“that which”例句

单词 that which
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Freudian〕Maybe, as the Freudians tell us, that which is repressed in one way will always find some other outlet.也许, 正像弗洛伊德派学者告诉我们的那样, 在某一方面受到压抑的情感总会以另一种形式发泄出来。外研社新世纪〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕There are certain parallels between the situation in Europe today and that which existed 90 years ago. 今天欧洲的局势和90年前的相比,有某些相似之处。朗文写作活用〔analysis〕The method of proof in which a known truth is sought as a consequence of a series of deductions from that which is the thing to be proved.解析:一种证明方法,即把已知事实作为将被证明的一系列演绎过程的结果美国传统〔analytic〕Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.推理的:用未经证明的条件来推理已知公理的美国传统〔buskin〕Tragedy, especially that which resembles a Greek tragedy.悲剧:悲剧,尤指类似希腊悲剧的美国传统〔civil law〕The law of ancient Rome as embodied in the Justinian code, especially that which applied to private citizens.罗马法:古罗马法律,陈述在《查士丁尼法典》中,尤指应用于私人的美国传统〔cognition〕That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; knowledge.认识:开始知道的事物,如通过知觉、推理或直觉;知识美国传统〔covet〕To feel immoderate desire for that which is another's.过分地妄想别人的所有物美国传统〔credential〕That which entitles one to confidence, credit, or authority.证明:某人可以相信、信任或具有权力的证明美国传统〔declaratory〕Setting forth that which is the law.建立的法规美国传统〔eburnation〕Degeneration of bone into a hard, ivorylike mass, as that which occurs at the articular surfaces of bones in osteoarthritis.骨质象牙化:骨质变质为坚硬的象牙状的块体,类似于患骨节炎时骨关节表面出现的情况美国传统〔esoteric〕Of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people.小范围内的:限于小圈子里的人的或与他们有关的美国传统〔fertilization〕The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilises the desert soil.粪便含氮,而正是氮可以肥化荒芜的土地。柯林斯高阶〔fertilize〕The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilizes the desert soil.粪便含氮, 而正是氮使荒芜的土地变得肥沃。外研社新世纪〔gathering〕That which is gathered or amassed; a collection or an accumulation.收集物:被收集或聚集的东西;一种收集物或获得物美国传统〔need〕These nouns denote a condition in which something essential is required or wanted; they also refer to that which is required or wanted.这些名词都指处于对必需品的要求和需求的一种状况;它们也指需要的或要求的东西。美国传统〔nonself〕That which the immune system identifies as foreign to the body.异物:被安全系统认为是非机体原有的东西美国传统〔obligation〕The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens.美国将为自己的公民尽其应尽的义务。柯林斯高阶〔obligation〕The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens.美国将会采取必要手段对自己的公民尽其应尽的义务。外研社新世纪〔order〕That which is supplied, bought, or sold.订单的货物:(他人要求)供应、带来或出卖(事物)的任务或指示美国传统〔pasture〕Ground on which such vegetation grows, especially that which is set aside for use by domestic grazing animals.牧场:这种植物生长的场地,尤指开辟出来喂养草食家畜的场地美国传统〔petitio principii〕The fallacy of assuming in the premise of an argument that which one wishes to prove in the conclusion; a begging of the question.窃取论点,预期理由:在一个论据的前提下某人希望证明结论的逻辑错误;回避问题美国传统〔phenomenon〕That which appears real to the mind, regardless of whether its underlying existence is proved or its nature understood.现象:对意识而言是真实的事物,不论它的基本存在是否被证实或基本质是否被理解美国传统〔reality〕Philosophy That which has necessary existence and not contingent existence.【哲学】 实在:绝对存在而非偶然存在的事物美国传统〔right〕That which is just, morally good, legal, proper, or fitting.正确,正当,公正,正义:公正的、在道德上好的、合法的、合适的或恰当的东西美国传统〔rival〕An epidemic to rival that which killed 26,000 in 1989 may hit the UK.一种流行病可能会袭击英国,其危害程度不亚于1989年导致26,000人丧生的疾病。柯林斯高阶〔saccade〕A rapid intermittent eye movement, as that which occurs when the eyes fix on one point after another in the visual field.扫视:眼睛快速间歇性移动,眼睛在视野内盯住一点然后盯住另一点是会发生这种扫视美国传统〔scarfskin〕The outermost layer of skin, especially that which forms the cuticle.表皮:尤指形成护膜的皮肤外表层美国传统〔soap〕Slang Money, especially that which is used for bribery.【俚语】 钱,尤指用来行贿的钱美国传统〔substance〕That which has mass and occupies space; matter.物体:有质量及占据空间的东西;物质美国传统〔supernatural〕That which is supernatural.超自然物:不可思议的事,超自然事物美国传统〔take〕That which is taken.取得之物美国传统〔that〕That which [what] you told me to do I did.你叫我做的事我已经做了。文馨英汉〔that〕Too much time is spent worrying over that which one can't change.太多的时间花在了担心那些我们无力改变的事情上。柯林斯高阶〔that〕Too much time is spent worrying over that which one cannot change.太多的时间花在了担心那些我们无法改变的事情上。外研社新世纪〔true〕The true cost often differs from that which had first been projected.实际成本经常与最初计划的有所不同。柯林斯高阶〔vested interest〕A special interest in protecting or promoting that which is to one's own personal advantage.保障或提高个人好处的一种特殊利益美国传统〔xenophile〕A person attracted to that which is foreign, especially to foreign peoples, manners, or cultures.崇外者:对外国事物着迷的人,尤指域外的民族、礼节或文化美国传统〔xenophobe〕A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.恐外者:对于外来事物,尤对陌生人或外国人特别恐惧或憎恨的人美国传统Soil which contains a lot of humus is more fertile than that which only has a little.富含腐植质的土壤比只含有少量腐植质的土壤要肥沃多了。剑桥国际The wound is still discharging (= producing liquid matter, esp. that which is infected).伤口还在流脓。剑桥国际

