
单词 sworn
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-cy〕They were sworn to secrecy.他们依照要求起誓保密。柯林斯高阶〔HEAR〕I could have sworn I heard the phone ringing. 我可以发誓我听到电话铃响的。朗文写作活用〔Hippocratic oath〕An oath of ethical professional behavior sworn by new physicians, attributed to Hippocrates.希波克拉底誓言:由刚开始行业的医生向希波克拉底进行的宣誓,内容是涉及医生职业道德美国传统〔SS.〕Sworn statement.宣誓证词:发过誓的宣言美国传统〔TELL〕Nobody knows much about the organization because its members are all sworn to secrecy. 没有人了解这组织,因为它的成员都被要求发誓保守秘密。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn the class was at 9.30 a.m. 也许是我弄错了,但是我几乎可以肯定是上午9点30分开始上课的。朗文写作活用〔affirmation〕Law A solemn declaration given in place of a sworn statement by a person who conscientiously objects to taking an oath.【法律】 证词:代替宣誓证词的庄严声明,由从良心上反对宣誓的人做出美国传统〔affirm〕Of 63 Opposition MPs sworn in, 30 opted to affirm rather than swear an oath on the Bible.在宣誓就职的63名反对党议员中, 有30人选择发表确认声明, 而非手按《圣经》起誓。外研社新世纪〔compel〕They gained the authority to compel sworn testimony from a number of women about Mr Clinton's sex life.他们得到授权, 可以强令几名女性就克林顿先生的性生活宣誓作证。外研社新世纪〔duly〕They were duly sworn in.他们正式宣誓就职。英汉大词典〔freeze out〕He has sworn that he will freeze the country out of the world economy.他曾发誓要将这个国家逐出世界经济舞台。外研社新世纪〔humanistic〕He said that Biblical Christianity is a sworn enemy of all humanistic philosophies.他说以《圣经》为教义的基督教与一切人本主义思想体系之间的矛盾是无法调和的。外研社新世纪〔interim〕She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.她3月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。柯林斯高阶〔interim〕She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.她于三月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。外研社新世纪〔jurat〕A certification on an affidavit declaring when, where, and before whom it was sworn.宣誓证明:附在宣誓书上的证明,声明何时、何地、在何人监誓下进行宣誓美国传统〔juror〕She was sworn in, along with eleven other jurors.她与其他十一名陪审团成员一起宣誓就职。外研社新世纪〔juror〕The jurors were sworn in.陪审员已宣誓就职。牛津搭配〔jury〕The new jury were sworn in.新的陪审团已宣誓就职。牛津搭配〔justice〕Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court.托马斯今天将宣誓就任最高法院法官。柯林斯高阶〔justice〕Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court.托马斯今天将宣誓就职最高法院法官。外研社新世纪〔loyalty〕I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy.我已发誓效忠皇室。外研社新世纪〔loyalty〕I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy.我已发誓效忠皇室。柯林斯高阶〔office〕Mr Martens was sworn into office as prime minister in March.马腾斯先生于 3 月份宣誓就任首相。牛津搭配〔peremptorily〕It is permissible that jurors, before they are sworn in, can be peremptorily challenged.在陪审员宣誓就职前可以强制要求其回避。外研社新世纪〔premier〕She was sworn in as premier last week.她上周宣誓就任首相。牛津搭配〔president〕He was sworn in as President on August 31.他于 8 月 31 日宣誓就职总统。牛津搭配〔right〕He'd sworn he was going to get the cash and bring it right back.他发誓会去拿现金并立刻把钱带回来。外研社新世纪〔secrecy〕All the researchers on the project are sworn to absolute secrecy.所有参与这个项目的研究人员都按要求发誓严守机密。牛津搭配〔secrecy〕Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy.所有相关人员均被要求宣誓保密。牛津高阶〔secrecy〕I'd love to tell you about it, but Martin's sworn me to secrecy (= made me promise not to tell anyone).我想告诉你,可是马丁让我发誓保守秘密。剑桥高阶〔secrecy〕We were all sworn to secrecy.使某人发誓保密麦克米伦高阶〔seeing things〕I could have sworn I saw Marie come in just now. I must have been seeing things.我可以发誓,我看见玛丽刚才进来了。我一定是产生幻觉了。剑桥高阶〔swear ... in〕He's going to be sworn in as Mayor next week.下星期他将宣誓就任市长。21世纪英汉〔swear ... in〕They were sworn in the club last month.他们是上个月入会的。21世纪英汉〔swear in〕Soon after the New Year, the new Congress will come to Washington to be sworn in.新年后不久,新一届国会议员就将前往华盛顿宣誓就职。柯林斯高阶〔swear in〕Soon after the New Year, the new Congress will come to Washington to be sworn in.新年过后不久, 新一任议会将来到华盛顿宣誓就职。外研社新世纪〔swear in〕The new president will be sworn in tomorrow.新总统明天宣誓就职。韦氏高阶〔swear sb in〕Obama was sworn in as president.奥巴马宣誓就任总统。剑桥高阶〔swear sb in〕The next witness was sworn in.下一位证人也已经宣誓了。剑桥高阶〔swear to〕She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.她急不可待地想宣布这个消息, 但她发过誓要守口如瓶。外研社新世纪〔swear〕A few of us knew what was going to happen, but we were sworn to secrecy (= we were made to promise to keep it a secret).我们有几个人知道将要发生什么事,但我们已经发过誓要对此保密。剑桥高阶〔swear〕All the witnesses have been sworn.所有的证人都作了法庭宣誓美国传统〔swear〕Everyone was sworn to secrecy about what had happened.关于已发生的事,每个人都依照要求起誓不外传。牛津高阶〔swear〕He was sworn in as deputy prime minister.他宣誓就职副首相。麦克米伦高阶〔swear〕He was sworn in as president.他宣誓就任总统。牛津高阶〔swear〕I could have sworn I already paid that bill.我确信我已经付了账单。麦克米伦高阶〔swear〕I could have sworn I had my keys.我明明记得我带着钥匙。朗文当代〔swear〕I could have sworn I locked the door.我发誓我把门锁上了。外研社新世纪〔swear〕I could have sworn that I heard a knock at the door.我可以发誓说我听到敲门声。文馨英汉〔swear〕I have sworn an oath to defend her.我发誓要保护她。柯林斯高阶〔swear〕Lincoln was sworn into office on March 4, 1861.林肯于 1861 年 3 月 4 日宣誓就职。牛津搭配〔swear〕Members of the society were sworn to secrecy.该社团的会员被要求宣誓守密。文馨英汉〔swear〕Remember that you have sworn an oath and so must tell the truth.记住你已经宣过誓了,所以必须讲真话。朗文当代〔swear〕Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth.别忘记,你宣过誓要讲实话。牛津高阶〔swear〕She has sworn off cigarettes.她已保证戒掉香烟美国传统〔swear〕She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.她急不可待想宣布这个消息,但却发过誓要守口如瓶。柯林斯高阶〔swear〕The jury have not yet been sworn in.陪审团还没有宣誓就位。朗文当代〔swear〕The mayor will be sworn in next week.市长将于下星期宣誓就任。文馨英汉〔swear〕The new governor will be sworn in next week.新州长将于下星期宣誓就职。朗文当代〔swear〕The new prime minister was sworn into office.新首相宣誓就职。牛津高阶〔swear〕We have sworn to fight cruelty wherever we find it.我们发誓要见恶除恶。外研社新世纪〔swear〕We have sworn to fight cruelty wherever we find it.我们发誓要见恶除恶。柯林斯高阶〔swear〕We were all sworn to secrecy about the plan.我们都按要求发誓要对计划守口如瓶。牛津搭配〔swear〕Witnesses are sworn to tell the truth.证人按照要求起誓讲真相。韦氏高阶〔sworn enemies/friends〕They are sworn enemies/friends.他们是誓不两立的仇敌/称兄道弟的好友。韦氏高阶〔sworn〕He made a sworn statement to the police.他给警方做了经过宣誓的供述。文馨英汉〔sworn〕He's a sworn conservative.他是公开的保守派。韦氏高阶〔sworn〕He's my sworn enemy.他是我不共戴天的仇敌。文馨英汉〔sworn〕It somehow seems hardly surprising that Ms Player is now his sworn enemy.普莱耶女士现在成了他的死敌, 不知为什么, 这似乎让人觉得不足为怪。外研社新世纪〔sworn〕It somehow seems hardly surprising that Ms Player is now his sworn enemy.现在普莱耶女士成了他不共戴天的仇敌反倒让人觉得不足为奇了。柯林斯高阶〔sworn〕The American made a sworn statement to the police.那名美国人经宣誓后向警方作出了陈述。外研社新世纪〔sworn〕The allegations against them were made in sworn evidence to the inquiry.在调查取得的宣誓证词中对他们提出了指控。柯林斯高阶〔sworn〕The allegations against them were made in sworn evidence to the inquiry.对他们的指控是在所提交调查的宣誓证词中提出的。外研社新世纪〔sworn〕The committee has begun taking sworn statements from people involved in this matter.委员会已开始记录参与此事相关人员的供述。麦克米伦高阶〔term〕The president was sworn in for his second term of office.总统宣誓就职,开始第二个任期。牛津搭配〔unswear〕To recant or retract something sworn.食言:取消或撤回所发的誓美国传统〔uphold〕He had sworn to uphold the law.他已宣誓要维护法律的尊严。英汉大词典〔venue〕The clause in an affidavit naming the place where it was sworn to.宣誓地条款:宣誓书中指明宣誓作证地点的条款美国传统A few of us knew what was going to happen, but we were sworn to secrecy (= we were forced to promise that we would keep it a secret).我们中有些人知道将要发生什么事,只是我们发过誓一定要保守秘密的。剑桥国际He had received none of the profits, Mr Shaw stated in a sworn deposition.肖先生在他下过誓的证言里陈述,他没有拿过一丁半点儿好处。剑桥国际He has sworn off drinking. 他已保证戒酒。译典通Her jilted boyfriend has sworn revenge on her new husband.被她抛弃的男友发誓要报复她的新丈夫。剑桥国际I have been sworn to secrecy about it. 他们让我发誓对这事保密。译典通I'd love to tell you about it, but Martin's sworn me to secrecy (= made me promise not to tell anyone).我想把它告诉你,但马丁让我发誓保守秘密。剑桥国际She made a sworn statement.她作了誓后陈述。剑桥国际The new president will be sworn in January. 新总统将在一月份宣誓就职。译典通The next witness was sworn in.第二个证人宣了誓。剑桥国际The police had his sworn statement. 警察听取他的宣过誓的证词。译典通The translation of her birth certificate had to be sworn to before a notary.必须在公证人面前对她的出生证明的译文进行宣誓。剑桥国际They signed a sworn affidavit.他们签署了宣誓书。剑桥国际They were sworn witnesses. 他们是宣过誓的证人。译典通They were duly sworn in. 他们正式宣誓就职。译典通William Jefferson Clinton was sworn in as the 42nd President of the United States of America.威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿宣誓就任美利坚合众国第42任总统。剑桥国际

