
单词 striped
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LINE〕He was wearing a navy blue suit and a striped shirt. 他穿着一套海军蓝的外套和一件有条纹的衬衫。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕My aunt knitted me a blue and white striped sweater for Christmas. 姨妈织了一件蓝白条子相间的毛线衫送给我作圣诞礼物。朗文写作活用〔attired〕He was faultlessly attired in black coat and striped trousers.他穿着黑色上衣和条纹裤子, 让人无可挑剔。外研社新世纪〔attired〕He was faultlessly attired in black coat and striped trousers.他穿着黑色上衣和条纹裤子,简直无可挑剔。柯林斯高阶〔awning〕The gaily striped awnings of the market stalls made an attractive scene.市场货摊上那些色彩鲜艳的条纹布遮阳篷构成了一道迷人的风景。剑桥高阶〔bass〕Any of various marine fishes of the family Serranidae, such as the sea bass and the striped bass.鲈鱼:一种鳍科的海生鱼,例如海鲈鱼和条纹石鮨美国传统〔blazer〕A lightweight, often striped or brightly colored sports jacket having pockets and notched lapels.运动夹克:一种质量轻,常有条纹或色彩鲜艳的运动夹克,有衣袋和V字形翻领美国传统〔candy cane〕A usually striped stick of peppermint candy with the top curved to resemble a walking cane.手杖糖,拐杖糖:条纹状的薄荷糖,顶端弯曲如手杖美国传统〔canopy〕There is a striped canopy over the entrance to the hotel.旅馆入口处有一顶条纹天篷。英汉大词典〔feature〕Striped tails are a common feature of many animals.尾巴上有条纹是许多动物的共同特征。朗文当代〔galatea〕A durable, often striped cotton fabric used in making clothing.条纹布:一种用于制衣而用的条纹棉布美国传统〔guest〕The other hotel guests sat under striped umbrellas.另外一些宾馆客人坐在条纹花阳伞下面。英汉大词典〔madras〕A cotton cloth of fine texture, usually with a plaid, striped, or checked pattern.马德拉斯布:一种质地良好的棉布,通常带有格子、条纹或者有格子花纹图案美国传统〔madras〕A silk, generally striped, cloth.马德拉斯丝绸:一种带条纹的绸布美国传统〔natty〕He is very natty in his striped jacket and white flannels.他穿着条子茄克衫和白色法兰绒裤显得十分整洁潇洒。英汉大词典〔offend against sth〕Would it be offending against good taste to wear a patterned tie with my striped shirt? 你觉得打一条有图案的领带来配我的条纹衬衫是否有些不伦不类?剑桥高阶〔parade〕Young men paraded up and down the street in striped blazers.小伙子们身穿颜色鲜艳的条纹运动衣在街上走来走去。英汉大词典〔pekin〕A striped or figured silk fabric.北京宽条绸,条纹丝料:有条纹或花纹的丝绸美国传统〔prize〕Dad brought back his prize catch, a three-foot striped bass.老爸带回了他超棒的捕获物,一条三英尺长的条纹鲈鱼。韦氏高阶〔seersucker〕A light, thin fabric, generally cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern.绉条纹薄织物,泡泡纱:一种轻而薄的织物,一般是棉质或人造丝质,面料带有波状表面并通常为条纹图案美国传统〔sharpster〕He wore long striped sharpster pants.他身穿时髦的长条纹裤子。英汉大词典〔stretch〕Striped awnings had been stretched across the courtyard.条纹雨篷被撑开架在院子上方。牛津搭配〔striate〕Marked with striae; striped, grooved, or ridged.有条纹的:划有条纹的;有条纹,凹槽或参差不平的美国传统〔striped squirrel〕Any of several small rodents with striped markings on the back, especially the chipmunk of North America.斜纹松鼠:一种小的啮齿类动物,背上有条纹标记,尤指北美的金花鼠美国传统〔striped〕Do you prefer plain or striped shirts? 你喜欢单色衬衫还是条纹衬衫?剑桥高阶〔striped〕His necktie was striped with red, white, and blue.他的领带上有红、白、蓝相间的条纹。外研社新世纪〔stripe〕The path was striped by the shadows of the cypress trees standing along the edge of the road.耸立在路边的一排柏树在小路上投下一道道阴影。外研社新世纪〔stripy〕Marked with or suggestive of stripes; striped.有条纹的条纹状的:有条纹标志的;条纹状的美国传统〔tabby〕A domestic cat with a striped or brindled coat of a gray or tawny color.虎斑猫:有灰色或黄褐色条纹或斑纹的家猫美国传统〔throat〕His striped tie was loosened at his throat.他的条纹领带松松地挂在脖子上。柯林斯高阶〔trademark〕The striped T-shirt became the comedian's trademark.条纹 T 恤衫成了这位喜剧演员的标记。朗文当代〔tulipwood〕The irregularly striped, ornamental wood of any of several related or similar trees.各种类似或有关树种的带不规则条纹的装饰性木头美国传统〔zebrawood〕Any of several African or tropical American trees having striped wood.牛栓藤:一种非洲或美洲热带地区的有条纹的树木美国传统〔zonate〕Having zones; belted, striped, or ringed.有带的,有腰带的;条纹的、斑纹的或环带的美国传统He chose a striped tie and knotted it carefully.他挑了根条子领带,仔细地打好。剑桥国际He looked ravishing in his green and white striped pyjamas.他穿那套绿白相间的条纹睡衣相当迷人。剑桥国际He was sitting there in striped pyjamas. 他身著条纹睡衣裤坐在那儿。译典通She sat under a striped umbrella. 她坐在一把条纹伞下。译典通The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior and striped pillars.教堂内部是华丽的黑白大理石纹的装修,还有饰有条纹的柱子。剑桥国际The gaily striped awnings of the little shops and market stalls made an attractive scene.小店和货摊色彩鲜艳的有条纹的遮阳篷形成了引人注目的景观。剑桥国际The stick of candy was striped with red. 这根棒糖上有红色条纹。译典通There is a striped canopy over the entrance to the hotel. 旅馆门外有一个条纹天篷。译典通This tie blends with your striped suit. 这条领带同你那套条纹西装很相配。译典通With his striped suit and his briefcase, he looks like a real city gent (= a man who works in business, esp. in a high position).他穿着条纹西装,带着公文包,看上去真像是个城市绅士。剑桥国际

