
单词 为例
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOVERNMENT〕Costa Rica is often mentioned as an example of what countries can accomplish under stable, democratic governments. 说到一个国家在稳定、民主的政府领导之下可以成就多少事业,经常都是拿哥斯达黎加作为例子。朗文写作活用〔adduce〕To cite as an example or means of proof in an argument.引证,举例:在辩论中引以为例或引以为证美国传统〔cite〕I am merely citing his reaction as typical of British industry.我仅以他为例来说明英国工业界的典型反应。柯林斯高阶〔example〕Take, for example, the simple sentence: 'The man climbed up the hill'.以The man climbed up the hill这个简单句为例柯林斯高阶〔exception〕We are making a special exception for Emma because of her condition.因为艾玛的情况特殊,我们把她作为例外。牛津搭配〔exemplary〕Serving as an illustration; typical.典范的:作为例证的;代表性的美国传统〔follow〕To do as another has done; follow an example.模仿:做别人已经做过的事;以…为例美国传统〔for instance〕Now, take this car, for instance.现在就以这辆车为例韦氏高阶〔illustrated〕Here, by way of illustration, are some extracts from our new catalogue.这里引为例证的是我们新目录的部分摘录。柯林斯高阶〔illustration〕By way of illustration, he described the loneliness felt when a partner dies.作为例麦克米伦高阶〔illustration〕For the purposes of illustration, some of the more important symptoms are listed below.下面列出一些更重要的症状作为例证。朗文当代〔illustration〕Here, by way of illustration, are some extracts from our new catalogue.这里引为例证的是我们新目录的部分摘录。外研社新世纪〔instance〕As an example; for example.作为例子;例如美国传统〔instance〕Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.专家们以该国为例,说明侵犯人权有可能招致国际干预。牛津搭配〔instance〕He instanced the bee as a diligent insect.在说到勤劳的昆虫时他举蜜蜂为例英汉大词典〔instance〕She instanced the first chapter as proof of his skill in constructing scenes.她以第一章为例证明他构思情节的技巧。朗文当代〔let〕I'll let you off this time, but don't do it again.我且饶过你这一回,但下不为例朗文当代〔microblog〕Microblogs, for example on Twitter, can be for anything from "what I'm doing now" to coverage of serious political events.以推特为例,微博客可以用来说“我现在在干什么”,也可以覆盖严肃的政治事件。剑桥高阶〔offspring〕In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offspring varies between two and five.以豚鼠为例,它一胎产2到5个幼仔。剑桥高阶〔practice〕I'll do your washing for you this time, but I'm not going to make a practice of it.这次我给你洗衣服,不过下不为例剑桥高阶〔quote〕He quoted the example of France as a country with good rail service.他举了法国为例,说法国是铁路服务很完善的一个国家。朗文当代〔ratemaking〕The practice of establishing rates of payment, as for public transportation or utilities.定价:为例如公用交通或服务设施制定费用的行动美国传统〔say〕Let's take any writer, say(= for example)Dickens… 我们随便举一个作家为例,比如说狄更斯…牛津高阶〔take〕I'll take his behaviour as an example of what I mean.我将以他的行为为例来说明我的意思。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕If we take mango as an example, the raw fruit is high in vitamin C.我们以杧果为例, 在未经加工时其中的维生素C含量很高。外研社新世纪〔take〕Let me take Edison for example.让我以爱迪生为例21世纪英汉〔take〕Take hotels, for example.以旅馆为例外研社新世纪〔take〕Take last year's record high temperatures, for example.以去年的高温纪录为例韦氏高阶〔take〕To illustrate, let's take Munich (for example).为了说明问题,试以慕尼黑事件为例英汉大词典He instanced the fly as a dirty insect. 在说到肮脏的昆虫时他举苍蝇为例译典通I shall exemplify the approach by solving this equation.我将以解算这个等式为例说明这种方法。剑桥国际I'm letting you stay up late, just this once.我可以让你晚点睡觉,但下不为例剑桥国际You can use take when you want to mention something as a particular example of what you are talking about.以…为例剑桥国际

