
单词 担保人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DF.〕Defender of the Faith.信用担保人美国传统〔bail〕A person who provides this security.担保人:提供这种保证金的人美国传统〔guarantee〕The underwriter guarantees the bonds.保险公司担任此债券的担保人外研社新世纪〔guarantor〕His father is a guarantor on the loan.他父亲是贷款的担保人剑桥高阶〔guarantor〕You must have a guarantor in order to get a visa to enter the country.要获得该国入境签证必须要有一个担保人剑桥高阶〔justify〕To prove to be qualified as a bondsman.证明有资格做担保人美国传统〔principal〕The person having prime responsibility for an obligation as distinguished from one who acts as surety or as an endorser.当事人:对某一义务负首要责任的人,区别于担保人或背书转让人美国传统〔security〕One who undertakes to fulfill the obligation of another; a surety.保证人:承诺履行他人义务的人;担保人美国传统〔sponsor〕He agreed to be my sponsor so that I could join the club.他同意当我的担保人,这样我就能加入这个俱乐部了。韦氏高阶〔sponsor〕You cannot get a work visa without an American sponsor.没有一名美国担保人的话,你就拿不到工作签证。朗文当代〔surety〕As sureties, they will be liable in his place.作为担保人,他们会为他负法律责任。韦氏高阶〔surety〕Her brothers are acting as sureties for her.她的兄弟们给她当担保人剑桥高阶〔surety〕One who has contracted to be responsible for another, especially one who assumes responsibilities or debts in the event of default.保证人,担保人:签订了合同以对另一个人负责的人,尤指在拖久事件中决定负责或还债之人美国传统〔surety〕She stood surety for her husband's debts.她为其丈夫的债务做担保人外研社新世纪〔underwrite〕To act as an underwriter, especially to issue an insurance policy.经营保险业:作为担保人行事,尤指签发一保险单美国传统In Japan, you may need a guarantor in order to rent an apartment.在日本租房子可能须要担保人牛津商务The company had to act as guarantor for a loan of $750m.这家公司不得不充当一笔 7.5 亿元贷款的担保人牛津商务You must have a guarantor in order to get a visa to enter the country.你必须有一个担保人来获取签证进入这个国家。剑桥国际

