
单词 剖析
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔analyse〕Analyse what is causing stress in your life.剖析一下造成生活压力的原因。外研社新世纪〔analyze〕Analyse what is causing stress in your life.剖析一下造成生活压力的原因。外研社新世纪〔anatomize〕The magazine is devoted to anato-mizing the inadequacies of liberalism.该杂志致力于剖析自由主义的不足之处。柯林斯高阶〔anatomy〕The book is an anatomy of life in the inner city.这本书对旧城区生活进行了剖析韦氏高阶〔anatomy〕The whole play reads like an anatomy of evil.整个剧本读起来就如同是一份对邪恶的剖析报告。剑桥高阶〔anatomy〕This was a troubling essay on the anatomy of nationhood.这是一篇剖析民族主义的让人不安的文章。柯林斯高阶〔character〕The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character.这部书对奥巴马夫人的性格作了生动的剖析牛津高阶〔dissection〕A detailed examination or analysis.剖析:详细检查或分析美国传统〔dissection〕Dead scandals form good subjects for dissection.已经烟消云散的丑闻可成为剖析的好题材。英汉大词典〔dissection〕Her essay includes an excellent dissection of the poem.她的论文中有对这首诗的精彩剖析韦氏高阶〔dissection〕The novel is really a dissection of nationalism.小说对民族主义进行了彻底的剖析剑桥高阶〔dissect〕He dissected the plan afterward to learn why it had failed.他事后仔细剖析那项计划,以便搞清它失败的原因。英汉大词典〔dissect〕Her latest novel was dissected by the critics.评论家对她最近出版的一部小说作了详细剖析牛津高阶〔dissect〕People want to dissect his work and question him.人们想剖析他的作品, 并对他提出质疑。外研社新世纪〔dissect〕Your enjoyment of a novel can suffer from too much analysis and dissection.对一部小说过多的剖析可能会影响你阅读的乐趣。牛津高阶〔division〕The book explores the racial and economic divisions in/of our society.这本书剖析了我们社会中种族和经济方面的分歧。韦氏高阶〔economically〕Burn's novel, vividly and economically written, is a sombre reflection on fame and its cost.伯恩的小说描写生动, 语言简练, 对成名以及为此付出的代价进行了深刻剖析外研社新世纪〔economically〕Burn's novel, vividly and economically written, is a sombre reflection on fame and its cost.伯恩的小说描写生动,语言简练,对成名以及为此付出的代价进行了深刻剖析柯林斯高阶〔examine〕Scientists are examining the impact of global warming on local climates.科学家们正在剖析全球变暖对当地气候的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔insanity〕The film is a powerful study of a woman's descent into insanity.那部电影深入剖析了一个女人堕入疯狂的过程。柯林斯高阶〔length〕His film, over two hours in length, is a subtle study of family life.他这部片长逾两个小时的电影对家庭生活进行了巧妙的剖析柯林斯高阶〔negative〕Critical thinking is essentially negative as it seeks to dissect and not to build.批判性的思考从本质上讲是否定式的,因为其寻求的是剖析,而非建构。牛津搭配〔pointedly〕Her new book is a pointed look at life in a small community, and the position of women within it.她的新书对狭小社区的生活和其中女性的地位进行了犀利的剖析柯林斯高阶〔portrayal〕The article examines the portrayal of gay men in the media.这篇文章剖析了传媒对男同性恋者的描述。牛津高阶〔postmortem〕Informal An analysis or review of a completed event.【非正式用语】 事后剖析,事后检讨:对已结束事件的分析和回顾美国传统〔slice〕Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation.她一席话把整个事态的一切纷扰剖析得清清楚楚。牛津高阶〔take ... apart〕He thoroughly takes the German national charater apart in the essay.他在这篇文章里透彻地剖析了德意志民族性格。21世纪英汉〔take apart〕He proceeds to take apart every preconception anyone might have ever had about him.他继续逐一剖析人们对他可能怀有的成见。柯林斯高阶〔topography〕In the topography of the economy, several depressed areas are revealed.在对经济状况描绘的剖析图上,可以看到几个低落的领域美国传统〔unpack〕A lot of progress has been made in unpacking the issues central to achieving this strategic change.在剖析对实现这一战略转变至关重要的议题方面, 已经取得了很大的进展。外研社新世纪〔unpick〕He expertly unpicks the significant features of each painting.他专业地深入剖析每一幅画的重要特征。剑桥高阶〔unpick〕If I try to unpick my own motivation, I think mostly I was jealous.如果要我深入剖析我自己的动机,我想在极大程度上是嫉妒。剑桥高阶He's the sort of person who watches a film and then dissects it (= examines and discusses it) for hours.他是那种看完电影就接着要对它剖析上几个小时的人。剑桥国际It's difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from lies.很难从虚构中区分出铁的事实,从谎言中剖析出真相。剑桥国际The novel is really a dissection of nationalism.该小说真是对民族主义的剖析剑桥国际

