
单词 出了车祸
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEND〕I'm sorry, I've had an accident in the car you rented me this morning. 很抱歉,你们今天上午出租给我的那辆汽车出了车祸朗文写作活用〔brake〕The car crashed after its brakes failed.那辆汽车刹车失灵,出了车祸牛津搭配〔closed〕There had been an accident and the road was closed.出了车祸, 道路被堵住了。外研社新世纪〔from then on〕She had a car accident a year ago and suffered from back pain from then on.她一年前出了车祸,自那以后就一直背疼。剑桥高阶〔live on〕His father-in-law lives on despite the car accident.尽管出了车祸,他的岳父仍然活下来。21世纪英汉〔location〕The map shows the precise location of the crash.地图上标出了车祸发生(飞机失事)的确切地点。朗文当代〔meet〕She was worried that he might have met with an accident.她怕他出了车祸牛津高阶〔near〕We had a near-disaster this morning in the car! 我们今天上午险些出了车祸剑桥高阶〔unaided〕Since his accident, he hasn't been able to walk unaided.自从出了车祸后,他一直不能独自行走。剑桥高阶〔wave ... aside〕There was an accident in the street and the policeman waved the cars aside.街上出了车祸,警察做手势让汽车从旁通过。21世纪英汉〔worse〕I got into an accident and suffered a cut on my arm. Worse, my car was totaled.我出了车祸,胳膊上划了个口子。更倒霉的是,我的车全毁了。韦氏高阶After his bike accident, he was sadder but wiser (= he had learned from the painful experience).自从骑车出了车祸以后,他真的吃一堑长一智了。剑桥国际He had an accident while he was driving a hire car (=a car that had been hired).他在驾驶一辆租来的汽车时,出了车祸剑桥国际We had a near-disaster this morning in the car! 今天上午我们差点出了车祸剑桥国际We heard that Jenny had been in a car accident, and so shot over (= went quickly) to see her in hospital.我们听说珍妮出了车祸,就马上去医院看她了。剑桥国际

