
单词 游手
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕We spent the whole summer drinking, smoking and lying around. It must sound totally decadent. 我们整个夏天都抽烟喝酒,游手好闲。听起来真够堕落颓废的。朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕The beach was deserted and unsafe for bathing according to the guidebook. 根据导游手册上说,这处海滩已废弃,游泳不安全。朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕He has written a guidebook that assesses the quality of Californian hotels. 他写了一本导游手册,对加利福尼亚的旅馆作了评价。朗文写作活用〔associate〕I don't like these layabouts you're associating with.我不喜欢你结交的这些游手好闲的人。朗文当代〔bummer〕One who bums, especially for a living.懒汉,游手好闲的人:游荡者,尤指为生活而游荡的人美国传统〔bum〕A lazy or shiftless person, especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others.懒鬼,游手好闲的人:一个懒惰或得过且过的人,尤指靠别人施舍过生活的人美国传统〔bum〕He's been bumming around since he left college.自从离开大学,他一直是游手好闲。文馨英汉〔crammed〕The guide is crammed full of useful information.这本导游手册里全是有用的信息。朗文当代〔custom〕The guide offers information on local customs.导游手册介绍了当地的风俗习惯。朗文当代〔deadbeat〕A lazy person; a loafer.懒惰的人;游手好闲的人美国传统〔deadbeat〕He's a real deadbeat who's never had a proper job.他真是游手好闲,从来没有干过一份正经的工作。剑桥高阶〔deadbeat〕His friends are just a bunch of deadbeats.他的朋友就是一群游手好闲的人。韦氏高阶〔disentrance〕The harshness of recent reality disentranced him from his idleness.最近的严酷现实使他醒悟,不再游手好闲了。21世纪英汉〔drone〕An idle person who lives off others; a loafer.懒汉:无所事事,靠别人生存的人;游手好闲的人美国传统〔drone〕He wouldn't drone when he may live by honest labour.他可凭诚实的劳动生活时,他不愿游手好闲。21世纪英汉〔drone〕Who would drone when he might live by honest labor? 如能凭老实的劳力谋生,谁又愿游手好闲呢?文馨英汉〔drugstore cowboy〕A loafer who passes time on sidewalks or at drugstores.迷幻牛仔,闲荡者:流连于街上或摇头店,游手好闲的人美国传统〔fool around〕He decided it was time to stop fooling around and settle down and get married.他觉得该结束游手好闲的生活,安定下来结婚了。韦氏高阶〔goof off〕He spent the day goofing off instead of working.他不去工作,整日游手好闲。韦氏高阶〔guide〕I bought him a guide to Poland.我给他买了一本波兰旅游手册。韦氏高阶〔guide〕It is worth buying a good travel guide.买一本好的旅游手册是值得的。麦克米伦高阶〔hater〕Braccio was a hater of idleness.布拉乔痛恨游手好闲。柯林斯高阶〔idleness〕Idleness is a very bad thing for human nature.人生性游手好闲的话是非常不好的。外研社新世纪〔idler〕The Duke resents being seen as a moneyed idler.公爵对别人把他看作钱包鼓鼓、游手好闲的人感到气愤。柯林斯高阶〔kind〕He is not the kind of man to idle away his time.他不是那种游手好闲的人。英汉大词典〔layabout〕A lazy or idle person; a loafer.懒惰或闲散的人;游手好闲者美国传统〔layabout〕The plaintiff's sole witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited.原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性、游手好闲, 其证词很不可信。外研社新世纪〔layabout〕The plaintiff's sole witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited.原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。柯林斯高阶〔laze〕Stop lazing about and do something!别游手好闲,做点事情吧。21世纪英汉〔lie〕I wish you wouldn't just lie about all day.我希望你不要整天游手好闲。英汉大词典〔list〕The guidebook lists 1000 hotels and restaurants.导游手册上列出了 1000 家旅馆和餐厅。朗文当代〔loafer〕She's a lazy loafer.她是个游手好闲的懒人。韦氏高阶〔loaf〕To pass time at leisure; idle.闲掷光阴:漫不经心地过日子;游手好闲美国传统〔mask〕His fooling around is a mask for his lack of confidence.他游手好闲是为了掩饰自己没有自信。牛津搭配〔misread〕She had misread a date in the Tour Book.她看错了《旅游手册》上的一个日期。21世纪英汉〔mope around〕He mopes about all day.他整天游手好闲。柯林斯高阶〔nondescript〕Idlers, beggars, and nondescripts hung about outside.游手好闲的人、叫花子和一些说不上来的人在外边晃悠。外研社新世纪〔out of date〕The guidebook I had for Chicago was out of date.我有的芝加哥旅游手册已经过时了。剑桥高阶〔plutocrat〕He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers, and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm.他声明了自己对工人的同情,并谴责了财阀和游手好闲的富人,其言辞之厉令这些人惶惶不安。柯林斯高阶〔ponce about/around〕It's time to stop poncing about and get busy.不要再游手好闲了,该忙点正事了。韦氏高阶〔ponce around〕I spent my working life poncing around on a beach instead of doing a proper job.我把该用于工作的时间都在海滩上游手好闲掉了,而没去从事一份像样的工作。柯林斯高阶〔pore over〕We spent hours poring over travel brochures.我们花了几个钟头研读旅游手册。外研社新世纪〔taste〕She has no taste for idleness.她绝不喜欢游手好闲。英汉大词典〔time〕I have no time for idlers.我讨厌游手好闲的人。 英汉大词典〔traipse〕The idle boys traipsed the streets.游手好闲的男孩们在马路上游荡。英汉大词典〔truck〕I shall have no further truck with those who drink, smoke or play around.我再也不会和那些喝酒、抽烟或游手好闲的人往来了。英汉大词典〔uneasily〕This is an uneasy travel book.这本旅游手册不是很好懂。柯林斯高阶〔unoccupied〕Not busy, employed, or engaged; idle.无事的:不繁忙的,未被雇佣的,或未专心从事某事的;游手好闲的美国传统〔unproductive〕Not productive; idle.不生产的;游手好闲的美国传统〔work-shy〕He is a morose, work-shy layabout.他是个整天垂头丧气、游手好闲的人。柯林斯高阶According to the tourist brochures, tennis at Wimbledon and rowing at Henley are intrinsic parts of the traditional English summer.根据导游手册,温布尔登网球赛和亨利划船比赛是传统英国夏天的固有组成部分。剑桥国际Believe me, he is not the kinda boy to idle away his time. 相信我,他不是那种游手好闲的男孩子。译典通He lay about all day instead of working. 他整天游手好闲,无所事事。译典通He would do anything but be a fiddler. 他什么都愿意做,就是不愿做游手好闲的人。译典通He's a real deadbeat who's never had a proper job.他真是个游手好闲的人,从来没有一份像样的工作。剑桥国际She was fed up with her do-nothing sons. 对她那些游手好闲的儿子,她已经是忍无可忍了。译典通That deadbeat never worked a day in his life. 那位懒虫终日游手好闲,一辈子也没工作一天。译典通They're all good-for-nothing layabouts.他们全是些没用的游手好闲之徒。剑桥国际

