
单词 抽样
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕She based her analysis on data from a representative sample of women and men aged 18-25. 她的分析用的是从年龄在18至25岁之间具有代表性的男女抽样中获得的资料。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕Athletes will be subject to random drug testing. 运动员要接受随机抽样的药物检测。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕For our survey we asked a representative sample of voters to give us their opinions. 我们在调查中抽样邀请了一些具有代表性的选民来谈谈他们的观点。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Many sportsmen and women consider random drug-testing to be an unwarranted invasion of their privacy. 许多运动员认为抽样药检是对他们隐私的无理侵犯。朗文写作活用〔bias〕A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.偏差:由于系统上的结果偏差而导致的统计抽样或试验的错误美国传统〔blood test〕An examination of a sample of blood to determine its chemical, physical, or serologic characteristics.血液试验法:血液的一种抽样试验,以测定血液的物理性、血清和性质美国传统〔evaluation〕They took some samples of products for evaluation.他们对产品作了抽样以备评估。朗文当代〔extensometer〕An instrument used to measure minute deformations in a test specimen of a material.伸长计:用于物质抽样试验中测量微小的变形的一种仪器美国传统〔misinterpret〕It would be easy to misinterpret results from such a small sample.从这样小的一份抽样出发容易得出错误的结论。牛津搭配〔negatively〕Sixty per cent of the sample answered negatively.抽样调查中有60%的人给出否定的回答。外研社新世纪〔poll〕A survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information.民意调查:为获取信息而对公众的调查或对公众意见的一次抽样美国传统〔probable error〕The amount by which the arithmetic mean of a sample is expected to vary because of chance alone.或然误差:因偶然性而导致的某一抽样的算术中介预期出现的偏差的量美国传统〔quintile〕Statistics The portion of a frequency distribution containing one fifth of the total sample.【统计学】 五分位数:频数分布中,含有总抽样量的五分之一的部分美国传统〔randomly〕The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales.该调查在英格兰和威尔士随机抽样了2,000人。柯林斯高阶〔random〕A random sample/sampling/selection of doctors from around the country were selected for the study.为进行这项研究,从全国各地随机抽样选出了一些医生。韦氏高阶〔random〕We looked at a random sample of 120 families.我们研究了随机抽样的 120 个家庭。朗文当代〔representative〕The new figures are based on a representative sample of 91 hospitals nationwide.这些新的数字是以全国范围内具有代表性的91家医院抽样为基础的。麦克米伦高阶〔sample〕A low percentage of the women sampled said that they smoked during pregnancy.在抽样的妇女中,只有一小部分人表示自己在怀孕时抽烟。韦氏高阶〔sample〕After six weeks on the drug, over 60% of the sample showed some improvement.用药6星期后超过60%的抽样者有所好转。麦克米伦高阶〔sample〕Five of the 20 schools sampled did not meet the standards.在20所抽样的学校中,有5所没有达标。韦氏高阶〔sample〕Only 23% of those sampled said they were in favour of reducing the speed limits.在那些抽样者中只有23%的人说他们赞成降低限速。麦克米伦高阶〔sample〕Our sample comprised 250 office workers.我们的抽样调查对象包括 250 名办公室职员。牛津搭配〔sample〕Out of a random sample of drivers, 21% had been in an accident in the previous year.在随机抽样调查的驾驶员中,有 21% 曾在上一年发生过事故。朗文当代〔sample〕The air is sampled continuously to measure changes in air pollution.会对空气持续地进行抽样检验,以检测空气污染的变化。麦克米伦高阶〔sample〕The goods have sampled out.这些货物已抽样验收过了。21世纪英汉〔sample〕The reliability of the results depends on the size of the sample.结果的可信度取决于抽样的规模大小。麦克米伦高阶〔sample〕The study took a random sample of 100 students from 3 schools.随机抽样麦克米伦高阶〔sampling distribution〕The distribution of a statistic, such as occurs when a number of sample means are calculated for a given population.抽样分布:统计分布,如出现在为某一特定人口计算一定数量的样本美国传统〔segment〕Market researchers have segmented the population into different age groups.市场调研人员把抽样总体人口分成几个不同的年龄组。韦氏高阶〔size〕How do the samples compare in size? 这些抽样的样本数有什么不同?牛津搭配〔specimen〕A sample, as of tissue, blood, or urine, used for analysis and diagnosis.抽样:用来作分析和诊断的组织、血液或尿液的抽样美国传统〔spot check〕An inspection or investigation that is carried out at random or limited to a few instances.抽样调查:随机地仅限于几个事例的检查或调查美国传统〔spot check〕We carry out spot checks on the vehicles before they leave the depot.车辆离库之前我们要进行抽样检查。朗文当代〔spot-check〕To subject to or make a spot check.抽查:做抽样调查或进行抽样调查美国传统〔stratify〕The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender.调查问卷的抽样人群选自大学的学生名单,按年龄和性别分组。剑桥高阶〔subsample〕A sample drawn from a larger sample.从样品中再抽取的子样品,二次抽样样品美国传统〔subsample〕To take a subsample from (a larger sample).对…作二次抽样美国传统〔survey〕The researchers undertook a sample survey of schools in the city.研究人员对该市的学校做了抽样调查。牛津搭配〔taster〕One that tastes, especially one who samples a food or beverage for quality.试味员,品尝员:品尝的人,尤指为检验品质而抽样品尝食品或饮品的人美国传统〔term〕The sampling units (hereafter termed 'local areas') are towns.抽样单位(以下称为“地方”)为城镇。牛津搭配Acceptance sampling is usually carried out at the customer's premises.通常在顾客所在地进行验收抽样牛津商务Avoid bias in your research by random sampling.在你的随机抽样调查中要避免误差。牛津商务He was charged with failing to provide a specimen for analysis after he had been stopped by the police for drunk driving.他因酒后驾车而被警察拦下,后来又因不肯提供分析用的抽样而受到了指控。剑桥国际His job is to sample products for defects. 他的工作是抽样检查产品的瑕疵。译典通I was sent away with a specimen jar and told to bring in a urine sample the following day.我带着一个抽样瓶离开了那里,并被要求在第二天把尿样带来。剑桥国际The electoral register was used as a sampling frame.选民登记册被用作抽样范围。牛津商务The police are doing spot checks on motorists to test alcohol levels.警察在对汽车驾驶员进行抽样检查,测试他们的酒精用量。剑桥国际The survey was based on a nationally representative sample of 200 schools.这个调查是建立在全国范围内以200所学校为代表的抽样基础上的。剑桥国际We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought.我们任意抽样/挑选了一些人问他们的想法。剑桥国际We sampled opinion among 600 doctors (= asked them what they thought in order to know what most doctors might think).我们抽样调查了600名医生的意见。剑桥国际We used a sampling fraction of 1 in 100.我们使用了 1:100 的抽样比。牛津商务Work sampling provides a measure of employee efficiency by showing what proportion of the time is spent working.工作抽样通过显示用于工作上的时间比例,从而提供了衡量员工效率的方法。牛津商务

