
单词 托运行李
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OBVIOUS〕Airport officials became suspicious when the man tried to check what they describe as a conspicuously heavy bag. 那名男子托运行李时引起了机场人员的怀疑,他们说他的旅行袋非常重,惹人注意。朗文写作活用〔baggage〕Check your baggage in at the desk.在服务台托运行李朗文当代〔check sth in〕Those who need to check in bags must be patient and prepared for security searches.需要托运行李的人一定要有耐心,为安全检查做好准备。剑桥高阶〔check〕Many airlines charge extra for checked bags/baggage/luggage.很多航空公司对托运行李收取额外的费用。剑桥高阶〔check〕We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.我们托运行李后直接进入候机室。牛津高阶〔match〕All checked-in baggage must be matched with a passenger travelling on the aircraft.所有的托运行李必须和搭机的旅客相符。朗文当代〔unaccompanied〕The airport X-rays all unaccompanied baggage.机场用 X 光检查所有托运行李朗文当代We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.我们托运行李后进入候机室。牛津商务You must check your luggage at the airport ticket counter.你必须在机场票务柜台托运行李牛津商务

