔touch〕He remembered the touch of her fingers on his face.他还记得她的手指抚摸他的脸的感觉。朗文当代〔touch〕It was the first time he had touched her.那是他第一次抚摸她。麦克米伦高阶〔undemonstrative〕Lady Ainslie is an undemonstrative woman who rarely touches even her own son.安斯利夫人是一个感情不外露的女人, 连自己的儿子都很少抚摸一下。外研社新世纪〔undemonstrative〕Lady Ainslie is an undemonstrative woman who rarely touches even her own son.安斯利夫人是一个连自己儿子都很少抚摸一下的矜持女子。柯林斯高阶He fondled the baby's feet.他抚摸着婴儿的脚。剑桥国际He ran his fingers gently down the baby's cheek, feeling the softness of her skin.他的手指轻轻地在婴儿的脸颊上移动,抚摸她那柔软滑爽的皮肤。剑桥国际He won't stop fingering his new video-recorder -- he's always like that when he gets a new gadget.他不住地抚摸着新录像机,只要他得到了一件新东西,他总是那样。剑桥国际I hunger for your touch.我渴望得到你的抚摸剑桥国际Our dog loves to be petted and tickled behind the ears.我们的狗喜欢人在它耳朵后面抚摸、挠痒。剑桥国际Say thank you to the lady, Joe, for letting you stroke her dog.谢谢这位女士,乔,她让你抚摸了她的狗。剑桥国际She accused the man standing beside her on the train of trying to have a grope.她指控火车上站在她边上的那个男人试图抚摸她。剑桥国际She felt the stroke of his hand on her hair. 她感觉得到他的手在自己的头发上轻轻抚摸译典通She fingered the fine silk. 她用手抚摸这美丽的丝绸。译典通She gave the child a loving caress. 她疼爱地抚摸著孩子。译典通She leaned forward to stroke the dog but quickly drew back when she saw its teeth.她向前倾,想去抚摸那只狗,但是她一看到狗的牙齿便缩了回来。剑桥国际She lovingly stroke Chris's face with the tips of her fingers.她充满爱意地用手指尖抚摸克里斯的脸庞。剑桥国际She petted the cat tenderly. 她轻轻地抚摸著猫。译典通She stroked the cat tenderly behind the ears.她轻轻地抚摸猫的耳后。剑桥国际Teenage couples were busy groping each other in the back of the cinema.一对对少年恋人在电影院后座忙着互相抚摸剑桥国际The cat purred as I stroked its fur.我抚摸猫的皮毛时,它呜呜地叫。剑桥国际The mother caressed her baby lovingly. 母亲疼爱地抚摸著婴儿。译典通When I stroked the cat, it gave a low purr.当我抚摸猫时,它低低地呜呜叫。剑桥国际When he runs his fingers through my hair, it drives me wild! 当他用手指抚摸我的头发时,简直让我神魂颠倒。剑桥国际

