
单词 大气层
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Martian〕The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.火星大气层只含有微量的水。外研社新世纪〔Martian〕The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.火星的大气层中只含有极少量的水。柯林斯高阶〔TIME〕Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by a number of processes that operate on different time scales. 二氧化碳经过一系列的过程从大气层中被除去,这些过程所需要的时间段各有不同。朗文写作活用〔TOP〕Most meteorites do not make it through Earth's upper atmosphere. 大部分陨石都未能进入地球大气层的外圈。朗文写作活用〔aerobraking〕The use of atmospheric drag rather than onboard thrusters to reduce the velocity of a satellite or spacecraft.大气层减速,大气阻力:利用大气层阻力而不是船载推进器来降低卫星或宇宙飞船的速度美国传统〔aeronomy〕The study of the upper atmosphere, especially of regions of ionized gas.高层大气物理学:对有关高层大气,特别是离子化大气层的研究美国传统〔aeropause〕The region of the atmosphere above which aircraft cannot fly.大气层外限:高于此气层飞机不能飞行的一大气层美国传统〔aerospace〕Of or relating to Earth's atmosphere and the space beyond.航空与航天空间的:属于或关于地球大气层及其外层空间的美国传统〔aerosphere〕The lower portion of the atmosphere in which both uncrewed and crewed flight is possible.大气圈:可飞行无人或载人飞机的大气层的较低部位美国传统〔airglow〕A low- or middle-latitude, more or less steady, faint photochemical luminescence in the upper atmosphere.气辉:大气层上部位于低纬或中纬的相对稳定的微弱光化冷光美国传统〔ambient〕The ambient air about the earth is called the atmosphere.地球周围的空气称为大气层英汉大词典〔atmosphere〕Experts have noticed changes in the atmosphere.专家们注意到了大气层中的变化。韦氏高阶〔atmosphere〕Meteoroids burn up as they pass through Earth's atmosphere.流星体穿过地球大气层时会烧毁。韦氏高阶〔atmosphere〕Saturn's moon, Titan, has an atmosphere mainly made of nitrogen.土星的卫星泰坦的大气层主要由氮气构成。麦克米伦高阶〔atmosphere〕The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere.《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。柯林斯高阶〔atmosphere〕The burning of fossil fuels results in the pollution of the atmosphere.地球大气层麦克米伦高阶〔atmosphere〕The planets have different atmospheres.这些行星有不同的大气层韦氏高阶〔atmosphere〕The shuttle will re-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow.航天飞机明天将返回地球大气层外研社新世纪〔atmosphere〕The spaceship should re-enter the earth's atmosphere later today.今天晚些时候,宇宙飞船将重返地球大气层牛津搭配〔atmosphere〕We still let harmful gases escape into the atmosphere.我们还在让有害的气体泄漏进大气层牛津同义词〔atmospheric pressure〕Pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere. At sea level it has a mean value of one atmosphere but reduces with increasing altitude.大气压力:因大气层的重量而产生的压力。在海平面上有一平均数值,即一个标准大气压,随着海拔高度增加而减小美国传统〔atmospheric〕Produced by, dependent on, or coming from the atmosphere.大气引起的:产生、依赖或来自于大气层中的美国传统〔biodegradable〕Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.可生物降解包装有助于减少排放到大气层中的有害化学物质的数量。剑桥高阶〔blast〕Toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.有毒化学品可能被喷射进大气层中。外研社新世纪〔burn (sth) up〕Meteorites often burn up in the atmosphere before they reach the ground.流星常常在到达地球之前就已经在大气层中燃尽了。剑桥高阶〔burn up〕Most asteroids burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere.大多数小行星在进入地球大气层时就燃烧殆尽了。韦氏高阶〔burn up〕The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.卫星重新进入大气层,烧成灰烬。柯林斯高阶〔burn up〕The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.这颗卫星再进入大气层时烧毁了。外研社新世纪〔burn〕The rocket burnt up when it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.火箭重入地球大气层时着火焚毁。英汉大词典〔burn〕The satellite will burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.卫星重新进入地球大气层时将被烧毁。朗文当代〔burn〕The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere.宇宙飞船进入地球大气层时被烧毁。牛津高阶〔burn〕The spacecraft has a heat shield to prevent it burning up when it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere.宇宙飞船有隔热层,能防止其在重返地球大气层时被烧毁。麦克米伦高阶〔cause〕Greenhouse gases are widely believed to be causing the Earth's atmosphere to heat up.人们普遍认为温室气体导致地球大气层温度升高。麦克米伦高阶〔chemistry〕We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.我们确实改变了地球大气层的化学构成。柯林斯高阶〔convection〕Meteorology The transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties by massive motion within the atmosphere, especially by such motion directed upward.【气象学】 大气对流:通过大气层内大规模气流运动进行的热量或其它大气属性的传递,尤指通过向上的气流运动美国传统〔critical〕Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.减少大气层中的二氧化碳含量极其重要。牛津高阶〔disengage〕The spaceship will disengage from the jet, fire a rocket, and head out of the atmosphere.航天器将与喷气式飞机相脱离, 使火箭点火, 然后飞出大气层外研社新世纪〔disintegrate〕The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the earth's atmosphere.宇宙飞船进入大气层时解体了。剑桥高阶〔ether〕The regions of space beyond the earth's atmosphere; the heavens.太空:超出地球大气层的空间区域;太空美国传统〔exosphere〕The outermost region of a planet's atmosphere.外大气圈:行星大气层的最外部美国传统〔fragment〕The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the earth's atmosphere.卫星坠经地球大气层时会碎裂起火,化为灰烬。剑桥高阶〔free fall〕The fall of a body within the atmosphere without a drag-producing device such as a parachute.自由下落:大气层里的、没有阻碍性装置(如降落伞)的物体的下落美国传统〔friction〕The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.太空船重返地球大气层时因有摩擦力而减慢速度。牛津高阶〔glide〕The shuttle itself will glide back into the earth's atmosphere.航天飞机本身将滑回地球的大气层英汉大词典〔glide〕Unlike other spacecraft, the shuttle can glide back through the atmosphere, land safely, and be reused.与其他飞行器不同,这种航天飞机可以滑翔穿越大气层返回、安全降落并可以重复使用。剑桥高阶〔global warming〕An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change.全球温室效应:地球表面大气层平均温度的升高,尤其是指温度的持续上升足以造成气候的变化美国传统〔g〕Spacecraft which are re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.重返大气层的航天器受到重力的作用。牛津高阶〔hydrosphere〕The waters of the earth's surface as distinguished from those of the lithosphere and the atmosphere.水界:地球表面的水,与陆界和大气层相区别美国传统〔ice needle〕A thin ice crystal floating high in the atmosphere in certain conditions of clear, cold weather.冰针:一种在某些晴朗、寒冷的气象条件下飘浮在大气层高空的纤细状冰晶美国传统〔insight〕The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the earth's atmosphere.该项目将使科学家对地球大气层的状况有更新的深入了解。柯林斯高阶〔insubstantial〕Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.火星的大气层极其稀薄,几乎全部由二氧化碳构成。柯林斯高阶〔insubstantial〕Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.火星的大气层非常稀薄, 几乎完全由二氧化碳组成。外研社新世纪〔measure〕The satellite measures atmospheric gases responsible for ozone destruction.该卫星测量破坏臭氧的大气层气体。麦克米伦高阶〔outer space〕The region of space immediately beyond Earth's atmosphere.外层空间:刚超出地球大气层的宇宙空间美国传统〔outermost〕They are going to explore Jupiter's outermost atmosphere for the first time.他们将首次探测木星大气层的最外层。外研社新世纪〔passage〕Many meteors disintegrate during their passage through the atmosphere.许多陨星在穿过大气层时会四分五裂。剑桥高阶〔punch〕The rocket could punch its way out of the atmosphere.火箭冲出了大气层21世纪英汉〔punch〕The rocket punched its way out of the atmosphere.火箭猛力冲出大气层英汉大词典〔rawinsonde〕A radiosonde used to observe the velocity and direction of upper-air winds and tracked by a radio direction-finding instrument or radar.无线电探空测风仪:一种由无线电定向器或雷达制导的监测大气层上层风速和风向的无线电探空仪美国传统〔re-entry〕The satellite burned up on re-entry.卫星在重返大气层时烧毁了。朗文当代〔re-entry〕The station would burn up on re-entry into the earth's atmosphere.空间站在重返地球大气层时会被烧毁。柯林斯高阶〔reenter〕It looked as though the spaceship was about to reenter.看来宇宙飞船就要重返大气层了。英汉大词典〔reenter〕It seemed that the space shuttle was about to reenter.航天飞机似乎即将重返大气层21世纪英汉〔reenter〕The space shuttle has reentered the Earth's atmosphere.航天飞机现已重返地球大气层21世纪英汉〔reenter〕The space shuttle has safely reentered the Earth's atmosphere.航天飞机已安全返回地球大气层韦氏高阶〔reenter〕The spaceship will reenter the Earth's atmosphere tomorrow.宇宙飞船将于明天重返地球大气层英汉大词典〔reentry vehicle〕The part of a spacecraft or missile that reenters Earth's atmosphere.再进入飞行器:航天器或火箭重返地球大气层的部分美国传统〔reentry〕Aerospace The return of a missile or spacecraft into Earth's atmosphere.【太空学】 返回:火箭或航天器重返地球大气层美国传统〔reentry〕The space shuttle's reentry will take place at six o'clock tomorrow morning.航天飞机将于明晨6时重返大气层英汉大词典〔refraction〕Astronomy The apparent change in position of celestial objects caused by the bending of light rays entering Earth's atmosphere.【天文学】 大气折射:由于天体的光线进入地球大气层时发生折射而造成的其位置明显改变美国传统〔sky〕The expanse of air over any given point on Earth; the upper atmosphere as seen from Earth's surface.天,天空:在地球上给定地点上方空气的宽阔区域;大气层上部,如从地球表面看上去美国传统〔sounding rocket〕A rocket used to make observations anywhere within Earth's atmosphere.大气观测火箭:用于在地球的大气层之内的任何地方进行观测的火箭美国传统〔space flight〕Flight beyond the atmosphere of Earth.太空飞行:在地球大气层外飞行美国传统〔space〕The region of this expanse beyond Earth's atmosphere.太空:地球大气层以外的空间部分美国传统〔streak〕Meteors produce streaks of light as they burn up in the earth's atmosphere.流星在地球大气层中燃烧时会产生一道光痕。剑桥高阶〔support〕The planet's atmosphere cannot support human life.这颗行星的大气层无法维持人类生存。韦氏高阶〔surface〕Visible light from the sun passes through the atmosphere to the Earth's surface.太阳发出的可见光穿过大气层照到地球表面。牛津搭配〔thermosphere〕The outermost shell of the atmosphere, between the mesosphere and outer space, where temperatures increase steadily with altitude.热大气层,热电离层:大气层介于中间层和外层空间之间的最外一层,在这一层中温度随高度而稳定增加美国传统〔tracking station〕A station for observing the path of and maintaining contact with an object in the atmosphere or in space especially by means of radar or radio.跟踪站:对大气层中或太空中的物体的运行轨道进行监测并与其进行联系的工作站,尤指通过雷达或无线电波的方式美国传统〔trap〕Greenhouse gases trap heat inside the Earth's atmosphere.温室气体将热量留在地球大气层内。韦氏高阶〔window〕A range of electromagnetic frequencies that pass unobstructed through a planetary atmosphere.电波反射装置:电磁波段能够不受阻碍地穿过行星大气层的一种电磁频率范围美国传统Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.生物降解包装可帮助减少排放到大气层中的有害化学物质的数量。剑桥国际Irradiation is a natural part of life because radiation enters the Earth's atmosphere from space.辐照是生活的一个自然组成部分,因为射线由太空进入地球的大气层剑桥国际Many meteorites explode during their passage through the atmosphere, and fall in showers.许多陨星在穿过大气层时爆炸,然后随阵雨落下来。剑桥国际Meteorites often burn up (= are destroyed by fire) in the atmosphere before they reach the earth.流星通常在到达地球之前在大气层里烧毁。剑桥国际Meteors produce streaks of light as they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.流星在地球大气层中燃烧时,会产生出一道光迹。剑桥国际Radiation from the sun is attenuated by the Earth's atmosphere.太阳的辐射被地球的大气层减弱。剑桥国际The atmospheres of Mars and the Earth are very different.火星与地球的大气层是很不相同的。剑桥国际The satellite will fragment (=break into small pieces) and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.卫星在掉进地球大气层时会裂成碎片并燃烧。剑桥国际The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth's atmosphere.宇宙飞船进入地球的大气层时破碎了。剑桥国际The stratosphere is part of the Earth's atmosphere and its temperature ranges from -50C to zero.平流层是地球大气层的一部分,它的温度范围是从摄氏零下50度到0度。剑桥国际These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.这些工厂向大气层散发出有害气体。剑桥国际Unlike other spacecraft, the shuttle can glide back through the atmosphere, land safely, and be reused.不像其他的宇宙飞船,航天飞机可穿过大气层滑行回来,安全着陆,可以再使用。剑桥国际When the dust hits the Earth's atmosphere and heats up (= becomes hotter), it glows--producing the brief fiery trails of shooting stars.当尘土进入地球大气层温度升高时, 它发光----产生流星的短短的炽热的尾迹。剑桥国际

