
单词 咽不下
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aggravate〕I just couldn't take the aggravation.我就是咽不下这口气。柯林斯高阶〔aggravation〕I just couldn't take the aggravation.我就是咽不下这口气。外研社新世纪〔but〕He was unable to swallow anything but liquids.他除了流质什么都咽不下去。朗文当代〔choke〕The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment.咖啡烫得几乎咽不下去, 呛了他好一阵子。外研社新世纪〔keep down〕I can't keep anything down, not even water.我什么也咽不下, 就连水也喝不下。外研社新世纪〔keep〕I can't keep these powders down at all.这些药粉我实在咽不下去。 英汉大词典〔mush up〕The food wouldn't go down, and what did had to be mushed up.这些食物咽不下去, 要咽下去就得打成糨糊。外研社新世纪〔pigswill〕I can't eat this pigswill! Take it away! 我咽不下这么难吃的东西,拿走!剑桥高阶〔solid〕The patient could not keep down any solid food.病人咽不下任何非流质食物。英汉大词典

