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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIGHT〕There will be a rally on September 22 for all those who oppose direct military action. 9月22日有一次集会,反对直接军事行动的人都可参加朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Members can participate in any of the trips organized by the club. 俱乐部举行的任何旅行活动,会员均可参加朗文写作活用〔Tom〕It's not easy to become a member of that club — they want people who have plenty of money to spend, not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry.要参加那个俱乐部并非易事——他们只吸收手头阔绰的人,而并不是阿狗阿猫都可参加的。英汉大词典〔amateur〕The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.这次锦标赛业余选手和职业选手均可参加牛津高阶〔comer〕The contest is open to all comers.该项竞赛所有人都可参加朗文当代〔comer〕The event is open to all comers.所有人均可参加这项比赛。牛津高阶〔enter〕The competition is free, and anyone over the age of 18 can enter.本次竞赛不收参赛费,任何年满18周岁的人士都可参加麦克米伦高阶〔entry〕Entry to the competition is restricted to those who have a ticket.持票者方可参加竞赛。剑桥高阶〔frame〕We won our match, so we're still in the frame for the championship.我们赢了比赛,所以仍可参加锦标赛。牛津高阶〔grab〕The prize was up for grabs to anyone under 16 years of age.任何16岁以下的人都可参加这项有奖比赛。英汉大词典〔individual〕The competition is open to both teams and individuals.团队和个人均可参加比赛。牛津高阶〔invitation〕Attendance at the seminars is by invitation only (=only those people who have been invited can attend).研讨会凭邀请函方可参加朗文当代〔irrespective〕The course is open to anyone, irrespective of age.这门课任何人都可参加,没有年龄限制。朗文当代〔join〕It costs £20 to join.需交 20 英镑才可参加牛津高阶〔open〕Sports Games A tournament or contest in which both professional and amateur players may participate.【体育运动】 【游戏】 公开赛:专业和业余选手均可参加的比赛或锦标赛美国传统〔open〕The competition is open to all readers in the UK.这次比赛英国的所有读者都可参加朗文当代〔panic-stricken〕The manufacturers are panic-stricken at the prospect of a free-for-all.制造商们对世人皆可参加的前景感到恐慌。外研社新世纪〔raffle〕Workers were entered into a raffle every time they bought a cup of coffee.员工每次买杯咖啡都可参加抽奖。牛津搭配〔secondary〕Examinations for the GCSE are taken after about five years of secondary education.在接受中等教育约5年后便可参加普通中等教育证书的考试。柯林斯高阶〔through〕She's through to the next round of interviews.她通过了,可参加下一轮面试。剑桥高阶She's through to the next round of interviews.她通过了,可参加下一轮面试。剑桥国际The tender is open to both UK and international publishers.这次招标英国和国际出版商均可参加牛津商务This tennis tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.这次网球比赛业余爱好者与专业球员都可参加剑桥国际

