
单词 出售商品
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔booth〕A small stall or stand for the display and sale of goods.货摊:一个陈列和出售商品的小摊或售货台美国传统〔cosy〕He has some cosy arrangement/deal with his supplier, which means he's able to sell his goods more cheaply.他跟供应商有某种暗中约定/交易,这意味着他能以更低的价格出售商品剑桥高阶〔discount〕Some stores discount.有些商店打折扣出售商品21世纪英汉〔discount〕That store does not discount at all.那家铺子出售商品一概不打折扣。英汉大词典〔distributor〕One that markets or sells merchandise, especially a wholesaler.销售者;批发商:贩卖或出售商品的人,尤指批发商美国传统〔fair-trade〕To sell (a commodity) at a price consistent with a fair-trade agreement.互惠贸易:按互惠贸易条款以某一价格出售商品美国传统〔market value〕The amount that a seller may expect to obtain for merchandise, services, or securities in the open market.市场价值:卖者期望通过在开放市场上出售商品、服务或证券可以获得的价值额美国传统〔store〕A place where merchandise is offered for sale; a shop.店铺:出售商品的地方;商店美国传统〔undersell〕They promised to undersell their competitors.他们承诺以比竞争对手还要低的价格出售商品韦氏高阶A big supermarket can usually undersell a small local store.大规模的超市通常可以以低于地方小商店的价格出售商品剑桥国际He has some cosy arrangement/deal with his supplier, which means he's able to sell his goods more cheaply.他和他的供应商有某种私人约定/交易,这意味着他能以更低价出售商品剑桥国际Many stores do not discount at all. 许多商店出售商品一概不打折扣。译典通They are selling the goods under the counter at reduced prices. 他们正在削价偷偷出售商品译典通

