
单词 清洗
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) good as new〕Once the jewelry has been cleaned, it'll be like new.珠宝一经清洗,便会焕然一新。韦氏高阶〔ACCIDENTALLY〕The problem was caused by a worker who inadvertently contaminated the coffee machine by cleaning it with a toxic substance. 造成此问题的原因是,有工人不小心用了一种有毒物质进行清洗而污染了咖啡机。朗文写作活用〔Dakin's solution〕A dilute aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite used in cleansing wounds.达金氏溶液:一种稀释的次氯酸钠盐水溶液,用于清洗伤口美国传统〔EMPTY〕To remove algae from your aquarium, drain off the water and wash the tank thoroughly. 要除去鱼缸里的藻类,就得放掉水彻底清洗缸壁。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕Stalin's purges of the 1930s 20世纪30年代斯大林的大清洗运动朗文写作活用〔PURE〕Only distilled water should be used for cleaning contact lenses. 只有蒸馏水才能用于清洗隐形眼镜。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕I'll just go and wash out these glasses. 我这就去清洗这些玻璃杯。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕When we moved in, we spent a whole day washing all the floors and paintwork. 我们搬进去时,花了一整天时间清洗所有的地板和漆面。朗文写作活用〔abscess〕Once an abscess has burst it should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.脓包一破溃,就应该用抗菌液清洗牛津搭配〔approved〕The approved method of cleaning is industrial sand-blasting.得到正式认可的清洁方法是工业喷砂清洗柯林斯高阶〔bathe〕Bathe the infected area in a salt solution.用盐水清洗感染的部位。柯林斯高阶〔bathe〕She brought a bowl of water and began to bathe the injured arm.她拿来一盆水,开始清洗受伤的手臂。朗文当代〔best of all〕The machine is easy to use, easy to clean, and best of all, it's absolutely free when you order these books.这台机器操作简单,容易清洗,最重要的是,如果订购这些书,您将免费获赠一台。韦氏高阶〔bleed〕The madras skirt bled when it was first washed.薄棉裙在第一次清洗后就褪色了美国传统〔calculated〕Irene's cleaning the floor had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.艾琳清洗地板是有意掩盖她的罪行。外研社新世纪〔catharsis〕A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience.情绪的净化:情绪的净化或象征性清洗,尤指遗憾和恐惧,亚里土多德把他描述为悲剧对观众情绪的影响美国传统〔cleanser〕A detergent, powder, or other chemical agent that removes dirt, grease, or stains.清洁剂:去除灰尘、油脂或污渍的清洗液、粉末或其它化学药品美国传统〔clean〕This carpet doesn't clean very well.这地毯不太好清洗剑桥高阶〔clean〕This product cleans baths very effectively.本产品清洗浴缸效果很好。牛津搭配〔cloth〕She began cleaning the wound with a piece of cloth.她开始用一块布清洗伤口。柯林斯高阶〔colander〕A bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with perforations for draining off liquids and rinsing food.过滤器:碗状的一种厨房用具,有孔,用来滴漏液体及清洗食物美国传统〔compare〕Just compare the one that has been cleaned with the others.只要把清洗过的这个和其他的比较一下。麦克米伦高阶〔cradle〕A boxlike device furnished with rockers, used for washing gold-bearing dirt.洗矿槽:一种用来清洗含金土的带有弯杆的盒状器械美国传统〔detach〕The brush detaches from the vacuum cleaner for easy cleaning.将刷子从真空吸尘器上拆下以便于清洗韦氏高阶〔disinfect〕She cleaned and disinfected his wounds.她给他的伤口进行了清洗和消毒。外研社新世纪〔dismayed〕The ministers expressed dismay at the continued practice of ethnic cleansing.部长们表达了对持续进行的种族清洗的忧虑。柯林斯高阶〔do〕The car could do with a wash.这辆汽车需要清洗外研社新世纪〔dressing〕Clean the wound and put on a fresh dressing.清洗伤口并放上新敷料。牛津搭配〔dress〕Clean and dress the wound immediately.马上清洗包扎伤口。剑桥高阶〔dress〕To clean (fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.清洗干净:给(鱼家禽)放血、去毛和内脏以备烹煮或出售美国传统〔dry〕Dry hair is damaged by excessive washing.过度的清洗会使干性头发受损。外研社新世纪〔dusting〕She dusted, she cleaned, and she did the washing-up.她擦掉灰尘,打扫卫生,还清洗了餐具。柯林斯高阶〔ear〕He could hear much better after having his ears cleaned out.清洗过耳朵之后,他听得清楚多了。牛津搭配〔ease〕The bowl is removable for ease of cleaning.这个碗状物可取出以方便清洗朗文当代〔embark on〕The government embarked on its vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing.政府开始了残暴的种族清洗行动。外研社新世纪〔ethnic cleansing〕In late May, government forces began the 'ethnic cleansing' of the area around the town.5月底,政府军对该镇周边地区开始实施“种族清洗”。柯林斯高阶〔fleck〕He went to the men's room to wash flecks of blood from his shirt.他去男洗手间清洗衬衫上的斑斑血迹。柯林斯高阶〔flush〕The doctor flushed her eye with a special solution.医生用了一种特殊的溶液来清洗她的眼睛。韦氏高阶〔flush〕Water is ideal to flush the kidneys and the urinary tract.用水清洗肾脏和尿道最理想不过。柯林斯高阶〔get〕Clean the wound carefully so you don't get an infection.仔细清洗伤口,这样你就不会感染了。韦氏高阶〔grease〕Clean and grease the valve thoroughly.把这个阀门彻底清洗并涂上润滑脂。外研社新世纪〔groom〕The horses are being groomed for the competition.参赛马匹正在接受清洗韦氏高阶〔guard against〕Clean the wound to guard against infection.清洗伤口以防感染。韦氏高阶〔gum up〕She was ordered to wash the margins of her eyelids carefully if they became gummed up.她被嘱咐说, 如果眼皮粘住了, 就小心地清洗眼睑边缘。外研社新世纪〔hygienic〕For hygienic reasons, restaurants should wash silverware and drinking glasses more than once.出于卫生原因,餐馆清洗银制餐具和玻璃杯应不少于两遍。韦氏高阶〔inside〕We need to clean the inside of the windows as well as the outside.窗户里里外外我们都需要清洗麦克米伦高阶〔laundress〕A woman employed to launder clothes or linens.洗衣女工:雇来清洗衣服或亚麻制品的妇女美国传统〔laundry〕The patients' sheets are sent regularly to the hospital laundry.病人的床单定期送到医院的洗衣店清洗韦氏高阶〔leave〕It's difficult to remove stains left by red wine.红葡萄酒留下的污渍很难清洗外研社新世纪〔mop〕A household implement made of absorbent material attached to a typically long handle and used for washing, dusting, or drying floors.拖把:一种用于清洗、除去或擦干地板的家庭用具,将吸水性材料固定于典型的长柄的顶端美国传统〔much〕It doesn't look much cleaner even though it's been washed.虽然已经被清洗过了, 但它看起来并没干净多少。外研社新世纪〔nailbrush〕A small brush with firm bristles used for scrubbing the hands and cleaning the fingernails.指甲刷:用来擦洗手和清洗指甲的一种硬鬃毛小刷美国传统〔need〕The bathroom needs cleaning.卫生间该清洗了。麦克米伦高阶〔off〕The Auto Compact Disc Cleaner can run off batteries or mains.这种光盘自动清洗机可用电池或电源两种方式驱动。柯林斯高阶〔pad〕He cleaned the wound with a pad of cotton wool.他用一块药棉清洗了伤口。外研社新世纪〔paintwork〕Use warm water and detergent to wash paintwork.用温水和洗涤剂来清洗油漆面。英汉大词典〔paint〕Wash the walls before you start to paint.开始油漆之前把墙面清洗一下。麦克米伦高阶〔perfect〕Lino is perfect for kitchens because it's easy to wash.亚麻油地毡容易清洗, 非常适合在厨房使用。外研社新世纪〔person〕She's the type of person who always offers to wash up after a party.她是那种聚会之后总是主动提出清洗餐具的人。麦克米伦高阶〔pill〕Wool sweaters may pill after you wash them.羊毛衫清洗后可能会起球。韦氏高阶〔placer mining〕The obtaining of minerals from placers by washing or dredging.采砂矿:通过清洗或网捞从砂矿中获得矿物美国传统〔purge〕Between 1934 and 1938, Stalin mounted a massive purge of the Communist Party, the government and the armed forces in the Soviet Union.1934至1938年间,斯大林对苏联的共产党、政府和军队实行大清洗剑桥高阶〔purge〕His own father died during the purges.他自己的父亲在清洗运动中死去。外研社新世纪〔purge〕Macmillan purged his administration to try to save it.麦克米伦为挽救其政府而进行内部清洗外研社新世纪〔purge〕Many loyal Republican officers were purged and removed from their posts.很多忠诚的共和党官员遭到清洗, 被革了职。外研社新世纪〔purify〕To rid of impurities; cleanse.使纯净,净化:除去玷污物;清洗美国传统〔push broom〕A broom having a wide brush perpendicular to the end of a long handle, designed to be pushed in sweeping.长柄阔扫帚:有一个垂于直柄的宽的刷子的一种扫帚,设计用来在清洗被推动美国传统〔responsible〕They're responsible for cleaning the engine.他们负责清洗发动机。牛津搭配〔scale〕You should scale, bone, and clean the fish before you cook it.在烹调之前,应该把鱼去鳞、剔骨、清洗干净。韦氏高阶〔shampoo〕Any of various cleaning agents for rugs, upholstery, or cars.清洗剂:任一种用于抹布、地毯或汽车的清洁剂美国传统〔shampoo〕The act or process of washing or cleaning with shampoo.清洗:用洗发精或清洗剂清洁的行为或过程美国传统〔shampoo〕We need to shampoo the rug.我们需要用洗涤剂清洗地毯。韦氏高阶〔shampoo〕You should vacuum and shampoo carpets and upholstery.你应该先用吸尘器, 然后用清洁剂清洗地毯和衬垫。外研社新世纪〔soap〕Clean the wound with mild antibacterial soap.用温和抗菌皂清洗伤口。牛津搭配〔solution〕He rinsed the contact lens with saline solution.他用盐水清洗隐形眼镜片。韦氏高阶〔squeegee〕A small squeegee will help in the cleaning job.有一把小橡皮刷帚,清洗工作就会方便些。英汉大词典〔start〕Have you started the washing-up yet? 你开始清洗了没有?麦克米伦高阶〔steep〕To soak in liquid in order to cleanse, soften, or extract a given property from.浸泡:为清洗、使软或获取所求的性质而浸入液体美国传统〔toilet〕The cleansing of a body area as part of a surgical or medical procedure.创口洗涤:作为外科手术或医治程序一部分的对一个身体部位的清洗美国传统〔vile〕This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped.这项罪恶的种族清洗政策必须被制止。剑桥高阶〔wash down〕The prisoner washed down the walls of his cell.那个犯人彻底清洗了牢房的墙面。外研社新世纪〔wash off〕This makeup washes off easily.这种化妆品易清洗韦氏高阶〔wash out〕It was my job to wash out the fish tank.清洗鱼缸是我的活儿。外研社新世纪〔washing soda〕A hydrated sodium carbonate used as a general cleanser.洗涤碱:用作普通清洗剂的碳酸氢氧化钠美国传统〔wash〕Rub down the door and wash off the dust before applying the varnish.在上清漆前,要彻底打磨这扇门并把尘土清洗掉。柯林斯高阶〔wash〕They used a chemical wash to clean the bricks.他们用化学清洗清洗砖头。韦氏高阶〔window〕He works as a window cleaner.他的工作是清洗窗子。牛津搭配〔wound〕A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound.护士把伤口清洗包扎好。朗文当代At the hospital they cleaned the cut thoroughly to stop any foreign bodies from getting into my arm.在医院里他们彻底地清洗伤口,防止任何异物侵入我的手臂。剑桥国际Clean the car from the top, preferably with a hose and warm water. 最好用软管和温水从顶部开始清洗汽车。译典通He makes a little money on the side (= in addition to his usual activities) by cleaning windows in his spare time.他靠在业余时间清洗窗户赚些额外的零钱。剑桥国际I cleaned the insides (of the pot) with scouring powder.我用去污粉清洗了(罐的)内侧。剑桥国际In a purge of the army, at least eight colonels and a major have been removed from their posts.在军队的一次清洗中,至少8 个上校和一个少校被撤了职。剑桥国际Please clean down the wall. 请把墙壁清洗干净。译典通The nurse cleaned the cut on my leg with a swab.护士用药签清洗我腿上的伤口。剑桥国际The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it. 护士缝合伤口之前先把它清洗干净。译典通They sandblasted the cathedral and restored the beautiful golden colour of the stone.他们用喷沙法清洗大教堂,使它的石块恢复了原先美丽的金黄色。剑桥国际This toilet cleaner gets rid of germs and microbes.这种厕所清洗剂可以消灭细菌与微生物。剑桥国际This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped.这种邪恶的种族清洗政策必须制止。剑桥国际Watching football on Saturdays and cleaning the car on Sundays are all part of the British way of life.周六观看足球,周日清洗汽车都是英国生活方式的一部分。剑桥国际

