
单词 价钱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUY〕Don't worry about the price - this meal's on me. 别管价钱—这顿饭我请客。朗文写作活用〔COST〕They charge the same price for a takeaway as they do for eating in the restaurant. 他们那家餐馆,外卖和堂吃的价钱是一样的。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Gibson guitars sound great, but they don't come cheap. 吉布森吉他音质很好,但是价钱不菲。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Some people buy large blocks of tickets and then try to sell them at vastly inflated prices. 有些人买下大批的门票,然后再设法大幅抬高价钱卖出去。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕The hotel was great, but it cost an absolute fortune. 那酒店是不错,可是价钱太贵了。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕There are some places that can mend the suit in a couple of hours, but it's going to cost you. 有一些地方几个小时就可以修补好这套衣服,但是价钱很贵。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Check with your travel agent for the best rates. 向你的旅行代理人查询最优惠的价钱朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕Early cameras were large and expensive contraptions. 早期的相机体积大、价钱贵,是一种样子很古怪的机械装置。朗文写作活用〔READ〕She scanned the menu outside the restaurant, but decided it looked too expensive. 她粗略地看了一下餐厅外面的菜单,觉得价钱看起来太贵了。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕You can have a single room or a double -- it makes no difference to the price. 你住单人房或双人房都可以—价钱是一样的。朗文写作活用〔adulterate〕He adulterated the expensive wine with a cheaper brand.他在贵价钱的葡萄酒里搀了便宜牌子的酒。牛津同义词〔afford〕Can you afford the cost?你出得起这个价钱吗? 牛津同义词〔anything〕Plainer examples of the early period do not fetch anything like these sums.早期更为普通的样本卖不到这种价钱柯林斯高阶〔ask〕Did you ask the price? 你问了价钱没有?牛津高阶〔ask〕I'm afraid to ask what it cost. – Then don't ask.我不敢问价钱是多少。——那就别问。外研社新世纪〔ask〕What price is he asking?他要什么价钱?21世纪英汉〔at〕He sold his house at a good price.他以好的价钱卖掉他的房子。文馨英汉〔bargain〕You drive a hard bargain, but I'll accept your terms.你把价杀得太狠了,尽管如此我还是接受你的价钱韦氏高阶〔be neither here nor there〕It's essential that she has this medication, and the cost is neither here nor there.重要的是她有这种药,价钱无所谓。剑桥高阶〔bugger〕Bugger the cost—I want the best.该诅咒的价钱—我要最好的。21世纪英汉〔call〕It costs 99 cents: let's call it an even dollar for simplicity's sake.价钱是99美分,为方便起见就算作1美元吧。韦氏高阶〔cheap〕It's rather cheap at this price.这东西卖这个价钱是相当便宜的。英汉大词典〔come to think of it〕He said the book cost £6, but come to think of it, it must have cost even more.他说那本书的价钱是6英镑,不过你再想想看,它原来一定还要贵一些。21世纪英汉〔comparable〕I got better quality at a comparable price.我以同样的价钱买到了品质更佳的物品。牛津同义词〔consideration〕Cost is a major consideration in buying anything.买任何东西时价钱是要考虑的主要因素。英汉大词典〔cost〕The cost of a loaf of bread has increased five-fold.一条面包的价钱增长了4倍。柯林斯高阶〔criminal〕It's criminal to charge so much for a book.一本书要这么高的价钱,真是太不应该了。剑桥高阶〔deal at〕I've stoped dealing at Brown's,their prices are too high.我已不到布朗商店买东西了,他们的价钱太贵。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕The owner disposed of his house for $200 000.房主以20万美金的价钱把他的房子卖掉了。21世纪英汉〔double〕If they think you're a tourist, they charge you double.如果他们认为你是来旅游的,他们会向你要双倍的价钱柯林斯高阶〔double〕It'll cost you double what you paid last time.它的价钱将是你上次花的钱的两倍。麦克米伦高阶〔do〕They are doing a special offer - three for the price of two.现在他们正在搞特价优惠,花两件的价钱可以买三件。剑桥高阶〔example〕Car prices can vary a lot. For example, in Belgium the VW Golf costs $1000 less than in Britain.汽车的价格会大不相同,例如,在比利时大众高尔夫轿车的价钱比在英国要低 1000 美元。朗文当代〔exp.〕Expenses.价钱美国传统〔expect〕It tastes artificial, but at that price what can you expect?尝起来像是假的, 不过就这价钱你能指望什么呢?外研社新世纪〔expense〕Why go to the expense of buying an electric saw when you can hire one?电锯明明可以租一个, 为什么要花大价钱买呢?外研社新世纪〔expensive〕It may be expensive, but it's worth the price.这东西可能比较贵,但这价钱是值的。英汉大词典〔expensive〕There are other restaurants where you can eat less expensively.还有其他一些餐馆价钱稍微便宜些。牛津高阶〔face value〕Tickets were selling at twice their face value.这些票以其面值两倍的价钱售出。外研社新世纪〔face value〕Tickets were selling at twice their face value.这些票以其面值两倍的价钱售出。柯林斯高阶〔flatline〕Have widescreen TV prices finally flatlined? 宽屏电视的价钱最终低下来了吗?剑桥高阶〔free〕I thought that nothing comes free: everything has its price.我觉得没什么是免费的:所有东西都有价钱外研社新世纪〔great〕The paintings cost a great deal (=a lot) of money.这批画价钱不菲。朗文当代〔guess〕Can you guess at the price? 你猜得出价钱吗?英汉大词典〔including〕The price is £25.50, including postage and packing.价钱是 25.5 英镑,其中包括邮寄费和包装费。朗文当代〔intricacy〕The price depends on the intricacy of the work.价钱取决于工作的复杂程度。外研社新世纪〔lay〕These prices have been laid down by the manufacturers.这些价钱已由制造商们确定。英汉大词典〔money〕Don't let the children jump around on the sofa. I paid good money for that.不要让孩子们在沙发上跳来跳去,我可是花了大价钱买的。朗文当代〔nail〕Before they repair the car, nail them down to a price.修车前先让他们把价钱讲明白。朗文当代〔name〕Name your conditions/terms/price.开出你的条件/条款/价钱剑桥高阶〔number〕I don't know if we can afford it. I have to look at the numbers.我不知道我们是否买得起。我得看看价钱韦氏高阶〔off-season〕We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper.我们常在淡季期间去滑雪,因为价钱便宜一些。剑桥高阶〔pay through the nose〕We paid through the nose to get the car fixed.我们修这辆车花了大价钱剑桥高阶〔pay〕I paid good money for this jacket, and now look at it—it's ruined! 这件夹克是我花大价钱买的。瞧瞧,全给毁了!牛津高阶〔peg down〕I pegged him down to a price for the work.我已经让他把那作品的价钱定妥。21世纪英汉〔pennyworth〕It seemed a pennyworth at that price.照那个价钱好像还算便宜。英汉大词典〔precious〕Of high cost or worth; valuable.昂贵的:价钱或价值很高的;值钱的美国传统〔pretty〕We could probably sell them for a pretty penny.我们说不定能把这些东西卖个好价钱呢。外研社新世纪〔quadruple〕They could sell their merchandise for quadruple the asking price.他们能够以4倍于要价的价钱出售他们的商品。柯林斯高阶〔quarter〕The candy costs a quarter.这糖果的价钱是25美分。韦氏高阶〔recommend〕This hotel has nothing to recommend it except cheapness.这旅馆除了价钱便宜之外一无可取之处。英汉大词典〔regardless〕I'm buying the book, regardless of the cost.我打算买下那本书,不管什么价钱英汉大词典〔reject〕The telly is cheap, because it's a reject.这台电视机价钱便宜,因为是等外品。英汉大词典〔roof〕Prices in the shops have hit the roof over the last few weeks.在过去几个星期里商店东西的价钱已涨到登峰造极的地步。英汉大词典〔sell〕He sold his car to me (或 sold me his car) for £1000.他以1000镑的价钱把汽车卖给我。英汉大词典〔sell〕I sold him my car/I sold my car to him for $600.我把车以600美元的价钱卖给了他。剑桥高阶〔sell〕Oranges sell at a high price this year.今年橘子价钱很贵。英汉大词典〔share〕They were able to sell their shares at a higher price.他们把自己的股票卖了个较高的价钱朗文当代〔shy〕They shied away from buying the house when they learnt the price.他们一听说房子的价钱就不想买了。英汉大词典〔snap up〕One eagle-eyed collector snapped up a pair of Schiaparelli earrings for just £6.一个眼疾手快的收藏家以仅仅 6 英镑的价钱抢到了一副斯基亚帕雷利设计的耳环。柯林斯高阶〔some〕We got our money's worth and then some.我们不仅得了按价钱应得的,而且还饶上了不少。牛津高阶〔staggered〕I was staggered at the prices.看到价钱我吓了一跳。剑桥高阶〔stagger〕The price staggered us.价钱贵得叫我们吃惊。牛津同义词〔that〕The bag sells for $1,500, but she got it on sale for half that amount.这款包售价1,500美元, 但她在打折时花一半的价钱把它买到了手。外研社新世纪〔ton〕Australians staying at the best capital city hotels will reach the ton in their room rates—accommodation will be costing $100 a night.住宿在首都第一流旅馆中的澳大利亚人的房费将达到100,也就是说,房间价钱将是100澳元一夜。英汉大词典〔undercharge〕To charge (a customer, for example) less than is customary or required.少讨…的价钱:低于通常或要求价格向(如顾客)收费美国传统〔well〕You did well to sell when the price was high.你在价钱高的时候出售,真明智。牛津高阶〔wino〕Winos like cheap wine, because it gives the most kick for a little money.酒鬼爱喝价钱便宜的酒,因为这种酒花钱少而劲儿大。英汉大词典Does the price include tax? 这个价钱是否含税?牛津商务For a big house the price is fairly cheap, but you've got to take into consideration the money you'll spend on repairs.对一幢大房子来说这价钱并不贵,但你得把花在修缮上的钱也考虑进去。剑桥国际He bought the house at a budget price. 他以低廉的价钱买下这所房子。译典通He managed to get a good price for the car.他设法将汽车卖了个好价钱牛津商务I got a good deal on the car (= I bought it cheaply).我以很便宜的价钱买了这辆汽车。牛津商务I paid a very high price for the house. 我出了很高的价钱买下了这房子。译典通I should have got a better price for the car, but I'm not a very shrewd businessman.那辆车我本应该卖个更好的价钱,但我不是个很精明的商人。牛津商务I'm afraid I was mistaken about how much it would cost.我恐怕错估了它的价钱剑桥国际It was sheer stupidity to refuse at the price they were offering.拒绝他们提出的价钱真是愚蠢至极。剑桥国际It's too expensive, and probably out-of-date at that (=as well).这东西价钱太贵,而且可能已经过时了。剑桥国际Name your conditions/terms/price.指定你的条件/条款/价钱剑桥国际Never mind (= Don't give any attention to) the price, just look at the quality.不要在乎价钱,只要看质量好不好。剑桥国际The car offers value for money, comfort and dependability.该车价钱公道,舒适可靠。剑桥国际The company should continue trading at a discount to the rest of the industry.公司应该继续以低于该行业其他企业的价钱进行交易。牛津商务The cost covers two weeks of training.这价钱足够支付两星期的培训费用。牛津商务The original price was $3 000, but we're open to offers (= willing to consider offers less than that).原价为 3 000 元,但价钱还可以商量。牛津商务The price includes board and lodging (= a room to sleep in) for the first night.此价钱包括第一晚的食宿费用。剑桥国际The retail group outbid all three competitors for space in the shopping centre.这个零售集团比另外三家竞争者出的价钱都高,买下了购物中心的摊位。剑桥国际The traditional British pub usually has two bars (= rooms where drinks are sold) -- a public bar, popular with the regulars and sometimes with cheaper prices, and a saloon bar or lounge bar, with more comfortable seats.传统的英国小酒店通常有两个酒吧----公共酒吧受到一般酒客的欢迎,有时价钱也便宜一点,而沙龙酒吧亦即休闲酒吧有更舒适的座位。剑桥国际Those diamonds will bring high prices. 那些钻石会卖大价钱译典通We got a good deal on our new fridge (= We bought it at an advantageous price).我们买的新冰箱的价钱十分合算。剑桥国际We scooped the other companies by making the best offer for the contract. 我们为得到这一合同抢在别的公司前报出了最好的价钱译典通

