
单词 stairway
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bulkhead〕Chiefly New England A horizontal or sloping structure providing access to a cellar stairway.【多用于新英格兰】 为进入地下室的楼梯而修建的水平的或倾斜的结构美国传统〔case〕The frame or framework of a window, door, or stairway.框子:窗、门或楼梯的框子或架子美国传统〔dead〕She stopped dead on the stairway.她突然在楼梯上停住了美国传统〔escalator〕A moving stairway consisting of steps attached to a continuously circulating belt.自动扶梯:附着在一个连续循环的带子上的带有台阶的移动楼梯美国传统〔fire escape〕A structure or device, such as an outside stairway attached to a building, erected for emergency exit in the event of fire.太平门,安全出口:一种为在火灾中提供紧急出口而设的结构或装置,例如建筑物旁的外部楼梯美国传统〔flier〕A step in a straight stairway.(平行)梯级:一段直楼梯中的一级美国传统〔foot〕She flew on winged feet (= ran fast) up the narrow stairway.她飞快地爬上狭窄的楼梯。牛津搭配〔hatchway〕A ladder or stairway within a hatchway.地窖口、舱口或天窗的梯子或楼梯美国传统〔haunt〕A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children.据说有一个幽灵似的女人经常出现在楼梯上寻找她的孩子。剑桥高阶〔leap〕Tongues of flame leaped up the stairway.火舌沿楼梯迅速向上蔓延。21世纪英汉〔nick〕Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched.楼梯转角处的油漆往往容易被刮擦剥落。剑桥高阶〔proceed〕He proceeded down the spiral stairway.他走下了螺旋楼梯。外研社新世纪〔rickety〕Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairway.莫娜爬上了摇摇晃晃的木楼梯。外研社新世纪〔rickety〕Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairway.莫娜爬上了摇摇晃晃的木楼梯。柯林斯高阶〔step〕Something, such as a ledge or an offset, that resembles a step of a stairway.踏脚板:象楼梯阶般的东西,如壁架或壁阶美国传统〔tack down〕We managed to tack down the stairway carpet.我们设法将楼梯地毯固定住。21世纪英汉〔unravel〕The stairway carpet is so frayed it threatens to unravel.铺在楼梯上的地毯磨损得很厉害, 都快散了。外研社新世纪〔unravel〕The stairway carpet is so frayed it threatens to unravel.铺在楼梯上的地毯磨损得很厉害,都快散了。柯林斯高阶A ghostly lady haunts the stairway looking for her children.一个鬼魂似的女人经常出现在楼梯上寻找她的孩子。剑桥国际I heard someone fall down the stairway. 我听到有人摔下楼梯。译典通Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by.随着人们的走动,楼梯转角上的油漆慢慢地有了缺损和擦伤。剑桥国际The crookedness of the stairway made it hard for the child to get up. 弯曲的楼梯使小孩上楼困难。译典通The safety officer checked that the stairways in the hotel weren't blocked and that the exit doors could be opened easily.安全官员检查了宾馆的楼梯是否被堵塞,出口的门是否能容易打开。剑桥国际We walked round the old city exploring the narrow streets with their dark stairways.我们在老城中四处走,在带阴暗阶梯的狭窄街道中探索。剑桥国际

